Project – Effect of skill acquisition of property reduction in Nigeria. A study of Shomolu Local Government, Lagos State.

Project – Effect of skill acquisition of property reduction in Nigeria. A study of Shomolu Local Government, Lagos State.


The study examines the effect of skill acquisition of property reduction in Nigeria. A study of Shomolu Local Government, Lagos State. Research objectives were adopted for the study, which are: to assess the current level of skill acquisition programs available in Shomolu Local Government; to examine the relationship between skill acquisition and property reduction in the local government area; to identify the challenges faced by residents in accessing skill acquisition opportunities in Shomolu Local Government; to evaluate the effectiveness of existing skill acquisition programs in reducing property rates in the area. A descriptive survey design was used in the study. The target population consists of workers of Shomolu Local Government, Lagos State. The study recommended that that vocational training and skill development be integrated into the educational curricula at various levels. The study concluded that Skill acquisition contribute to property reduction in the local government area.



  • Background to the Study

The relationship between skill acquisition and poverty reduction has been a subject of extensive research globally. In Nigeria, the importance of skill acquisition programs has been emphasized as a critical strategy for poverty alleviation. According to Adebayo (2013), skill acquisition programs are designed to equip individuals with practical skills that can enhance their employability and entrepreneurial capabilities. These programs are particularly crucial in urban areas like Shomolu Local Government in Lagos State, where unemployment rates are high, and many residents live below the poverty line. The effectiveness of these programs in reducing poverty, however, depends on various factors, including the quality of training, the relevance of the skills to the local economy, and the availability of support systems for new entrepreneurs.

In Shomolu Local Government, several skill acquisition initiatives have been implemented by both government and non-governmental organizations. These initiatives range from vocational training in trades such as tailoring, carpentry, and hairdressing to more advanced technical skills in information technology and electronics. A study by Oladipo (2015) found that participants in these programs reported significant improvements in their income levels and overall quality of life. The study highlighted that the most successful programs were those that included components of business management training and access to microcredit facilities, which enabled participants to start and sustain their own businesses.

Despite the positive outcomes reported, there are challenges that hinder the full potential of skill acquisition programs in Shomolu. One major issue is the mismatch between the skills taught and the demands of the local labor market. As noted by Eze (2017), many training programs do not adequately consider the economic context of Shomolu, leading to situations where graduates possess skills that are not in high demand. This mismatch can result in underemployment or continued unemployment, thereby limiting the impact of these programs on poverty reduction. To address this, it is essential for program designers to conduct thorough market analyses and engage with local businesses to ensure that the skills being taught are relevant and in demand.

Another significant challenge is the sustainability of the skill acquisition programs. Many initiatives rely heavily on external funding, which can be inconsistent and short-term. According to Adeyemi (2018), the lack of sustainable funding models means that many programs are unable to continue once initial funding runs out, leaving participants without ongoing support. This issue underscores the need for more robust funding strategies, including partnerships with private sector stakeholders and the development of self-sustaining program models that can generate their own income.

Furthermore, the role of government policy in supporting skill acquisition and poverty reduction cannot be overstated. Effective policies that promote vocational training, provide incentives for businesses to hire skilled workers, and support small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are crucial. As highlighted by Nwosu (2019), government intervention in the form of subsidies, tax breaks, and infrastructure development can create an enabling environment for skill acquisition programs to thrive and for their graduates to succeed. In Shomolu, local government policies that prioritize education and vocational training have shown promise, but there is still much work to be done to ensure these policies are effectively implemented and reach the most vulnerable populations.

Skill acquisition programs have the potential to significantly reduce poverty in Shomolu Local Government, Lagos State, by equipping individuals with the skills needed to secure employment or start their own businesses. However, the success of these programs depends on their alignment with local economic needs, sustainable funding, and supportive government policies. Continued research and evaluation are necessary to identify best practices and address the challenges that hinder the effectiveness of these initiatives. By doing so, skill acquisition can become a powerful tool in the fight against poverty in Nigeria.

  • Statement of the Problem

The persistent issue of poverty in Nigeria, particularly in urban areas like Shomolu Local Government in Lagos State, has been a subject of concern for policymakers, researchers, and development practitioners. Despite various interventions, the poverty rate remains high, with many residents lacking access to basic necessities and opportunities for economic advancement (World Bank, 2020). One potential solution that has gained attention is skill acquisition programs, which aim to equip individuals with the skills needed to secure employment or start their own businesses. However, the effectiveness of these programs in reducing poverty in specific local contexts, such as Shomolu, remains underexplored.

Skill acquisition programs are designed to address the mismatch between the skills possessed by the workforce and the demands of the labor market. In Shomolu, where the informal sector dominates, these programs could potentially provide residents with the skills needed to improve their economic standing (National Bureau of Statistics, 2019). However, there is a need to critically examine whether these programs are accessible to the most vulnerable populations and whether they lead to sustainable income generation. Previous studies have shown mixed results, with some indicating positive outcomes and others highlighting significant challenges (Adebayo, 2013).

One of the key issues is the alignment of skill acquisition programs with the local economic context. In Shomolu, the prevalent industries include small-scale manufacturing, retail, and services. Therefore, the skills taught in these programs must be relevant to these sectors to ensure that participants can find employment or start viable businesses (Olawale & Garwe, 2010). Additionally, the quality of training and the resources available to participants, such as access to credit and markets, play a crucial role in determining the success of these programs (Akinyemi, 2017).

Another significant problem is the sustainability of the outcomes of skill acquisition programs. While participants may initially benefit from the training, long-term success depends on continuous support and the ability to adapt to changing market conditions. In Shomolu, where economic volatility is common, there is a risk that the benefits of skill acquisition may be short-lived if participants are unable to maintain their businesses or secure stable employment (Edoho, 2012). This raises questions about the design and implementation of these programs and the need for ongoing support mechanisms.

