Full Project – Determination of nutritional and antinutritional content of garden cress (Lipidium Sativum) leaves

Full Project – Determination of nutritional and antinutritional content of garden cress (Lipidium Sativum) leaves

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1.1       Introduction

Lepidium  sativum    is  a  fast  growing  edible herb  that  belongs  to  the  family  Brassiacea  (Cruciferae).  It  is  commonly  called  garden  cress,  common cress,  land  cress  etc.  It  is  cultivated  in  India,  North America  and  parts  of  Europe  This  annual  plant  can  reach  a  height of  60cm,  with  many  branches  on  the  upper  part.  The white  to  pink  flowers  are  2  mm  across,  clustered  in branched  racemes.  The  plant  is  used  as  vegetable  in Europe  and  America,  the  seeds  are  harvested  for  food purpose  in  several  parts  of  India (Hassan et al., 2015).The plant seeds are well known for their nutritional and medicinal value. The therapeutic features of plants have attracted world-wide interest about medicinal plants which resulted in novel sources of drugs for wide modern applications. They are also widely used to control various insects. The seeds contain many phytochemical substances responsible for their medicinal properties. The seeds contain lepidine which acts as a diuretic. Imidazole compounds present in seeds are antihypertensive.  Glucosinolates, flavonoid compounds and semilepidinoside (a and b) act as anticarcinogenic, antioxidants and antiasthmatic, respectively  Grass cress seeds are one of the important medicinal plants which have considerable quantities of fat, minerals, protein, fibers, and phytochemicals playing an important role in many functional beverages and foods. Lepidium sativum (garden cress) seeds are largely used in Arabic countries for many purposes. Fortification of various food items is one of its different utilizations, due to its different nutritional and medicinal properties. Anti-diarrheal antimicrobial, hypoglycemic, hypotensive, bronchodilator and cardiotonic properties may be due to bioactive compounds in the studying plants like flavonoids. Flavones, flavanones, isoflavones, flavanols, chalcones and anthocyanins are mainly sub-classes in flavonoids compounds, all these compounds are combined to sugars in forms of C-gylcosides and O-glycosides   Lepidium sativum (Garden cress) is an annual herb that is rich in phytochemicals. Total phenolic compounds, one of the phytochemicals, tends to be a natural antioxidant that is responsible for the antioxidant activity of the Garden cress. Furthermore, seeds have additional medicinal properties like aperient, alterative, diuretic, tonic, aphrodisiac, emmenagogue, aperient and carminative properties. Moreover, seeds are used in treating hypertension and renal diseases.(Hanan et al., 2019).Garden cress  is an underutilized crop  The edible seed is known to have health promoting properties,  Garden cress seeds are richest source of protein, iron, folic acid, calcium, vitamin A and E. Since, it is best source of iron it often helps to cure anaemic conditions,  apart from this, it is a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids which help to lower cholesterol in hyper cholesterolemic patients.(Poonam and Balwinder, 2016).In  spite  of  the  great  advances  of  modern scientific  medicine,  traditional  medicine  is  still  the primary  form  of  treating  diseases  of  majority  of people  in  developing  countries,  including  Nigeria; even  among  those  people  using  one  form  or  another of  complementary  of  alternative  medicine  is  rapidly medicinal herbs are likely to remain high because many of the active ingredients in medicinal plants cannot yet be prepared synthetically. Lepidium sativum Linn. an annual herb, growing as a weed in and around cultivated fields throughout Nigeria According  to  the  World  Bank  in  1997, (technical  paper  number  335),  it  is  apparent  that  the significance  of  plant  based  medicines  has  been increasing  all  over  the  world.  Nearly  50  %  of medicines  in  the  market  is  made  of  natural  basic materials.(Shail, et al., 2016).





There is need to evaluate the nutritional and antinutritional content of Garden Cress leaves, because this plant is consumed by different communities in form of food or as medicine.this study will provide an information that would help the communities to known how to utilize the plant.



Garden Cress is known for its medicinal and food values,there are many literature on the plant for its phytochemicals,but little have been done to accertain it’s nutritional and Antinutritional composition this nessecitate the choise of the topic to determine nutritional and antinutritional content.


1.4       AIM

To determine the nutritional and anti-nutritional composition of Garden cress leaves


1.5       OBJECTIVES

  1. To determine nutritional composition of Garden cress
  2. To determine the anti-nutritional composition of Garden cress


1.6       HYPOTHESIS

  1. There is no anti-nutritional content in Garden cress.
  2. There is no nutritional content in garden cress.


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Full Project – Determination of nutritional and antinutritional content of garden cress (Lipidium Sativum) leaves