Full Project – Installation of 5kva solar inverter system

Full Project – Installation of 5kva solar inverter system

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1.1 Background of the study

It is a known fact that electric power supply is not reliable is most African countries most especially in Nigeria. There is a significant electrical power supply interpreter stopped working entirely. Therefore erupting many businesses and affecting the economy. Also there is increased occurrence of power supply disturber which can be viewed as a form of power pollution. High voltage. Spikes and momentary voltage drops are therefore common. (Tourkhan et al, 2009, Apeh and Olaye, 2015). This power disturbance often affect the performance of sensitive equipment in private and public organization causing loss of data and even damage to equipment. Also over the years. There has been an increase in the earth’s population which is directly proportional to the energy used as well (Erol-Kantarci and Mouttah, 2011). With the depleting of fossil fuel reserves, it become necessary to identify viable renewable energy resources lilac solar that can decrease the dependency on fossil fuels as well as reducing the high demanders of power supply. Solar energy is the most abundant from of energy available to us. It is approximated that 1000TW worth of solar energy is incident on earth’s surface in an elay (BossHard, 2006).

Previously, Mouttah (2011) worked on construction and implementation of 50 watt inverter. It has funnel that, the production of solid state inverted that, and this study is thus anchor on this makeup 50 watt inverter. For the conversation of direct. Current MOSTETS. And a transformer along with other electronic components. In building an inverter. For the conversation of direct current (DC) to alternative current (AC) to a normal frequently of 10 Hz, due consideration is given to the switching speed of the oscillation used to make sure that the MOSFET is in their two channels operates I their saturation and cut-off state when operates oscillator out in a way to complement each other.

Also, Apeh and Olaye (2010) worked on design and construction of 100. Watt power inverter. It was revealed that electricity has great control over the most daily activates for instance in domestic and industrial utilization of electric power for operation. The result show that electricity can be generated from public support to different ways including the use of water wind and stem gas generator astral energy and nuclear energy are as well source of electrocuting.

In Nigeria today it is not an over statement to talk about the contractive supply of electrical power. This has become the order of the day such that many Nigeria now view these power outages as “normal” and part of their daily life. Wide range of factors have been identified for this problem. They include natural disasters, devastation, maintain ability and sustainability and lack of local content. The problem of poor quality power supply cannot be properly addressed without a review of other factors such as lock of political will to invest adequately in power sectors absente of replacement policy resulting in absolute equipment, unsustainable human capacity building and inadequate reward and remuneration system to motivate human resources team to perform well.

The use of solar energy can he maximize using a backup important so as to cut cost in terms of the number of butteries recurred and to prolong the battery life span in terms of the depth of discharge white in use (Apeh and Olaye, 2015).

Inverter is an electrical power converter that charges direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC); it performs the opposite function of a rectifier that concert AC to DC (Messenger and Ventre, 2004). The inverter system has several stage such as the oscillator the amplifier, the switching and the transformer stages which work together to a chive the desired AC output these stages of the inverter system are so designed to produce output with the desired required I household appliances and in industries (Alumona et al, 2016).

1.2 Statement of Problem

Lack of incentives to invest in the aged and inefficient national grid, transmission and distribution infrastructures, as well as the fact that energy from decentralized renewable sources is not well fashioned to work on the electricity grid in the country. Some of the solution to this problem is an auxiliary AC power generator, under power plants, wind turbines, solar power etc. but the cost of fossil. Fuels continues to increase rapidly and power has some an esthetic economic and technical drawbacks a more effective and reliable

There are several factors to be considered when installing carrying out solar installation. There includes the system location, the distance of modules to the load and type and its frequency.

The aim of the project is to install a solar inverter of 24volt and 5KW

1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Study

  1. To provide a constant power supply to the department or consumers
  2. To improve the existing system
  • To reduce the cost of spending

1.4 Scope and Limitations

The project construction is to supply constant electricity.

The output is obtained from 24v batteries where it supplies to the inverter circuit for inverting the 24volts dc to an output of 240v ac and 5000w. (5kw). It can be used at home to charge mobile phone, TV set, refrigerators and even for heating purposes. However, it is not economical for a very large load.


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Full Project – Installation of 5kva solar inverter system