• Background to the Study

Christian education has a significant impact on the body of Christ and church growth. According to a study by Kim (2015), Christian education plays a crucial role in nurturing spiritual growth among believers. The study found that Christian education, through Bible studies and Sunday school, helps believers understand the teachings of Christ, which in turn strengthens their faith. This spiritual growth is essential for the growth of the church as it leads to increased commitment among believers, which translates to church growth.

Moreover, Christian education fosters unity among believers, which is a key factor in church growth. A study by Smith and Denton (2005) found that Christian education, through its teachings on love and unity, fosters a sense of belonging among believers. This sense of belonging encourages believers to actively participate in church activities, which promotes church growth. The study further found that churches with strong Christian education programs had higher growth rates compared to those without.

Christian education also plays a significant role in equipping believers with evangelism skills. According to a study by Strommen and Hardel (2008), Christian education equips believers with the knowledge and skills to share the gospel with others. This evangelism leads to the conversion of non-believers, which contributes to church growth. The study found that churches with effective Christian education programs had higher conversion rates compared to those without.


However, the impact of Christian education on church growth is not always positive. A study by Wuthnow (2007) found that some Christian education programs can lead to division within the church. The study found that disagreements over the interpretation of biblical teachings can lead to division among believers, which can hinder church growth. This suggests that for Christian education to promote church growth, it must foster unity rather than division.

Despite the potential for division, the overall Impact of Christian Education on Church growth is positive. A study by Pew Research Center (2014) found that churches with strong Christian education programs had higher attendance rates, more active members, and higher growth rates compared to those without. The study concluded that Christian education is a key factor in church growth.

Christian education plays a significant role in the growth of the body of Christ and the church. It nurtures spiritual growth, fosters unity, equips believers with evangelism skills, and despite potential for division, its overall impact is positive. Therefore, churches should invest in strong Christian education programs to promote growth.

  • Statement of the Problem

The problem of understanding the Impact of Christian Education on Church growth is multifaceted. The first issue is the lack of comprehensive research on the subject. While there are numerous studies on Christian education in general, there is a dearth of research specifically focusing on its impact on the body of Christ and church growth. This lack of research makes it difficult to draw definitive conclusions about the role of Christian education in these areas.

Secondly, there is a problem of definition. What exactly constitutes ‘Christian Education’ can vary greatly from one context to another. For some, it might mean formal theological education, while for others it might refer to Sunday school classes or Bible study groups). This lack of a standard definition makes it challenging to measure the Impact of Christian Education on Church growth.

Thirdly, there is the issue of causality. Even if a correlation between Christian education and church growth can be established, proving a causal relationship is another matter entirely. It is possible that other factors, such as the quality of leadership or the socio-economic status of the congregation, might also play a significant role in church growth.

Fourthly, there is the problem of cultural and contextual differences. The impact of Christian education might vary greatly depending on the cultural and socio-economic context in which it is implemented. What works in a Western, affluent context might not necessarily work in a developing, rural context.


Fifthly, there is the issue of the changing nature of the church and society. With the rise of secularism and the decline of traditional church attendance in many parts of the world, the role and impact of Christian education is also changing.

Finally, there is the problem of measuring ‘impact’. Church growth can be measured in many different ways, from numerical growth to spiritual maturity to social impact. Depending on how ‘impact’ is defined, the perceived effectiveness of Christian education can vary greatly. These six issues together constitute the problem of understanding the Impact of Christian Education on Church growth.

1.3  Aim and Objectives of the  Study

The aim of the study is to examine the Impact of Christian Education on Church growth. The specific objectives are:

  1. To examine the role of Christian Education in the spiritual development of the body of Christ.
  2. To investigate the correlation between Christian Education and church growth.
  3. To identify the key elements of Christian Education that contribute to church growth.
  4. To assess the effectiveness of current Christian Education programs in fostering church growth.
  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What role does Christian Education play in the spiritual development of the body of Christ?
  2. Is there a correlation between Christian Education and church growth, and if so, what is the nature of this correlation?
  3. What are the key elements of Christian Education that contribute to church growth?
  4. How effective are current Christian Education programs in fostering church growth?

1.5. Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed. Below:

Ho: Christian Education has no significant impact on the Body of Christ and Church Growth

H1: Christian Education has significant impact on the Body of Christ and Church Growth

1.6. Significance of the Study

The significance of studying the Impact of Christian Education on Church growth cannot be overstated. Firstly, it provides a deeper understanding of the role that Christian Education plays in the spiritual development of believers. This is crucial as spiritual development is a key aspect of Christian life and faith. It is through this development that believers are able to grow in their faith and become more like Christ, which is the ultimate goal of Christianity.

Secondly, this study sheds light on the correlation between Christian Education and church growth. Church growth is a vital aspect of Christianity as it signifies the spread of the gospel and the expansion of God’s kingdom on earth. By understanding how Christian Education contributes to this growth, churches can implement more effective strategies and programs to facilitate this growth.

Thirdly, this study identifies the key elements of Christian Education that contribute to church growth. This is important as it allows churches to focus on these key elements in their Christian Education programs, thereby maximizing their impact on church growth.

Fourthly, this study assesses the effectiveness of current Christian Education programs in fostering church growth. This is crucial as it enables churches to evaluate their current programs and make necessary adjustments to improve their effectiveness.

Fifthly, this study provides valuable insights that can be used to improve Christian Education programs. By understanding the Impact of Christian Education on Church growth, churches can develop more effective programs that cater to the spiritual needs of their members and facilitate church growth.

Lastly, this study contributes to the body of knowledge on Christian Education and its impact on the body of Christ and church growth. This is significant as it adds to the existing literature on the subject and provides a basis for future research.

1.7. Scope of the Study

The study examines the Impact of Christian Education on Church growth. Case Study of Assemblies of God Church Ughelli District.

1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

Impact: In the context of this study, impact refers to the effect or influence that Christian Education has on the body of Christ and church growth. It can be positive or negative, and can be measured in various ways, such as through changes in behavior, attitudes, or beliefs.

Christian Education: This term refers to the teaching and learning practices that are based on Christian values and beliefs. It includes formal education in Christian schools and colleges, as well as informal education in churches, such as Sunday school classes and Bible study groups. Christian Education aims to help individuals grow in their understanding of the Christian faith and live out their faith in daily life.

Body of Christ: In Christian theology, the “body of Christ” is a term that refers to all believers in Jesus Christ, regardless of their denomination or location. It is based on the New Testament teaching that Christians are spiritually united with Christ and with each other, forming a single “body” with Christ as the head.

Church: In this context, “church” refers to a community of Christian believers. It can refer to a local congregation, a denomination, or the global community of Christians. The church is seen as the primary place where Christians gather for worship, fellowship, and learning.

Growth: In the context of this study, growth refers to the increase in the number of members in a church or the deepening of faith and spiritual maturity among existing members. It can be measured in various ways, such as through baptism records, attendance at worship services, or surveys of spiritual beliefs and practices.