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Manager in the form of a leader is necessary to shape goals, coordinate efforts, motivate employees, and monitor performance. Leadership consists of the efforts of one member of an organization with respect to other members with the intent of helping people and organizational units achieve their goals (Yukl, 2006). Leaders guide firms and their people into the future. They are the ones who must find new paths to change organizations and should be the most persistent in pursuing the chosen direction. One of the most difficult things about studying leadership is that it is frequently conflated with management (Banjoko (1995)

The effect of managerial style on workers has been a topic of interest in organizational psychology. According to Smith and Johnson (2018), different managerial styles can have varying impacts on employee motivation and job satisfaction. For example, a participative managerial style, where employees are involved in decision-making processes, has been found to positively influence worker engagement and productivity (Jones et al., 2016).

On the other hand, an autocratic managerial style, characterized by a top-down approach and limited employee involvement, may lead to decreased job satisfaction and higher turnover rates (Brown & Smith, 2017). Research by Johnson and Williams (2019) suggests that employees under autocratic managers often feel less valued and have limited opportunities for growth and development.

Another managerial style that has gained attention is the transformational leadership style. This style focuses on inspiring and motivating employees to achieve their full potential. Studies by Anderson et al. (2015) have shown that transformational leaders can have a positive impact on employee satisfaction, commitment, and performance.

In contrast, transactional leadership, which emphasizes rewards and punishments based on performance, may have mixed effects on workers. While some employees may respond positively to clear expectations and rewards, others may feel demotivated or constrained by the transactional approach (Smith & Johnson, 2018).

The impact of managerial style on workers can also be influenced by cultural factors. For instance, research by Chen and Li (2016) found that in collectivist cultures, a participative managerial style may be more effective in promoting employee satisfaction and commitment, whereas in individualistic cultures, a more directive style may be preferred.

Overall, the literature suggests that managerial style plays a crucial role in shaping employee attitudes, motivation, and job satisfaction. However, it is important to consider individual differences and cultural contexts when examining the effects of managerial style on workers. Further research is needed to explore the specific mechanisms through which different managerial styles influence employee outcomes.


The effect of managerial style on workers is a topic of great interest and importance in the field of organizational behavior. Managers play a crucial role in shaping the work environment and influencing employee behavior and performance. However, there is a lack of consensus on the most effective managerial style that leads to positive outcomes for workers. This problem is particularly relevant in today’s dynamic and diverse workplaces, where different individuals may respond differently to various managerial approaches.

One aspect of the problem is the impact of autocratic versus democratic managerial styles on workers. Autocratic managers tend to make decisions without consulting their subordinates, while democratic managers involve employees in decision-making processes. Research suggests that autocratic styles may lead to higher levels of job dissatisfaction and lower levels of motivation among workers, as they may feel disempowered and undervalued. On the other hand, democratic styles have been associated with higher levels of job satisfaction and motivation, as employees feel more engaged and valued in the decision-making process.

Another aspect of the problem is the influence of transformational versus transactional managerial styles on workers. Transformational managers inspire and motivate their employees by setting high expectations and providing support and guidance. Transactional managers, on the other hand, focus on rewarding or punishing employees based on their performance. Studies have shown that transformational leadership is positively related to employee satisfaction, commitment, and performance, while transactional leadership may have a more limited impact on these outcomes.

Furthermore, the problem also encompasses the effect of participative versus directive managerial styles on workers. Participative managers encourage employee involvement and seek their input in decision-making, while directive managers provide clear instructions and closely monitor employee performance. Research suggests that participative leadership can enhance employee satisfaction, motivation, and creativity, as it fosters a sense of ownership and empowerment. However, directive leadership may be more effective in situations that require quick decision-making and strict adherence to procedures.

The effect of managerial style on workers is a complex and multifaceted problem. Autocratic versus democratic, transformational versus transactional, and participative versus directive managerial styles all have different implications for employee outcomes. Understanding the impact of these styles can help organizations create a positive work environment that promotes employee satisfaction, motivation, and performance. Further research is needed to explore the specific mechanisms through which different managerial styles influence workers and to identify the contextual factors that may moderate these effects.


The purpose of the study is to:

  1. Identify managerial styles commonly used in Dangote flour mill
  2. To examine how these managerial style affects employee’s productivity in Dangote flour mill
  3. To determine the impact of managerial styles on organizational objectives in Dangote flour mill.
  4. To identify the effect of environmental factors on managerial styles applied in Dangote flour mill.


The research question focus on the effect of managerial styles on worker’s productivity.

The question includes:

  1. What are the managerial styles used in Dangote flour mill?
  2. To what extent does managerial styles affect employee’s productivity in Dangote flour mill
  3. What impact does managerial styles have in the achievement of organizational objectives in Dangote flour mill.
  4. To what extent does managerial style factors affect the employee’s job performance?




The following hypothesis are assumed in the course of the research.


H1:      There is no significant relationship between managerial styles and worker’s productivity

            HYPOTHESIS II

H0:      There is no significant relationship between managerial styles and worker’s performance


This research work is to serve as an effective and efficient tool for leaders/managers in the industries and the public so as to identify appropriate managerial styles that promotes cordial relationship between workers and management and also between leaders subordinates such that high productivity and efficiency is guaranteed. Also, this research work will be of great benefits to managers on how to be a good leader in increasing the performance of workers, which would yield productivity to the organization concerned. Employees or workers would also benefit from this research work as a preparation towards achieving their dreams when they establish a firm of their own thereby making them a successful entrepreneur in future. Organizations as well would not be left out in achieving greater productivity from this research work by coordinating the heads and subheads of all departments of the organization, which in return would yield positive result.

Finally, this research work would be useful scholars and researchers by extracting the materials and developing it even into a more standardized way for the usefulness of organizations and individuals. Also, researchers can use this research work as a reference in making further and deeper research in gaining more knowledge thereby making their research better than this.


The scope of this study covers the effect of managerial style on worker’s performance

This research work covers all the aspect of the managerial style in Dangote flour mill. This means that the questionnaires designed will be distributed to the Managers that occupy leadership roles within the organization hierarchy.


This is limited to only senior manager in leadership roles within the organization hierarchy. Other limitations of the study may include non response due to ignorance of some of the respondents who respect to the importance of the subject under review.


Some terms used in the study are defined to avoid misinterpretation of the objectives of the study. These terms includes the following:

MANAGERIAL STYLE Managerial style refers to the approach or manner in which a manager carries out their responsibilities and interacts with their subordinates. It encompasses the various techniques, strategies, and behaviors that a manager employs to lead and guide their team towards achieving organizational goals.

LEADERSHIP: Leadership is the process through which an individual tries to influence another individual or a group of individuals to accomplish a goal.

PRODUCTIVITY: This is the ability to yield positive result in relation to the amount of materials and employees needed.

LAISSEZ FAIRE STYLE: This type of managerial style boils down to a situation of leadership where subordinates are left entirely to their whims and caprices in the pursuit of the groups goals.

ORGANIZATION: an organized group of people with a particular purpose, such as a business or government department

SITUATIONAL: The definition of situational is a person or thing in regards to surroundings or circumstances. An example of situational is how a person reacts in different environments; called situational reactions.

STYLE: Style is a manner or way of doing or presenting things.

PERFORMANCE: The accomplishment of a given task measured against preset known standards of accuracy, completeness, cost, and speed. In a contract, performance is deemed to be the fulfillment of an obligation, in a manner that releases the performer from all liabilities under the contract.

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