QUESTIONNAIRE ON A RESEARCH PROJECT ON effects of advertisement on brand attitude among children between 5-15 years

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Dear Sir/Madam,

QUESTIONNAIRE ON A RESEARCH PROJECT ON effects of advertisement on brand attitude among children between 5-15 years

 I am a post graduate student of the above named institution. I am currently carrying out a research study on the topic “Effects of advertisement on brand attitude among children between 5-15 years”.


This is part of the requirements for my graduation and award of M. Sc degree by the University.

Kindly fill the questionnaire as honestly and objectively as possible. All information supplied will be treated with utmost confidentiality and used mainly for academic purpose.


Thank you in advance for your co –operation.


Yours sincerely,


Babade Toyin Grace





 Instruction: Please tick [] and fill in as appropriate. 

  1. Gender: (a) Male [       ](b) Female  [       ]
  2. Age: (a) Below 21 years [ ]  (b) 21 – 29 years [       ](c) 30 – 49 year [       ]50 years and above [       ]
  3. Marital Status: (a) Single [ ]   (b)Married [       ](c) Divorced  [       ]
  4. Educational Qualifications: (a) WAEC /SSCE [ ]  (b) OND /NCE [       ]   (c) HND/B. Sc [       ] (d) MBA /M. Sc [       ](e) Professional [      ](f) M. Sc / M.B.A + Professional [       ]
  5. Age Ranges of Children (a) 5-8 years [ ](b) 9 – 10 years [       ](c) 11 -13 years (d) 13 -15 years [       ]
  6. Number of Children in Family: (a) 1-5 [ ](b) 6-10 [    ](c) 10 and Above [     ]
  7. Types of Family: (a) Nuclear [ ](b) Extended [    ](c) Single-Parent [     ]
  8. Family Setting: (a) Polygamy [ ](b) Monogamy [    ]
  9. Family Income P.A. (a) N10,000-N50,000[ ](b) N60,000-N100,000 [    ](c) N100,000-N200,000 [     ]

(d) N300,000-N400,000 [     ] (d) N500,000 and Above [     ]


Instruction: Please tick [] as it tallies with your answer.


SA = Strongly Agree

A = Agree

U = Undecided

D = Disagree

SD = Strongly Disagree


S/N Research Questions 1 What is the relationship between brand attitude formation and children buying decision? SA A U D SD Total
Q1 Aggressive adverts of  any  brand products  easily  affect  children’s  choice of  buying            
Q2 Awareness  of  any  brand loyalty products make  children to  be  irrational  in their  choice of  purpose            
Q3 Well  packaged  products  attracts children tastes            
Q4 Advertised   packaged  products  woos children  buying decision to patronize the product            
S/N Research Questions2  To what extent will advertising audio and visual messages affect brand attitude formation among children and the subsequent effects on consumption decision and patterns in FMCG? SA A U D SD Total
Q1 jingle  of  products easily attract  children’s  choice of  buying            
Q2 Advert phrases on moving bill  board easily attract  children’s  choice of  buying
Q3 Advert jingle  is  the surest  way  to  attract children brand attitude towards a product            
Q4 Cartoon form of  advert attract  children consumption  pattern for a  product            
S/N Research Questions 3 –  Does peer influence plays stronger impact than advertising in brand attitude formation among children in FMCG? SA A U D SD Total
Q1 Children prefer to buy similar types of product that they see with their fellow peers more than the one on the advert            
Q2 Children are likely to develop a flair for a product seen among other children than the one displayed on the billboard            
Q3 Children sometimes assume that frequently advertised product is better than the common product seen among peers            
Q4 Children are more attracted to advertised products that are seen every where
S/N Research Questions 4 – How can advertising frequency and intensity affect brand attitude formation among children in FMCG?            
Q1 Persistent advert are  pull factor to influence   children moral to  buy  more            
Q2 The  more products  are promote  through the  media medium the more it attract  children’s  attitude towards patronizing such product            
Q3 The  extent  of advertising  affect brand attitude formation among children            
Q4 Aggressive form of advertising any brand product makes  children to get addict to such  product if all  things  are equal            

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