Full Project – Reduction of unemployment through cooperative activities

Full Project – Reduction of unemployment through cooperative activities

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Cooperative is a basis for overall transformation of citizenry social and economic problems. According to Berko (1987:29), cooperative society is a voluntary and democratic association of persons, with variable membership and variable capital whose members pooled themselves and their resources together on mutual and self-help basis to form a business enterprise which seeks to solve the socio-economic problem(s) of these members by directly providing goods and services to them in their capacity as either the owner/customer or owner – employees of the cooperative enterprise.

According to Amahalu (2005:2), cooperative is defined as an association usually incorporated with economic aims, formed by or for persons or cooperation, having common needs, approximately equal voice in management, making approximately equal or proportional contributions to capital, deriving proportionate services and benefits from it.

Cooperative in order to promote the welfare of their members involve themselves in most tangible projects like building of houses, building of  schools, building of hospitals, building of recreation centres, markets and building of industries. Cooperative serves as a hold to company and local development agency; it also seek to provide a community owned structure.


At times individuals associated or join a particular group or dub as a steeping stone which in turn will lead to achieving individual aims, achieving individual aim involves sacrifice and determination, these becomes necessary because achievement do not easily come by, mankind from inceptions have always tried to find a way of accepting. This or helping his or herself out of difficulty. Cooperative is the fundamental social and economic process by which family, communities and a whole nation are able to function. It has long been a human character to form or mutual support. Mutual benefits to be derived by families and individuals working together at harvest or other communal activity in areas of high unemployment rate and where the local economy is weak or virtually non-existents membership open to the residents of a particular locality. The establishment of community enterprise will certainly be multi-function in that it will be responsible for a number of specific projects at a time. It will both initiate business ideas, it may intervene in various ways in the local economy, it may sponsor projects of community benefits in addition to its own building activities and business development agency and seek to provide a community owned structure in a particular locality which can initiate economic activate on behalf of the residents, some community grown special enterprises might in time be floated as self standing business like cooperative society. The community business is this more than a trading organization. It is a means of stimulating new business growth in the area and among people where is little or no tradition of entrepreneurial activity and social deprivation. Community cooperative and community business are established mostly in areas of high unemployment where the starting point is likely to be question posed by local people, what do we do to tackle unemployment the search for forms of self help by communities, groups and the unemployment themselves have gained countable momentum in the last decade, more groups action have been inspires to try and do something in their own areas action born of a growing belief that help annually come when you put more effort rather than waiting for other action.


Today, there is vast unemployment in Nigeria and Enugu North in particular. After many years of democracy there are graduates of 15 (fifteen) years standing, that room the street in search of white-collar jobs that don’t exist. Unemployment is still on the increased irrespective of Federal Government budget to curb the scourge. In the year 2000 the Federal Government budgeted N10 billion and N20 billion in 2001 to deal with unemployment yet, unemployment increases on daily basis. Both the state and Federal Governments are lunching out a lot of programmes, on small scale business enterprise, yet unemployment is increasing.

However, the facts remain that no country can succeed in providing a reasonable standard of living for her citizens. It is now obvious that the only option left of us is to adopt the socio-economic model of mutual self help whereby unemployed individuals can voluntarily join together to achieve a common goal through the formation of cooperative enterprise.

Cooperative we know plays multiple roles as institutional framework for allocating scarce resources, stimulating economic growth and enhancing economic welfare. It raises the income level of the people by providing income earning opportunities. Many reasons have been given for this critical situation concerning jobs, and such reasons include rapid growth of population in our country, the movement of capital to the cheap labour and the impact of new technology.


Its principal objective was to raise individual and collective national consciousness such as cooperative societies and enable Nigeria dreams great dreams and attain goals, to seek and to attain what is noblest in human nature to place the highest value and aspect the dignity of human life and the nations interest come first and personal interest last. This confirming to the three prolonged programs of mass mobilization for self reliance, economic recovery.


To understand and explain the nature and essence of the fundamental problems of unemployment in terms of these concepts and particular to many practical attributes and also the actual salvation to this problem it would be necessary to widen this analysis to include the study of contemporary socio-economic attitudes of the economic technology structural and similar factor can explain only to a certain extent some are dismissal form jobs etc.

  • To adopt strategy by the farmers on how to obtain fertilizer, farming tools through the attraction of loans and grains.
  • To examine how the farmers can be adjusted to modern methods to family through members education in the society.
  • To set up a common market through cooperative society.
  • To find a way of reducing the risk in the farms through cooperative in Aguata local government area of Anambra state.


1) What can cooperative do to solve the problems of unemployment in Aguata in Anambra state?

2) Through what activities does the cooperative society enhance the improvement of unemployment in Nigeria?

3) What are the problems facing cooperative society in dominating unemployment in Aguata in Anambra state?

4) What are the roles of cooperative society play in Aguata in Anambra state?

5) What are the possible solution to this problem unemployment in Aguata?


The scope of the research is Enugu North Local Government Area of Enugu State. The research is to determine the impact and effect of unemployment reduction through cooperative movement/societies with specific emphasis on ‘Aguata staff credit thrift and loans society’.

The research covers the operation of cooperation movement with the intension of finding out to what extent they can create employment.

In the course of generating this work, the researcher faced several handicaps which include non cooperative attitude of some officials visited which resulted in not giving all the information required about their operations inadequacy of data.

Most of the officers visited were not on sit despite several visitations made by the researcher. Finance has been a problem to the completion of this research. It limited frequent travels which ought to have made to the sampled cooperative societies.

Despite all this limitation the researcher tried to control several errors which would have affected the findings.  


There are study or research in Aguata local government area, the research is to determine the impact capability and effect of unemployment reducing through cooperative movements. The research loves the operation cooperative movement and others with a view to finding out hat extent they generate and create employment both the patrons and other members of the society. In an attempt produce this work, the research faced several handicaps which includes inadequate of data non cooperative attitude of some official visit resulting in their failure to disclose some vital information about their societies and how the society carryout their operation. It was not easy to contact some of the official of the local government councils cooperative division whose experience would have help the researcher in developing a broad approach even when contacted they failed to disclose some vital information finance was a problem, which almost founded the completion of this research. Sit limits the traveling to the specifically sampled cooperative societies and their research centres, so we had to act on the materials that is available and within our reach.


Here are several definition terms affecting their meaning as being used in this study:

  • Unemployment: This means a situation where by a person who has the manpower and ability to do but not in use.
  • Employment: This means employing or being employed.
  • Reduction of unemployment: Reducing the amount of persons who are jobless .
  • Cooperative: means willing to corporate which is characterized by cooperation.
  • Society: is an organized and interdependent community.
  • Principle: A fundamental truth is law as the been of reassuring of action or person of conduct i.e. with high principle.

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Full Project – Reduction of unemployment through cooperative activities