Project – Counseling strategies for obviating suicidal thoughts amongst undergraduate students in government owned universities in Anambra State.

Project – Counseling strategies for obviating suicidal thoughts amongst undergraduate students in government owned universities in Anambra State.



  • Background to the Study

Suicidal thoughts among undergraduate students have become a significant concern in recent years, particularly in government-owned universities in Anambra State, Nigeria. The pressures of academic performance, financial constraints, and social issues contribute to the mental health challenges faced by these students. According to Nwosu and Chukwu (2018), the prevalence of suicidal ideation among Nigerian undergraduates is alarmingly high, necessitating effective counseling strategies to mitigate this issue. One of the primary strategies identified is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which has been shown to be effective in altering negative thought patterns and behaviors associated with suicidal ideation (Beck, 2011).

In addition to CBT, the implementation of peer counseling programs has been highlighted as a beneficial approach. Peer counseling leverages the influence of fellow students who are trained to provide support and guidance to their peers. This strategy is particularly effective in university settings where students may feel more comfortable discussing their issues with someone of a similar age and experience. A study by Okeke and Nwankwo (2019) found that peer counseling significantly reduced the incidence of suicidal thoughts among undergraduates in Anambra State, as it fosters a sense of belonging and reduces feelings of isolation.

Another critical strategy is the integration of mental health education into the university curriculum. By educating students about mental health, stress management, and coping mechanisms, universities can equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to manage their mental health proactively. Eze and Ezeh (2020) emphasize the importance of mental health literacy in reducing stigma and encouraging help-seeking behavior among students. Their research indicates that students who are more informed about mental health issues are more likely to seek counseling services when needed.

Furthermore, the role of university counseling centers cannot be overstated. These centers provide a safe and confidential environment for students to discuss their issues and receive professional support. According to a study by Umeh and Onu (2017), the presence of well-staffed and accessible counseling centers in universities is crucial in addressing the mental health needs of students. The study suggests that universities in Anambra State should invest in training and employing qualified counselors to ensure that students have access to the support they need.

Family involvement is another important aspect of counseling strategies for preventing suicidal thoughts. Encouraging family members to be part of the counseling process can provide additional support and understanding for the student. Research by Obi and Okafor (2018) indicates that family support plays a significant role in the mental well-being of students. The study found that students who had strong family support systems were less likely to experience suicidal thoughts compared to those who did not.

Lastly, the use of technology in counseling has emerged as a promising strategy. Online counseling services and mental health apps provide students with easy access to support, especially in times of crisis. A study by Nnamani and Eze (2021) found that the use of technology in counseling increased the reach and effectiveness of mental health services among undergraduates. The study suggests that universities in Anambra State should consider incorporating digital tools into their counseling services to better support their students.

Addressing suicidal thoughts among undergraduate students in government-owned universities in Anambra State requires a multifaceted approach. Strategies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, peer counseling, mental health education, well-equipped counseling centers, family involvement, and the use of technology all play a crucial role in mitigating this issue. By implementing these strategies, universities can create a supportive environment that promotes the mental well-being of their students and reduces the incidence of suicidal thoughts.

  • Statement of the Problem

The issue of suicidal thoughts among undergraduate students in government-owned universities in Anambra State has become a pressing concern. The increasing academic pressures, financial constraints, and social challenges faced by these students contribute significantly to their mental health struggles. Despite the availability of counseling services, there is a noticeable gap in the effectiveness of these interventions in addressing and mitigating suicidal ideation. This gap underscores the need for a comprehensive examination of the current counseling strategies and their efficacy in providing the necessary support to students at risk.

The prevalence of suicidal thoughts among undergraduates is alarming, with numerous cases going unreported due to the stigma associated with mental health issues. This stigma often prevents students from seeking help, exacerbating their feelings of isolation and hopelessness. The existing counseling frameworks in these universities may not be adequately equipped to handle the unique and complex needs of students experiencing suicidal thoughts. Therefore, it is crucial to identify and implement more effective counseling strategies that can better address these mental health challenges.

Furthermore, the lack of trained mental health professionals in government-owned universities in Anambra State poses a significant barrier to providing adequate support to students. Many counseling centers are understaffed and lack the resources necessary to offer comprehensive mental health services. This shortage of qualified personnel means that students may not receive timely and appropriate interventions, increasing the risk of suicidal behavior. Addressing this issue requires a concerted effort to enhance the capacity of counseling centers through training and resource allocation.

Another critical aspect of the problem is the need for culturally sensitive counseling approaches. The diverse cultural backgrounds of students in Anambra State necessitate counseling strategies that are tailored to their specific cultural contexts. Generic counseling methods may not resonate with all students, leading to ineffective outcomes. Developing culturally relevant counseling techniques can help bridge this gap and provide more meaningful support to students struggling with suicidal thoughts.

Moreover, there is a need for increased awareness and education about mental health issues among students, faculty, and staff. Many students may not recognize the signs of suicidal ideation in themselves or their peers, and faculty members may lack the training to identify and respond to these signs effectively. Implementing mental health education programs can help create a more supportive and informed university community, where students feel more comfortable seeking help and discussing their mental health concerns.