Furthermore, the social and cultural factors influencing the effectiveness of skill acquisition programs cannot be overlooked. In Shomolu, gender norms, family responsibilities, and community dynamics may affect who participates in these programs and how they benefit from them (Oluwatobi & Ogunrinola, 2011). For instance, women may face additional barriers to accessing training and resources, which could limit the overall impact of these programs on poverty reduction. Understanding these factors is crucial for designing inclusive and effective interventions.

Furthermore, while skill acquisition programs hold promise for poverty reduction in Shomolu Local Government, Lagos State, there are several challenges that need to be addressed to maximize their impact. These include ensuring the relevance of the skills taught, providing ongoing support, and considering the social and cultural context. Further research is needed to evaluate the long-term effectiveness of these programs and to identify best practices for their implementation. By addressing these issues, policymakers and development practitioners can enhance the potential of skill acquisition programs to contribute to sustainable poverty reduction in Shomolu and similar contexts (World Bank, 2020; Adebayo, 2013; Olawale & Garwe, 2010).

Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the effect of skill acquisition of property reduction in Nigeria. The specific objectives are:

  1. To assess the current level of skill acquisition programs available in Shomolu Local Government.
  2. To examine the relationship between skill acquisition and property reduction in the local government area.
  3. To identify the challenges faced by residents in accessing skill acquisition opportunities in Shomolu Local Government.
  4. To evaluate the effectiveness of existing skill acquisition programs in reducing property rates in the area.
  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What is the current availability and quality of skill acquisition programs in Shomolu Local Government?
  2. How does skill acquisition contribute to property reduction in the local government area?
  3. What are the main obstacles that residents face in accessing skill acquisition opportunities in Shomolu Local Government?
  4. How effective are the existing skill acquisition programs in reducing property rates in the area?
  • Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Skill acquisition does not contribute to property reduction in the local government area.

H1: Skill acquisition contribute to property reduction in the local government area

  • Significance of the Study

The significance of studying the effect of skill acquisition on poverty reduction in Nigeria cannot be overstated. Nigeria, with its vast population and diverse economy, faces significant challenges related to poverty and unemployment. By focusing on skill acquisition, this study aims to uncover how equipping individuals with practical and marketable skills can lead to sustainable economic growth and improved living standards. Skill acquisition programs can empower individuals to become self-reliant, reducing their dependence on government aid and fostering a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation.

One of the primary benefits of skill acquisition is its potential to create employment opportunities. In a country where unemployment rates are high, providing citizens with the skills needed to enter various industries can significantly reduce joblessness. This, in turn, can lead to a decrease in poverty levels as more people gain the ability to earn a stable income. By examining the specific skills that are in demand within the Nigerian economy, the study can offer insights into which training programs are most effective in bridging the gap between job seekers and employers.

Furthermore, skill acquisition can lead to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which are crucial for economic growth. SMEs often serve as the backbone of the economy, providing jobs and fostering innovation. By equipping individuals with entrepreneurial skills, the study can highlight how these new businesses can contribute to poverty reduction. Successful SMEs can stimulate local economies, create jobs, and provide essential services, thereby improving the overall quality of life for community members.

In addition to economic benefits, skill acquisition can have a profound social impact. Education and training programs can empower marginalized groups, such as women and youth, who are often disproportionately affected by poverty. By providing these groups with the skills needed to participate in the workforce, the study can demonstrate how skill acquisition promotes social inclusion and gender equality. This empowerment can lead to more balanced and equitable economic development, benefiting society as a whole.

Moreover, the study can shed light on the long-term benefits of skill acquisition. Individuals who acquire new skills are more likely to adapt to changing economic conditions and technological advancements. This adaptability is crucial in a rapidly evolving global economy. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and skill development, Nigeria can build a more resilient workforce capable of meeting future challenges. The study can provide valuable recommendations for policymakers on how to design and implement effective skill acquisition programs that ensure long-term economic stability.

Finally, the significance of this study lies in its potential to inform policy decisions. By providing empirical evidence on the effectiveness of skill acquisition programs, the study can guide government and non-governmental organizations in their efforts to combat poverty. Policymakers can use the findings to allocate resources more efficiently, design targeted interventions, and create an enabling environment for skill development. Ultimately, the study aims to contribute to a comprehensive strategy for poverty reduction in Nigeria, promoting sustainable development and improving the lives of its citizens.

  • Scope of the Study

The study examines the effect of skill acquisition of property reduction in Nigeria. A study of Shomolu Local Government, Lagos State.

  • Operational Definition of Terms

Effect: An effect is a change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause. In the context of studies and research, it refers to the impact or outcome that one variable has on another. For example, in examining the effect of skill acquisition on poverty reduction, the effect would be the measurable change in poverty levels as a result of people acquiring new skills.

Skill Acquisition: Skill acquisition refers to the process of learning and developing new abilities or competencies. This can involve formal education, vocational training, apprenticeships, or on-the-job learning. Skill acquisition is crucial for personal and professional development, enabling individuals to perform tasks more efficiently and effectively, and often leading to better employment opportunities and economic stability.

Poverty Reduction: Poverty reduction involves strategies and actions aimed at decreasing the level of poverty in a population. This can include economic policies, social programs, and initiatives designed to improve access to education, healthcare, and employment opportunities. The ultimate goal of poverty reduction is to improve the quality of life for individuals and communities, ensuring that basic needs are met and that people have the opportunity to achieve economic self-sufficiency.

Project – Effect of skill acquisition of property reduction in Nigeria. A study of Shomolu Local Government, Lagos State.