Full Project – Design and implementation of advisory health zone

Full Project – Design and implementation of advisory health zone

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In the present world today through the history, people have been searching for an improved way to a modern society. Today technology advancement through the year enables us to do more with less afford. We continually looking for better way of doing things, each inversion and every development allow us to improved our capabilities (chrisantus, 2014).

Food is any substance consumed by living organisms, especially by eating. Food is usually of plant or animal origin and contains essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals. Current food classifications in epidemiological studies do not enable solid nutritional recommendations for preventing diet-related chronic diseases.  Food safety and food security are monitored by agencies like the International Association of Food Protection; Food is one of the necessities of life which every person needs to live (Fardet and Bassama, 2015).

In search of computer-aided social support in non-communicable diseases care (Vianna, 2017) as the name implies are those kinds of diseases that cannot be transmitted from one person to another, the disease is said to be a noninfectious health condition making it last longer in the body and thus cannot be spread. Examples include; heart attack, stroke, diabetes and sickle cell anemia. Combining the above points, food communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases brings up the title of this project Advisory Health Zone.


Health Zone is a delimitation system smaller than a health area and that has a health center as the main provider.

Emergency nutrition programs should continue to follow recent recommendations to expand coverage and access(beyond refugee camps to rural areas) and ensure that aid and nutrition interventions are distributed equitably in all conflict affected populations.

Food and nutrition insecurity become increasingly worse in areas affected by armed conflict, or in war-torn settings, face a disproportionate burden of malnutrition and poor health outcomes (Lama, Carrol and Brockman, 2017).


People are unknowledgeable about what they eat. Some know that they are not meant to eat certain things but they eat them because they want to and the food tastes sweeter than the food they are meant to eat. Seeking medical help from doctors is very good when it comes to health issues. As a sick patient, it is not all food that a person is meant to eat depending on the illness he/she is suffering from. This is where the dietitian comes to play his/her role. A dietitian is a person who studies or practices dietetics (the study of diet). A person can consult a dietician to ask for the right proportion of food to eat for a certain illness he/she has.


However, dieticians are not accessible everywhere even if they are, a person has to book for an appointment, pay the bill before seeing the dietician. This is the 21st century, where a lot of things are done online like banking, shopping and the rest. With the modern technologies that are available in today’s world, an online food recommendation system will help in curbing or reducing the tactic process of consulting a dietician, and even getting related articles regarding a person’s illness/disease.



Nutrition means your body gets all the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals it needs to work its best,but the source of getting this information from an expert is the major challenges that have confront my fellow citizens. These challenges are mentioned below:

In the world we live today of different kinds of illnesses, a person can have more than a single illness and when this happens most times the right combination of food to eat becomes a problem. A person can have diabetes and hepatitis, sugarcane is good for people with hepatitis but bad for people with diabetes, so the decision making for quality proportionate food to eat becomes a problem.

Many healthcare organizations offer a typical set of office hours for patient visits. But due to the increased in health-care demand there is a limitation to the number of appointments booking per day. Therefore, this is a limitation to health diet-related information to patients when they want and need it. For the working adult or parent, a clinic that is open between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. is not always useful. Patients need convenient office hours that allow them to visit the doctor outside of their work or school schedules.

Patients living in rural areas are disproportionately more likely to struggle to access health diet-related information than a patient living in an urban or suburban area.

Even when an individual has access to a dietitian and can schedule an appointment, transportation barriers can keep patients from seeing the dietitian. Patients or individual who are physically unable to drive, who face financial barriers, or who otherwise cannot obtain transportation to the clinician office often go without diet-related information.


1.3 AIM

The aim of this project is to design and develop Advisory health zone.

1.3.1 The objectives of this research work are:

  1. To develop a graphical user interface that will make it easier for interacting with the system
  2. To build the application that enables posting articles answering and writing questions
  • To develop an online platform that will allow remotely accessibility of diet-related information.



The scope of the studies is limited to certain level in health-related issue. It does not cover all recommendation system for health diseases.

Basically, you can only make inquiry on set of disease only, this means that this study focuses on three diseases, this system focuses on:

  1. Hepatitis
  2. Ulcer
  • Diabetes you can only make inquiry on set of disease only



In summary, this chapter has seven sub-contents. The first one is the overview which talks about recommendation system, background, and motivation which is the second talks about the trigger of this project, the statement of the problem as the third talks about the purpose of the system, the aim talks about what the project is trying to achieve, the significance of the project talks about the importance of the project, and lastly, the risk assessment which talks about challenges encountered during the project.



  1. Chat-bot: A chat-bot is a computer program that’s designed to simulate human conversation. Users communicate with these tools using a chat interface or via voice, just like they would converse with another person. Chat-bot interprets the words given to them by a person and provide a pre-set answer.
  2. Diabetes: Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high.
  • Hepatitis: Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver. The liver is a vital organ that processes nutrients, filters the blood, and fights infections. When the liver is inflamed
  1. Ulcers: Ulcers are sores that are slow to heal or keep returning. They can take many forms and can appear both on the inside and the outside of the body
  2. Diets: A balanced diet is a diet that contains differing kinds of foods in certain quantities and proportions so that the requirement for calories, proteins, minerals, vitamins and alternative nutrients is adequate and a small provision is reserved for additional nutrients to endure the short length of leanness
  3. Recommended Dietary Allowance: The RDA, the estimated amount of a nutrient (​or calories) per day considered necessary for the maintenance of good health
  • Dehydration: is a condition that happens when you do not take in enough liquids to replace those that you lose.
  • Calories: A unit of energy in food. Carbohydrates, fats, protein, and alcohol in the foods and drinks we eat provide food energy or “calories.”



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Full Project – Design and implementation of advisory health zone