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 Background to the Study

Education has been universally acknowledged as a veritable tool for individual and national development. Education no doubt has contributed greatly to the development of every country and Nigeria in particular. As a result of education, several discoveries as well as innovations and inventions have been made (Schoff, Gertel, and Mc Carty 2004).

Effective management of facilities in the school need to be enhanced so as to achieve further development in schools.   In the classical sense, management is being in charge or being in control. Management therefore, is about being able to handle (carefully and not wastefully) what goes on in the process of educating people so that nothing goes out of hand (Dewees, 1999).

A discussion of instructional facilities starts with the conceptualization of facilities management of the school. Fabiyi (1999), noted the acute scarcity of facilities (instructional resources) which she said constrained educational systems from responding meaningfully to effective learning. She claimed that, in order to meet the crises in education, educational systems will need real facilities that money can buy, they will need a fuller share of the nation’s manpower, not merely to carry on the present work of education, but to raise its quality, efficiently and productively.

The management of school facilities falls within the key duties of the school administrator. School facilities in question consist of all types of buildings for academic and non-academic activities, equipment for academic and non-academic activities, area for sports and games, farms and garden, furniture, toilet facilities, security, sickbay, library, computer room, science laboratory, Home Economic laboratory etc. Administrators need to embrace this responsibility as they gain greater control and are held more accountable.

Ageing school buildings often create barriers that impeded effective teaching and learning. A case can be made to renovate or build new facilities that maximize an optimal learning environment. Student academic performance relates to what happen at the classroom level or school level. Student academic performance is achievement of students at classroom level (Oguntoye 2007). Naido (2003) emphasized that students are likely to perform better when they explore an environment rich in educational facilities. This implies that for education to be efficient and effective, adequate planning and utilization of facilities in the school must be ensured.

In order to achieve a just and egalitarian society as spelt out in the Nigerian National Policy of Education (FRN, 2004), schools should be properly and uniformly equipped to promote sound and effective teaching. Dilapidated buildings should be re-built or renovated, laboratories and workshops should be put in place. Louver glasses should be restored, dinning shed be built, school hall should be put in place.

It is against this background that the study on facilities management and effective teaching and learning in selected public secondary schools was carried out.

Statement of the Problem

The problem of this research is that education as a tool for national development cannot be effective without the provision of facilities in the school. According to FRN (2004), every child should have access to a quality of education. Teaching and learning should not take place in a vacuum that is, it should not be from teacher directly to the learners, there should be facilities that will aid teaching and learning.

In assessing the importance of facilities management in schools, the problems confronting school facilities or management of facilities are procurement or provision of adequate school facilities and the acute scarcity of resources and physical facilities. Though there are efforts at restructuring some old schools by the government but the efforts seems not to have achieved the desired results.

The insufficient supply of facilities in the school system and how management is being done is a problem that is starring everyone in the face and the economy in feeling the insufficient utilization of these facilities as a result of economic depression. Can the government, philanthropists and stakeholders come to the rescue?

It is pathetic to find students in educational institutions sitting on bare floors, on rickety desks and being taught in unorganized classrooms. The schools in which this study is based has had cases of school buildings collapsing, roofs blown away by rainstorm, flooding and inadequate drainage and also many schools lack adequate teaching equipment, laboratories and workshops.

The question is could it mean that awareness in school plant maintenance and management is out rightly not there? Or could it be that there has not been a good survey of facilities in the school? Hence, interest of this research is in carrying out the management of facilities and effective teaching and learning in selected public secondary schools.

 Purpose of Study

The purpose of the study is to:

  1. investigate the relationship between the maintenance of library facilities and effective teaching and learning.
  2. examine the relationship between the maintenance of computer facilities and effective teaching and learning.
  3. determine the relationship between the maintenance of recreational facilities and effective teaching and learning.
  4. investigate the relationship between the maintenance of toilet facilities and effective teaching and learning.
  5. examine the relationship between the maintenance of staff office and effective teaching and learning.

 Research Questions

The following research questions were set to guide the study:

  1. To what extent does the maintenance of library facilities relate with effective teaching and learning?
  2. What is the relationship between the maintenance of computer facilities and effective teaching and learning?
  3. How does the maintenance of recreational facilities have relationship with effective teaching and learning?
  4. To what extent does the maintenance of toilet facilities relate with effective teaching and learning?
  5. What is the relationship between the maintenance of staff office and effective teaching and learning?


Research Hypotheses

The following research hypotheses were tested:

  1. There is no significant relationship between the maintenance of library facilities and effective teaching and learning.
  2.  There is no significant relationship between the maintenance of computer facilities and effective teaching and learning.
  3. There is no significant relationship between the maintenance of recreational facilities and effective teaching and learning.
  4. There is no significant relationship between the maintenance of toilet facilities and effective teaching and learning.
  5. There is no significant relationship between the maintenance of staff office and effective teaching and learning.

 Significance of Study

The thrust of this study was to establish the relationship that exists between provision and management of facilities and effective teaching and learning. It is hoped that the result will highlight the importance of school plants and facilities in our secondary schools, furthermore, the study will provide information for the policy makers in the educational sectors. Also, facility managers, teachers, students, parents and the entire community will benefit from the study, since it will establish the fact, that adequate teacher and student ratio plays a vital role in the effective and efficient teaching and learning outcomes.

Scope of Study

This study primarily focuses on the Management of Facilities and Effective Teaching and Learning in selected Public Secondary Schools in Lagos State.

Definition of Terms

Education: The process of educating people in order to bring desired changes in learners.

Facilities: That which is put in place to make teaching, learning more meaningful.

Management: This means putting resources together to attain goals.

Workshop: A place where practical activities take place.

Secondary School: The next level of education after primary school.

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