Project – Factors Influencing Marital Harmony among Married Couples. A case study of Assemblies of God Anambra District

Project – Factors Influencing Marital Harmony among Married Couples. A case study of Assemblies of God Anambra District



  • Background to the Study

Marital harmony is a critical aspect of family life that significantly impacts the well-being of both spouses and their children. Various factors contribute to marital harmony, including communication, financial stability, religious beliefs, and social support. In the context of the Assemblies of God Anambra District, these factors may have unique cultural and religious dimensions that influence marital relationships. According to Gottman and Silver (1999), effective communication is one of the most crucial elements in maintaining marital harmony. Couples who engage in open, honest, and respectful communication are more likely to resolve conflicts amicably and strengthen their emotional bond.

Financial stability is another significant factor influencing marital harmony. Economic stress can lead to conflicts and dissatisfaction within a marriage. Dew, Britt, and Huston (2012) found that financial disagreements are a common predictor of marital distress and divorce. In the Assemblies of God Anambra District, where economic challenges may be prevalent, financial stability can play a pivotal role in maintaining marital harmony. Couples who manage their finances well and support each other in economic endeavors are more likely to experience a harmonious relationship.

Religious beliefs and practices also play a vital role in marital harmony, particularly in religious communities like the Assemblies of God Anambra District. According to Mahoney et al. (2001), shared religious beliefs and practices can enhance marital satisfaction by providing a sense of purpose, community, and moral guidance. In this context, couples who actively participate in religious activities and adhere to their faith’s teachings are likely to experience greater marital harmony. The shared spiritual connection can serve as a foundation for mutual respect, understanding, and support.

Social support from family, friends, and the community is another important factor influencing marital harmony. Strong social networks can provide emotional support, practical assistance, and a sense of belonging, which can help couples navigate the challenges of married life. According to Cutrona and Russell (1987), social support can buffer the negative effects of stress on marital relationships. In the Assemblies of God Anambra District, the close-knit community and strong family ties can offer valuable support to married couples, contributing to their overall marital satisfaction.

Cultural factors also play a significant role in shaping marital harmony. In many African societies, including the Anambra District, cultural norms and expectations regarding gender roles, family responsibilities, and marital obligations can influence the dynamics of marital relationships. According to Nwoye (2000), understanding and respecting cultural values and practices can enhance marital harmony by fostering mutual respect and cooperation between spouses. In the Assemblies of God Anambra District, couples who navigate cultural expectations effectively are likely to experience more harmonious relationships.

Marital harmony among married couples in the Assemblies of God Anambra District is influenced by a combination of communication, financial stability, religious beliefs, social support, and cultural factors. Understanding these factors can help couples and counselors develop strategies to enhance marital satisfaction and stability. Future research could explore the interplay of these factors in greater depth and examine how they specifically impact marital harmony in this unique cultural and religious context.

  • Statement of the Problem

Marital harmony is a critical aspect of family life that significantly impacts the well-being of individuals and the broader community. In the Assemblies of God Anambra District, there has been growing concern about the factors that contribute to or detract from marital harmony among married couples. Despite the importance of this issue, there is a lack of comprehensive research that specifically addresses the unique cultural, social, and religious dynamics within this community. This gap in knowledge necessitates a focused investigation to identify and understand the key factors influencing marital harmony in this context.

One of the primary issues is the role of communication in marital relationships. Effective communication is often cited as a cornerstone of marital harmony, yet many couples struggle with it. In the Assemblies of God Anambra District, traditional gender roles and expectations may further complicate communication dynamics. Understanding how these cultural norms influence communication patterns and, consequently, marital harmony is essential for developing targeted interventions.

Another significant factor is the influence of religious beliefs and practices. The Assemblies of God church places a strong emphasis on marital fidelity, mutual respect, and family unity. However, the extent to which these religious teachings are internalized and practiced by couples can vary widely. Investigating how religious commitment and participation in church activities impact marital harmony can provide valuable insights into the role of faith in sustaining healthy marriages.

Economic factors also play a crucial role in marital harmony. Financial stress is a common source of conflict among married couples, and this is no different in the Assemblies of God Anambra District. The economic environment, employment opportunities, and financial management practices within this community need to be examined to understand their impact on marital relationships. Identifying economic stressors and their effects on marital harmony can help in designing financial counseling and support programs for couples.

