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1.1       Background to the Study

Economic instability is one of the factors that is hindering most developing countries of the world from achieving full development and maturity in their economy. Developing nations such as: Nigeria, Ghana, Gambia and a host of others just to mention but a few are currently in this situation (Ghaus-Pasha, 2017).

Economic instability is a situation in which a community or nation is experiencing financial struggles due to inflation, consumer confidence issues, unemployment rates and rising prices of goods and services.

A developing country or nation like Nigeria is severely affected with the task or in her struggle to attain advancement (Tierney, 2000). According to (Ijaya, 2000) referred to developing countries as the countries that have slow and gradual process of growth and development. Ijaya further emphasized that the countries have the potentials of development but due to the absence of absorbent capacity needed, they are unable to attain the advance level of development.

The characteristics of the developing nations can be traced as the root cause of these predicaments of which include general poverty, high rate of unemployment, rising population, high rate of illiteracy as well as many more of these. All these features above have been causing some distortions and set back in their country’s economic development (Ijaya, 2000).

Also, among these difficulties are incessant changes in monetary and fiscal policies, high rate of inflation, low level of national income that leads to low savings and investment, corruption, embezzlement, political instability, mismanagement of fund as well as mineral resources mismanagement. It is these continuous and erratic problems that have led to instability in the country’s economic situation. The rate of instability has influenced the entire Nigeria economic sectors in so many ways, due to policy implementation in the country, in this case, most of the sectors of the economy will be affected either positively or negatively. So, government needs to give adequate and serious attention to these various occupations.

Taking a look at the above points in relation to the role of teachers which are of immense value to the people. Therefore, any inconsistency or volatile changes in the country’s economic policy as well as other macro economic variables always have a negative impact on the life of teachers.

As a consequence of poor working condition in line with non conformation in the payment of teachers’ salary and allowance, the teachers’ purchasing power has greatly reduced which has affected their efficient and effective production in teaching and learning process. Hence, teachers’ productivity will decline when there is a fall in their standard of living as the generality of people will begin to look down on them because their expectations are not met.

According to Mursel (1990) the high rate of inflation and increase in the taxes which also not have a corresponding increase in the teachers’ salary have reduced their real income and their purchasing power drastically. Hence, fall in their standard of living and finally, fall in their performance.

The inadequate of incentives, motivation and reinforcement have affected teachers’ effectiveness and productivity, meanwhile education system depends heavily on the quality and productivity of its teachers for improving and maintaining standards and quality. Adegun, (1999), Anderson and Dyke, (1972) asserted that, “the corner stone of good education in any school is its faculty (teachers); fine buildings and equipment, special services and all other factors which help to provide favourable environment for leaning mean little if the learning experiences are directed by incompetent teachers”.

Secondary education is the second stage of formal education for children after primary education. At this level they are to be prepared for the third stage which include all kinds of post secondary education that all children receive at the higher institutions. This can be private or government established schools in Nigeria.

1.2       Statement of the Problem

The constant drop in the standard of educational system in Nigeria is a big concern to both parents and educational researchers. The source of this fall in the standard of education in Nigeria can be traced to a decrease in the productive capacity of senior secondary school teachers. Nakpodia (2006) suggested that job security of workers in terms of income and employment will enhance stability of personnel and a long term commitment. When teacher’s salaries are not paid as at when due the level of commitment is reduced.

Incessant industrial actions due to non-payment of teachers’ salaries, leave and other allowances are common occurrence among the secondary school teachers. Many teachers now resort engaging in other business which take so much of their time and interest that teaching becomes a secondary assignment. This they do because they are never sure when the next salary would be paid Labaran Saleh (2013).

