Full Project – Design and implementation of web-based students complaint system

Full Project – Design and implementation of web-based students complaint system

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Table of Contents

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List of Figures


CHAPTER ONE                                                                                                                  


1.1.      Introduction

1.2.      Background of the Study

1.3.      Statement of Problem

1.4.      Aim and Objective of the Study

1.5.      Significance of the Study

1.6.      Scope of the Study

1.7.      Limitations of the Study

1.8.      Definition of Terms

CHAPTER TWO                                                                                                                 

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE                                                                        

2.1.      Introduction

2.2       Concept of Complaint

2.4       Importance of Complaints

2.5       Complaint Handling Procedure



3.1       Introduction

3.2      Detailed Analysis of The Existing System

3.2.1    Problems of the Existing System

  • Research Methodology

3.4       Objective of the New System

3.4.1    Feasibility Study

3.4.2    Technical Feasibility

3.4.3    Operational Feasibility

3.4.4    Economic Feasibility

  •      New System Structure (Program Structure)

3.5.1    Context/Dataflow Diagram

3.5.2    System Flowchart

3.6       System Design/Menu Specifications

3.6.1    Output Design Specification

3.6.2    Input Design Specification

3.6.3    File/Database Design Specification

3.6.4    Security Design Specification





4.1    Introduction

4.2    Software Development Tools and Justification

4.3     System Requirement

4.3.1  Software Requirement

4.3.2  Hardware Requirement

4.3.3  People Requirement

4.4     System Testing

4.5       Implementation Details

4.5.1    Coding

4.5.3    File Conversion

4.5.4    Changeover Procedure

4.5.5    Commissioning

4.5.6    Maintenance Details

4.6       Results

4.7       Discussion



  • Summary

5.2 Conclusion

5.3 Recommendation







The use of computer and information technology to manage complaints is becoming a standard practice in Educational sector. For students and staff, the use of computer technology provides quick response to issues and challenges regarding to complaints. For you, it means no longer having to repeat your complaints information multiple times as you receive attention and the assurance that academic board members have ready access to current complaint status.

In this chapter, the study will be discussing the following sub headings; the background of study, statement of the problem, the aim and objectives of the study, significance, scope and limitations of the study as well as the definitions of technical terminologies used in the study.


An academic growth can be of various concerns in academic environment to promote social and functioning educational system. For an effective educational system to take place there are some issues in academic environment that should be properly addressed, take for instance issue of complaints management system in the Polytechnics. This issue had created a lot of problems for an academic growth in the various aspects of the educational system.

Federal Polytechnic Nekede as a case study with approximately five million Students in general, four hundred students in each department coupled with fewer lectures. These students on daily bases face academic hurdles/challenges that require serious attention. Some of these challenges could be rape, missing script, and other hazardous challenges.  Due to the manual system of complaints handling in the institution difficult and unreliable, further investigation shows that sometimes these   students go home dying silently because of this manual approach, For a student to fire a complaint the student have to write a letter to the Course Adviser if the matter could not be handled by the course head it is been taken to the Head of Department (HOD) from there to other higher channels if the complaint cannot be handled by the HOD. This process takes a lot of time; before the issue could be resolved/ taken care of the student must have ended in jeopardy.

It is against this background that this project work was initiated, with the aim of Designing and implementing web-based student complaint system for faster complaint handling and resolving, this will mitigate some of the identified problems of the existing system using Federal Polytechnic Nekede Computer Science as a case Study.

The new system will provide a medium whereby student can get immediate response to issues related their complaint at their comfort zone without stress the system will also enable the institution to get daily statics on complaints.


Problems encountered in the existing system are as follows:

  1. Lack of fitting security and upkeep of the complaint record in the system that make avenue for disappointment and control of information due to much paper process.
  2. In the existing system student pass through stress while trying to make complaint.
  • In the existing system the process of retrieving information related to student complaint is very tedious and cumbersome


The main aim of this study is the design and implementation of a Web based Student Complaint System for computer Science Federal Polytechnic Nekede Imo state. In achieving this aim the following specific objectives will be accomplished through the design of a system

  1. To evaluate the existing paper-based information of complaint management system.
  2. To reduce the amount of stress student pass through while trying to lay complaint thereby ensuring that student can at their comfort zone make complaint without much protocols.
  • To ensure easy retrieval of data related to student complaint without delay


The significance of this study is to serve better than the existing system which is highly manual and therefore difficult in terms of monitoring the complaint in the Institution. Besides, the study will serve as a reference material to subsequent researchers in related topics.


This study covers only the procedure for managing complaints in Computer Science Federal Polytechnic Nekede Imo State. The system is designed to be web-based. Designed to help student login their complaint and request for management help concerning any complaints.


In the course of the project work, certain constraints restrained the researcher from achieving the set out objectives;

  1. Time constraint: Due to tedious academic activities like practical, assignment submission/defense and exam preparation, the researcher was unable to complete the project requirement process.
  2. Inadequate funds: Due to inadequate funds, the researcher was unable to purchase the sublime editor which could be used to make the programming process faster; therefore the researcher bought a cheaper editor which delayed the programming process.
  • Lack of reference materials: The school library and the nearby public libraries lacked the necessary reference materials needed for the work.



For easier understanding of unfamiliar words used in the research work, their meanings are as follows;

Academic: Designed for students who intend to study at a college after high school, or attending a school with such courses.

Cascading Style Sheets: (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language.css is a cornerstone technology used by most websites to create visually engaging webpages, user interfaces for web applications.

College: A school or a division of a university that usually has its own dean and other administrators and whose faculty teaches and confers degrees in specific academic fields reserved.

Database: An organized collection of data that is stored in computer and can be accessed and used in various ways.

HTML: (Hypertext markup language) is the set of markup symbols or codes inserted in a file intended for display on a World Wide Web browser page.

Java Script: is an object-oriented computer programming language commonly used to create interactive effects within web browsers. In script languages it is easier and faster to code in than the more structured and compiled languages.

Lecturer: A person who gives lectures, especially (British) as an occupation at a university or college of higher education.

MYSQL: It is English like database query language used for retrieving and managing data in a relational database management system, it is a query language for querying and modifying data and managing databases.

PHP: Originally stood for personal homepage currently, it is known as hypertext pre-processor widely used as a general purpose server-side scripting language that was originally designed for developing dynamic web pages.

Procedure: An established or correct method of doing something

Registration: The process of enrolling at a college or university, choosing courses, and paying fees at the beginning of an academic

Relational Database Management System: It uses relation or two dimensional tables to store information.

Staff: A particular group of employees within a company, institution, or organization

Complaint: The act of expressing discontent or unhappiness about a situation

Tedious: Boring because of being long, monotonous, or repetitive


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Full Project – Design and implementation of web-based students complaint system