The problem of suicidal thoughts among undergraduate students in government-owned universities in Anambra State is multifaceted and requires a comprehensive approach to address effectively. By enhancing the capacity of counseling centers, developing culturally sensitive strategies, and increasing mental health awareness, universities can create a more supportive environment for students. These efforts are essential in reducing the incidence of suicidal thoughts and promoting the overall well-being of students in Anambra State.

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the counseling strategies for obviating suicidal thoughts amongst undergraduate students in government owned universities in Anambra State.

  1. To identify the prevalence of suicidal thoughts among undergraduate students in government owned universities.
  2. To explore the factors contributing to suicidal thoughts among undergraduate students in government owned universities.
  3. To evaluate the effectiveness of current counseling strategies in addressing suicidal thoughts among undergraduate students.
  4. To develop and implement new counseling strategies tailored to the specific needs of undergraduate students.
  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What is the prevalence of suicidal thoughts among undergraduate students in government owned universities?
  2. What factors contribute to suicidal thoughts among undergraduate students in government owned universities?
  3. How effective are current counseling strategies in addressing suicidal thoughts among undergraduate students?
  4. How can new counseling strategies be developed and implemented to meet the specific needs of undergraduate students?

1.5. Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Counseling strategies will not address suicidal thoughts among undergraduate students

H1: Counseling strategies will address suicidal thoughts among undergraduate students

1.6. Significance of the Study

The significance of this study lies in its potential to address a critical mental health issue among undergraduate students in government-owned universities in Anambra State. Suicidal thoughts among students are a growing concern, and effective counseling strategies can play a pivotal role in mitigating this problem. By identifying and implementing targeted counseling interventions, this study aims to reduce the incidence of suicidal ideation, thereby enhancing the overall well-being and academic performance of students. The findings from this research could serve as a blueprint for other educational institutions facing similar challenges.

One of the primary benefits of this study is the development of tailored counseling strategies that are specifically designed to meet the unique needs of undergraduate students in Anambra State. These strategies will take into account the cultural, social, and economic factors that influence students’ mental health. By providing culturally sensitive and contextually relevant counseling approaches, the study aims to create a supportive environment where students feel understood and valued. This, in turn, can lead to more effective mental health interventions and a reduction in the stigma associated with seeking help.


Furthermore, the study has the potential to inform policy-making at both the institutional and governmental levels. By highlighting the prevalence and causes of suicidal thoughts among students, the research can provide evidence-based recommendations for policy changes that prioritize mental health support in universities. This could include the allocation of resources for mental health services, the implementation of mandatory mental health training for faculty and staff, and the establishment of crisis intervention protocols. Such policy changes could have a long-lasting impact on the mental health landscape of higher education in Anambra State.

In addition to its practical implications, this study also contributes to the academic literature on mental health and counseling in higher education. By filling gaps in existing research, it provides a comprehensive understanding of the factors that contribute to suicidal thoughts among undergraduate students. The study’s findings can be used as a reference for future research, helping to build a robust body of knowledge on effective counseling strategies. This can ultimately lead to the development of best practices that can be adopted by universities worldwide.

The study also emphasizes the importance of early intervention in preventing suicidal thoughts. By identifying at-risk students and providing timely counseling support, the research aims to prevent the escalation of mental health issues. Early intervention can lead to better outcomes for students, including improved academic performance, higher retention rates, and a more positive university experience. This proactive approach can also reduce the burden on mental health services by addressing issues before they become crises.

The study underscores the role of collaboration in addressing mental health challenges. By involving various stakeholders, including students, faculty, mental health professionals, and policymakers, the research promotes a holistic approach to mental health support. This collaborative effort can lead to the development of comprehensive and sustainable counseling strategies that are more likely to be effective in the long term. By fostering a sense of community and shared responsibility, the study aims to create a supportive environment where all students can thrive.

1.7.  Scope of the Study

The scope of the study is to examine the Counseling strategies for obviating suicidal thoughts amongst undergraduate students in government owned universities in Anambra State.

1.8.  Operational Definition of Terms

  1. Counseling Strategies: These are systematic plans or methods employed by counselors to help individuals manage and overcome personal challenges. In the context of mental health, counseling strategies might include cognitive-behavioral techniques, mindfulness practices, and supportive counseling, among others. These strategies are designed to provide individuals with the tools and coping mechanisms they need to address and resolve their issues.
  2. Obviating: This term means to anticipate and prevent something, or to make an action unnecessary. In the context of mental health and counseling, obviating suicidal thoughts would involve implementing strategies and interventions that prevent these thoughts from occurring or escalating.
  3. Suicidal Thoughts: These are thoughts about taking one’s own life. They can range from fleeting considerations to detailed planning. Suicidal thoughts are a serious mental health concern and often indicate underlying issues such as depression, anxiety, or other mental health disorders.
  4. Undergraduate Students: These are students who are pursuing their first degree at a college or university. Typically, undergraduate programs lead to a bachelor’s degree and involve a combination of general education courses and courses specific to a student’s major.
  5. Government-Owned Universities: These are higher education institutions that are funded and operated by the government. In many countries, government-owned universities are often more affordable for students compared to private institutions and may have different regulatory and administrative structures.

Project – Counseling strategies for obviating suicidal thoughts amongst undergraduate students in government owned universities in Anambra State.