Nakpodia (2006) also observed that in any educational arrangement, the success lies in the commitment of the teachers who are the shapers of civilization are affected by low self esteem and poverty. So, any inconsistency or volatile changes in the country’s economic policy as well as other macro economic variables always have a negative effect on the life of teachers. Hence, a number of factors determine the teachers’ productivity in the school. It has also been observed that teachers’ productivity are poor, the expected outcome of teachers’ performance which is better students’ achievement is not easily achieved in the school system. People are complaining about the poor productivity of teachers which in turn leads to poor students’ achievement.

Inconsistency or volatile changes in Nigeria’s economic policy refers to government behaviour toward frequent changes in economic policy formulation and implementation. There is growing evidence that one of the major constraints to economic growth and social welfare improvement is inconsistency in government policies and gaps in their implementation.

1.3       Research Questions

  1. What is the impact of economic instability on secondary school teachers productivity in senior secondary schools in Ibadan?
  2. What is the influence of economic instability on male and female teachers’ productivity in senior secondary schools in Ibadan?
  3. What is the influence of economic instability on teachers productivity in senior secondary schools in Ibadan based on years of experience?
  4. What is the influence of economic instability on secondary school teachers’ productivity in Ibadan based on level of qualification?

1.4       Research Hypotheses

The research hypotheses were answered in this study as follows:

H01: There is no significant difference in influence of economic instability on male and female teachers’ productivity in senior secondary schools in Ibadan.

H02: There is no significant difference in influence of economic instability on teachers’ productivity in senior secondary schools in Ibadan based on years of experience.

H03: There is no significant difference in influence of economic instability on teachers’ productivity in senior secondary school in Ibadan based on level of qualifications.

1.5       Purpose of the Study

The general purpose of this research work is to examine economic instability as a determinant of senior secondary school teachers’ productivity in Ibadan, Oyo State. Specifically, the study intends to:

  • Determine the extent of economic instability factors on teachers’ productivity in senior secondary schools in Ibadan based on gender.
  • Determine the extent of economic instability influence on teachers’ productivity in senior secondary schools in Ibadan based on teachers’ years of experience.
  • Determine the extent of economic instability influence on teachers’ productivity in senior secondary schools in Ibadan based on teachers’ qualification level.

1.6       Significance of the Study

This research work hopes to provide a base for the upliftment of educational standard as well as better conditions of service for secondary school teachers in general. It is also hoped that the civil servants particularly teachers in Ibadan metropolis and in Nigeria at large will benefit from this study in finding solutions to the problems of economic instability as a determinant of senior secondary school teachers’ productivity. It is further believed that the work will invite criticisms from educators and others which will in turn stimulate further research into the improvement in teachers’ productivity in education sector.

            In view of the fact that education helps child contributes positively towards economic and social growth as well as growth in other areas of national development. It will also help the child in his or her life style. More so, as a nation, Nigeria will still develop more.

This study is significant because much needs to be done in the area of teachers’ education to determine the level of job satisfaction of secondary school teachers in Ibadan metropolis. Therefore, if the government’s emphasis on teachers’ education is to yield good return on investment, then the level of good service conditions of teachers in these schools should be determined from time to time such effort could be helpful to educational administrators in their plan to motivate the teachers so as to enhance the quality of their output.           


1.7       Scope and Limitations of the Study

            This research work intends to determine influence of economic instability on secondary school teachers’ productivity in senior secondary schools in Ibadan metropolis.

Questionnaires would be used as the instrument for data collection, while frequency counts, percentages, indices and the t-test shall be used to analyze a data collected. The study samples shall be drawn from the teachers of chosen schools based on gender, years of experience, level of qualification. The researcher appreciates the fact that the findings might be further from the truth.

1.8       Operational Definition of Terms

Economic instability: This is a situation that arises due to the inconsistency or fluctuation in the micro economic variables (GDP) as a result of frequent changes in both monetary and fiscal policies, high rate of inflation, low level of national income, political instability, corruption and mismanagement of fund.

Students: These are the learners in the secondary schools.

Secondary School: These are the senior secondary schools in Ibadan metropolis.


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