Project – The Impact of Follow-Up On Church Growth in Umuahia District Of Assemblies Of God

Project – The Impact of Follow-Up On Church Growth in Umuahia District Of Assemblies Of God



  • Background to the Study

The concept of follow-up in church growth has been extensively studied, with numerous scholars emphasizing its critical role in retaining new converts and fostering spiritual maturity. According to Wagner (1998), follow-up is a systematic process that involves nurturing new believers, integrating them into the church community, and ensuring their continued spiritual development. In the context of the Assemblies of God in the Umuahia District, follow-up practices are particularly significant due to the dynamic and often transient nature of the congregation. Effective follow-up strategies can help mitigate the challenges posed by high mobility and ensure sustained church growth.

Research by Barna (2001) highlights that churches with robust follow-up programs tend to experience higher retention rates and more significant growth. Barna’s study, which included a diverse range of denominations, found that consistent follow-up efforts, such as regular home visits, phone calls, and personalized discipleship programs, were instrumental in keeping new members engaged. In the Umuahia District, where community ties are strong, these personalized approaches can be particularly effective. The Assemblies of God churches in this region often leverage the close-knit nature of the community to foster a sense of belonging and commitment among new members.

Furthermore, the work of Rainer (2010) underscores the importance of follow-up in addressing the spiritual needs of new converts. Rainer argues that new believers often face numerous challenges, including doubts, spiritual warfare, and the need for doctrinal understanding. Effective follow-up programs provide the necessary support and resources to help new converts navigate these challenges. In the Umuahia District, Assemblies of God churches have implemented various follow-up initiatives, such as Bible study groups, mentorship programs, and prayer meetings, to support new members in their spiritual journey.

In addition to spiritual support, follow-up also plays a crucial role in integrating new members into the church’s social fabric. According to Putnam (2000), social integration is a key factor in church growth, as it fosters a sense of community and belonging. In the Umuahia District, Assemblies of God churches often organize social events, community service projects, and fellowship gatherings as part of their follow-up efforts. These activities not only help new members build relationships within the church but also strengthen the overall church community, contributing to sustained growth.

The impact of follow-up on church growth is also evident in the leadership development within the church. As noted by Malphurs (2005), effective follow-up programs often identify and nurture potential leaders from among new converts. By providing leadership training and opportunities for service, churches can develop a strong leadership pipeline that supports long-term growth. In the Umuahia District, Assemblies of God churches have recognized the importance of leadership development and have incorporated it into their follow-up strategies. This focus on leadership not only enhances the church’s capacity for growth but also ensures the continuity of its mission and vision.

Finally, the success of follow-up programs in promoting church growth is contingent upon the commitment and involvement of the entire church community. As highlighted by Stetzer and Dodson (2007), follow-up is not solely the responsibility of the pastoral staff but requires the active participation of all church members. In the Umuahia District, Assemblies of God churches have fostered a culture of collective responsibility, where every member is encouraged to play a role in the follow-up process. This communal approach not only enhances the effectiveness of follow-up efforts but also strengthens the overall unity and growth of the church.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The growth of churches, particularly in the Umuahia District of Assemblies of God, has been a subject of considerable interest and concern among church leaders and congregants alike. Despite various evangelistic efforts and outreach programs, the rate of church growth has not met expectations. One critical aspect that appears to be overlooked is the follow-up process with new converts and existing members. The lack of an effective follow-up strategy may be contributing to the stagnation or decline in church membership and engagement. This issue necessitates a thorough investigation to understand its impact and to develop strategies that can foster sustainable growth.

Follow-up is a crucial component of church ministry that involves maintaining contact with new converts, providing them with spiritual guidance, and integrating them into the church community. In the Umuahia District, there is anecdotal evidence suggesting that many new converts do not receive adequate follow-up, leading to a high attrition rate. This problem is compounded by the fact that existing members may also feel neglected, resulting in decreased participation and commitment. The absence of a structured follow-up program could be a significant barrier to church growth, as it affects both retention and the overall spiritual health of the congregation.

The problem of inadequate follow-up is not unique to the Umuahia District but is a common challenge faced by many churches globally. However, the specific cultural, social, and economic context of Umuahia may present unique challenges and opportunities for implementing effective follow-up strategies. Understanding these contextual factors is essential for developing tailored approaches that can address the specific needs of the district. This study aims to explore the current follow-up practices in the Umuahia District and their impact on church growth, with the goal of identifying best practices and areas for improvement.

One of the key issues contributing to the problem is the lack of trained personnel dedicated to follow-up activities. Many churches rely on volunteers who may not have the necessary skills or time to effectively engage with new converts and existing members. Additionally, there may be a lack of resources and support from church leadership to implement comprehensive follow-up programs. This gap in human and material resources can hinder the church’s ability to maintain meaningful connections with its members, ultimately affecting growth.

Another significant factor is the potential disconnect between church leadership and the congregation. Effective follow-up requires a collaborative effort where church leaders, pastors, and lay members work together to nurture and support new converts and existing members. In the Umuahia District, there may be a need for better communication and coordination among these groups to ensure that follow-up efforts are consistent and impactful. Addressing this issue could lead to more cohesive and effective follow-up strategies that promote church growth.

