Full Project – Developing a decision support system for diagnosing and treatment of Lassa fever

Full Project – Developing a decision support system for diagnosing and treatment of Lassa fever

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A decision support system (DSS) is an information system that supports business or organizational on decision making activities. DSSs serve the management, operations and planning levels of an organization (usually mid and higher management) and help people make decisions about problems that may be rapidly changing and not easily specified in advance i.e. unstructured and semi-structured decision problems. Decision support systems can be either fully computerized or human-powered, or a combination of both. This project is center on the use of artificial intelligent for making decision on Lassa fever diagnosis in other to reduce human effort once it come s to judgment, this system will help in making decision on lassa fever in academic field .

In chapter one the researcher is going to shed more light on the aims and objectives of the study and significances of the study. While in chapter two the researcher is going to review the related literature and shed more light on some vital concepts that have a direct connection with research topic.

In chapter three the researcher is going to analyze the research questions using research methodology tools and design new system. While in chapter four the researcher is going to analyze the data to come out with the result/finding, discuss on the result/finding and using it to module new system which is going to be implemented at the end-tail of the research.

Finally, in chapter five the researcher is going to summarized the research out-come, conclude and recommend base on the research through-put.

Lassa virus (LASV), an Old World member of the Arenaviridae (49), is a complex of closely related arenaviruses transmitted from rats (Mastomys spp.) to humans by direct contact and/or by mucosal exposure. LASV is the causative agent of Lassa fever (LF), which is characterized by fever, muscle aches, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, and chest and abdominal pain (34). Approximately 15 to 20% of hospitalized patients die from the illness; however, approximately 80% of human infections are mild or asymptomatic, and 1 to 2% of infections result in death. In 29% of patients, acute LF is accompanied by a sensor neural hearing deficit, which accounts for a permanent hearing loss in 17.6% of survivors. The sizeable disease burden and the possibility that LASV can be used as an agent of biological warfare make a strong case for vaccine development.


Decision support system for diagnosing and prescription of Lassa fever following the demand and important of using artificial intelligent system to make decision. The current manual system used in this process is very well not convenience some lapses still exist in its. This lapse   includes:

  1. Time taking when it come to a time for patient to ask the doctor or any other medical practitioner
  2. Delaying of judgment and time wasted base on the symptoms explain by the patient.

iii.        Loss of confident with the doctor.

Iv.       In adequate information of the prescription.

These are the problem that, this project works to intend to solve because this process would be passed to the computer application and in encrypted form.


A research question is an answerable inquiry into a specific concern or issue. It is the initial step in a research project. The ‘initial step’ means after you have an idea of what you want to study, the research question is the first active step in the research project.

In this research project, the lecturers are investigate and symptoms of Lassa fever to know how decision are make for patient during the prescription of the drugs or injection to the patient.

  1. Can designing the new system i.e. decision making system (expert system) on diagnosing and prescription of Lassa fever shorting the time patient is taking to face doctor for the explanations of the symptoms?
  2. Can designing the decision making system (expert system) for diagnosing and prescription of Lassa fever solve the problem of delay on prescription of Lassa fever?

iii.        Can designing the decision making system (expert system) for diagnosing and prescription of Lassa fever solve the problem of error-prone and inaccurate reports.



The main aim of this project is to design an artificial intelligent for making decision on diagnosing and prescription of Lassa fever.


The objectives include:

  1. To eliminate time taking when it comes to a decision making on diagnosing and prescription of lassa fever
  2. Design a system that will reduced human effort when it comes to diagnosing and prescription of lassa fever.

iii.        Design an artificial intelligent system that will bring advance technology to the patients.


The scope of this study is to design an artificial intelligent system, but the researcher limited this research to only designing decision making system (expert system) on diagnosing and prescription of lassa fever and it penalty to the patients.

Due to time and other factors like financial and material resources that are not readily available the researcher is constrained to stay within the limitation indicated above.

  1. Finance: As a student, financial resource to expand the scope is not available.
  2. Time: Time frame for this work is short and the researcher has to fulfil other courses requirements within the same period.
  3. Research Material: There are limited accesses to relevant research material to further study.





Based on the problems studied the purpose of this studies is to build an artificial intelligent system to make a decision on diagnosing and prescription of lassa fever according to the symptoms.

While the goal of this research are:

  • Building an artificial intelligent system for decision making on diagnosing and prescription of lassa fever with a very good decision on human behaviour.
  • To improve in the speed, effectiveness, efficiency and convenience in diagnosing and prescription of lassa fever.


  1. Decision support system: – is an information system that supports business or organizational on decision making activities
  2. MIS: – Management information system are software solutions that help managers run companies, i.e. organize staff records, keep record sales and reports etc.
  3. System: – a set of integrated, interacting component with a common goal. Thus the integrated interaction of human ware, software and computer hardware constitute a system
  4. Database System: A computerized record keeping system whose overall purpose is to store information and allow users to retrieve and update that information on demand
  5. Retrieval: Obtaining stored information from the computer system.
  6. Computer: It is an electronic device that has the capacity of accepting incoming data, it process the data with an electronic speed and gives out its result accurately.
  7. Diagnosing: Identification of a condition, disease, disorder, or problem by systematic analysis of the background or history, examination of the signs or symptoms, evaluation of the research or test results, and investigation of the assumed or probable causes.
  8. Treatment: is medical attention given to a sick or injured person or animal.

10        Lassa fever: is an animal-borne, or zoonotic, acute viral illness or Lassa fever is a viral disease spread by the mastomys rat.

  1. MySQL: MySQL is an open source relational database management system. Information in MySQL database is stored in the form of related tables. MySQL databases are typically used for web application development (often accessed using PHP)
  2. Decision: A conclusion or resolution reached after consideration.
  3. The action or process of making important decision.
  4. Expert: A person who is very knowledgeable and skilful in a particular area.
  5. Expert System: A piece of software which uses database of expert knowledge to offer advice or make decisions in such areas.
  6. Artificial Intelligent: Is the current newest field in computer science that make computer to demonstrate the characteristics of human intelligent.

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Full Project – Developing a decision support system for diagnosing and treatment of Lassa fever