The effect of teachers’ qualifications on the academic achievements of senior secondary school students in English language is a topic that has been extensively studied. Research has shown that teachers’ qualifications significantly impact students’ academic performance (Adeyemi, 2010). For instance, teachers with higher qualifications tend to have a better understanding of the subject matter, which translates into more effective teaching methods and, consequently, better student performance (Adeyemi, 2010).

Moreover, teachers’ qualifications also effect their ability to manage classrooms effectively, which is crucial for creating a conducive learning environment (Ogbonnaya, 2013). Teachers with higher qualifications are often more adept at managing classroom dynamics, which can significantly enhance students’ learning experiences and academic performance (Ogbonnaya, 2013).

However, it is also important to note that while teachers’ qualifications are important, they are not the only factor that effects students’ academic performance. Other factors such as the school environment, students’ socio-economic background, and parental involvement also play significant roles (Ezeudu, 2015).

The pattern of failure has, however, shown that the incidence appears to be higher in some schools than it is in other schools. A number of factors have been linked to the courses but more relevant is the issue of qualification of the teachers. This is more important because in the business of teaching and learning, teachers offer only what they have; they cannot give what they don’t have.

The qualification of teachers involved in teaching and learning has great roles in the achievement of students and it is to find out these effects that this study is set out to accomplish.

Chomsky (1972) states that “one cannot really teach a language but can only present the conditions in which it will develop spontaneously in the mind in its own ways” Language is something, which is internalized in the mind of the individual. The question of who should teach English effectively in a second language situation needs special consideration.

  • Statement of the Problems

It is assumed that only those who have professional training in English teaching should teach English language. The English teacher should be the one whose competence and proficiency in all the language skills are in a good measure. But especially in written and conversational English, is not deficient. The English teacher should have a good knowledge of current usage and the theoretical aspects of English.

In Nigeria today, most students in secondary schools and infact even in universities lack the ability to communicate efficiently in English, both oral and written.

Adekunle (1969) “maintains that it is in putting down their ideas on paper in grammatical English that most secondary school and university students have greatest difficulty”. This situation has not changed over the years. This is still the major problem faced by English students today. It is therefore important to find out if the qualification of the English teachers has any effect on the achievement of the students in written and spoken English.

  • Objectives of the Study

The purpose of this study is to find out the Effects Of Teachers’ Qualification On Students’ Academic Performance In Senior Secondary Schools In English Language.

The objectives are to;

  1. find out if students attitudes towards learning English affect teacher personality and teaching strategies.
  2. examine Teachers’ View on Techniques, Material and Qualification Necessary for English Teaching.
  3. find out Principals View On The Effect Of Teachers Qualification On Students Achievement In English.
  • Research Questions

The following research questions were stated in line with the research objectives:

  1. To what extent will students’ attitudes towards learning English affect teacher personality and teaching strategies?
  2. What are the Teachers’ View on Techniques, Material and Qualification Necessary for English Teaching?

iii. How effective is Principals View regarding Teachers Qualification On Students Achievement in English?

  • Research Hypothesis

Ho: There is no significant relationship between teachers’ qualification and academic achievements of senior secondary school students in English language.

H1: There is significant relationship between teachers’ qualification and academic achievements of senior secondary school students in English language.

  • Significance of the Study

The significance of the study on the effect of teachers’ qualifications on the academic achievements of senior secondary school students in English language is multifold.

Firstly, it provides an empirical basis for the assertion that teacher quality, as determined by their qualifications, is a critical factor in student achievement. This is particularly important in the context of English language learning, where the teacher’s proficiency and pedagogical skills can significantly impact the students’ language acquisition and proficiency.

Secondly, the study can inform policy decisions regarding teacher recruitment, training, and professional development. If a strong correlation is found between teacher qualifications and student achievement, it could justify the investment in higher education and continuous professional development for teachers.

Thirdly, the study can serve as a resource for educational institutions, helping them to understand the importance of hiring highly qualified teachers and investing in their ongoing professional development.

Lastly, the study can also contribute to the broader body of knowledge on education and learning, particularly in the context of English language learning at the secondary school level. It can provide insights for future research and help to identify areas where further investigation is needed.

  • Scope and Limitation

The study examined Effects Of Teachers’ Qualification On Students’ Academic Performance In Senior Secondary Schools In English Language. The study is limited to the six selected secondary schools in Imo educational zone.

Limitation Of Study

Financial constraint– Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview).

Time constraint– The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work. English teacher.

  • Operational Definitions

The terms used in the topic are defined as follows:

Teacher Qualification: Teacher qualification refers to academic and professional qualifications that enables a person to become a registered teacher at all levels of education.

Education: Education is the transmission of knowledge, skills, and character traits. There are many debates about its precise definition, for example, about which aims it tries to achieve.

English Language: English language is an Indo-European language in the West Germanic language group. Modern English is widely considered to be the lingua franca of the world and is the standard language in a wide variety of fields, including computer coding, international business, and higher education.

Student Achievement: Academic achievement or academic performance is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has attained their short or long-term educational goals.

Secondary School:  A secondary school or high school describes an institution that provides secondary education and also usually includes the building where this takes place.