The impact of follow-up on church growth in the Umuahia District of Assemblies of God is a multifaceted problem that requires a comprehensive approach. By examining the current follow-up practices, identifying gaps, and understanding the unique context of the district, this study aims to provide actionable insights that can enhance church growth. Effective follow-up is not just about retaining members but also about fostering a vibrant and engaged church community. Addressing this problem is crucial for the long-term sustainability and growth of the church in the Umuahia District.

1.3. Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the Impact of Follow-Up on Church Growth in Umuahia District Of Assemblies Of God. The specific objectives are:

  1. To analyze the current follow-up practices in the Umuahia District of Assemblies of God and their effectiveness in promoting church growth.
  2. To identify the key factors that contribute to successful follow-up strategies in the context of the Assemblies of God church in Umuahia.
  3. To assess the relationship between follow-up activities and the retention rate of new members in the church.
  4. To explore the perceptions and experiences of church members regarding the importance of follow-up in their spiritual growth and engagement.


1.4. Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What are the current follow-up practices in the Umuahia District of Assemblies of God, and how effective are they in promoting church growth?
  2. What are the key factors that contribute to successful follow-up strategies within the Assemblies of God church in Umuahia?
  3. What is the relationship between follow-up activities and the retention rate of new members in the church?
  4. How do church members perceive and experience the importance of follow-up in their spiritual growth and engagement with the church community?

 1.5. Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: There is no relationship between follow-up activities and the retention rate of new members in the Assemblies of God.

H1: There is relationship between follow-up activities and the retention rate of new members in the Assemblies of God.

1.6. Significance of the Study

The significance of studying the impact of follow-up on church growth in the Umuahia District of Assemblies of God cannot be overstated. Follow-up, in the context of church activities, refers to the systematic process of engaging with new converts and members to ensure their spiritual growth, integration into the church community, and sustained participation in church activities. This study is crucial as it addresses the core of church growth, which is not merely about increasing numbers but fostering a thriving, spiritually mature congregation. By understanding the dynamics of follow-up, church leaders can implement strategies that enhance member retention and spiritual development, ultimately leading to a more robust and dynamic church community.

One significant aspect of this study is its potential to reveal the direct correlation between effective follow-up practices and the retention rates of new members. In many churches, new converts often fall away due to a lack of proper guidance and support. This research can provide empirical data showing how structured follow-up programs can bridge this gap, ensuring that new members feel welcomed, supported, and integrated into the church family. Such findings can be instrumental for church leaders in the Umuahia District, offering them a blueprint for nurturing new believers and reducing attrition rates.

Furthermore, the study’s findings can contribute to the broader discourse on church growth strategies within the Assemblies of God denomination and beyond. By documenting the specific follow-up practices that have proven effective in the Umuahia District, this research can serve as a case study for other districts and denominations facing similar challenges. It can highlight best practices, common pitfalls, and innovative approaches that can be adapted and implemented in different contexts, thereby fostering a culture of continuous improvement and learning within the church community.

The impact of follow-up on church growth also extends to the spiritual development of individual members. Effective follow-up ensures that new converts receive the necessary discipleship and mentoring to grow in their faith. This study can shed light on how follow-up programs contribute to the spiritual maturity of church members, equipping them to become active participants in the church’s mission and ministry. By fostering a deeper understanding of their faith, members are more likely to engage in evangelism, community service, and other church activities, thereby contributing to the overall growth and vitality of the church.

Moreover, this research can have practical implications for church administration and resource allocation. Understanding the impact of follow-up on church growth can help church leaders prioritize their efforts and resources towards initiatives that yield the most significant results. For instance, if the study finds that personalized follow-up meetings or small group interactions are particularly effective, churches can allocate more resources to training leaders and developing materials for these activities. This strategic approach can lead to more efficient use of church resources and a greater overall impact on church growth.

Lastly, the significance of this study lies in its potential to inspire a renewed commitment to pastoral care and community building within the church. Follow-up is not just a program but a reflection of the church’s commitment to caring for its members. By highlighting the positive outcomes of effective follow-up, this research can encourage church leaders and members to invest more time and effort into building meaningful relationships within the church community. This, in turn, can create a more supportive and nurturing environment where every member feels valued and connected, ultimately leading to a stronger, more united church body.

1.7. Scope of the Study

The study examines the Impact of Follow-Up On Church Growth in Umuahia District Of Assemblies Of God. The study is restricted to 12 selected branches of Assemblies of God in Abia State, namely: Ohuhu 1, Ohuhu 2, Ohuhu 3, Ubakala 1, Ubakala 2, Olokoro,  Urban, Uzuakoli, Bende, Old Umuahia,. Obowo, and Ibeku  sections.

1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

Impact: This refers to the strong effect or influence that something has on a situation or person. In the context of your study, it would mean the effect that follow-up activities have on the growth of the church.

Follow-Up: This is the action or process of maintaining contact with someone after an initial meeting or activity. In a church context, follow-up might involve reaching out to new members, visitors, or those who have shown interest in the church to encourage their continued involvement and spiritual growth.

Church Growth: This term refers to the increase in the number of members, attendees, or participants in a church. It can also encompass the spiritual development and maturity of the congregation, as well as the expansion of church activities and influence in the community.

Assemblies Of God: This is a worldwide Pentecostal Christian denomination. It emphasizes the work of the Holy Spirit, the practice of speaking in tongues, and the importance of evangelism and missions. The Assemblies of God is known for its vibrant worship services and active community outreach programs.

Project – The Impact of Follow-Up On Church Growth in Umuahia District Of Assemblies Of God