Additionally, the influence of extended family and community expectations cannot be overlooked. In many African cultures, including the Igbo culture predominant in Anambra, extended family members often play a significant role in marital relationships. The expectations and interventions of in-laws and community members can either support or strain a marriage. Exploring these social dynamics is crucial for a holistic understanding of the factors influencing marital harmony.

Finally, the impact of personal and psychological factors, such as individual personality traits, mental health, and past experiences, must be considered. These factors can significantly affect how individuals interact with their spouses and handle marital challenges. A comprehensive study that includes psychological assessments and personal histories can provide a deeper understanding of how these individual factors contribute to or hinder marital harmony.

The problem of marital harmony among married couples in the Assemblies of God Anambra District is multifaceted, involving communication, religious beliefs, economic conditions, extended family dynamics, and personal factors. Addressing this problem requires a thorough and context-specific investigation to develop effective strategies for promoting and sustaining marital harmony within this community.

  • Aim and objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine Factors Influencing Marital Harmony among Married Couples. The specific objectives of the study are:

  1. To identify the key factors that contribute to marital harmony among married couples.
  2. To examine the impact of communication styles on marital harmony.
  3. To investigate the role of conflict resolution strategies in maintaining marital harmony.
  4. To explore the influence of shared values and goals on marital satisfaction.
  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What are the key factors that contribute to marital harmony among married couples?
  2. How do different communication styles impact marital harmony?
  3. What role do conflict resolution strategies play in maintaining marital harmony?
  4. How do shared values and goals influence marital satisfaction?
  • Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Conflict resolution strategies cannot help in maintaining marital harmony

H1: Conflict resolution strategies can help in maintaining marital harmony

  • Significance of the Study

Understanding Cultural Context: The Assemblies of God Anambra District represents a unique cultural and religious context that can significantly influence marital dynamics. By focusing on this specific group, the study can provide insights into how cultural and religious beliefs shape marital harmony. This understanding can help in developing culturally sensitive counseling and intervention programs that are more effective in promoting marital stability within this community.

Identifying Key Factors: Marital harmony is influenced by a myriad of factors, including communication, financial stability, emotional support, and shared values. By identifying the specific factors that are most influential within the Assemblies of God Anambra District, the study can help couples and counselors prioritize areas for improvement. This targeted approach can lead to more efficient and effective strategies for enhancing marital satisfaction and reducing conflict.

Enhancing Counseling Practices: The findings from this study can be instrumental for marriage counselors and religious leaders within the Assemblies of God Anambra District. By understanding the unique challenges and strengths of couples in this community, counselors can tailor their advice and support to better meet the needs of their clients. This can lead to more successful counseling outcomes and stronger, more resilient marriages.

Promoting Community Well-being: Marital harmony is closely linked to overall community well-being. Stable and happy marriages contribute to the social and emotional health of the community, reducing issues such as domestic violence, divorce, and mental health problems. By identifying and addressing the factors that influence marital harmony, the study can help promote a healthier, more cohesive community within the Assemblies of God Anambra District.

Informing Policy and Programs: The insights gained from this study can inform the development of policies and programs aimed at supporting married couples. Religious organizations, non-profits, and government agencies can use the findings to create initiatives that address the specific needs of couples in the Assemblies of God Anambra District. This can include educational programs, support groups, and financial assistance programs designed to enhance marital harmony.

Contributing to Academic Knowledge: Finally, this study adds to the broader academic understanding of marital harmony. By focusing on a specific cultural and religious group, it provides a case study that can be compared with other populations. This comparative approach can help researchers identify universal factors that influence marital harmony, as well as those that are unique to certain contexts. This contributes to a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of marriage and family dynamics.

In summary, studying the factors influencing marital harmony among married couples in the Assemblies of God Anambra District is significant for enhancing cultural understanding, improving counseling practices, promoting community well-being, informing policy, and contributing to academic knowledge.

  • Scope of the Study

The study examines the Factors Influencing Marital Harmony among Married Couples. A case study of Assemblies of God Anambra District.

1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

Factors: Factors are elements or components that contribute to a particular result or situation. In the context of marital harmony, factors could include communication, financial stability, emotional support, and shared values, among others.

Influencing: Influencing refers to the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something. In the context of this study, it means the ways in which various factors affect the state of marital harmony among couples.

Marital Harmony: Marital harmony refers to a state of peace, understanding, and cooperation between married partners. It involves effective communication, mutual respect, emotional support, and shared goals, contributing to a satisfying and stable marriage.

Married Couples: Married couples are two individuals who are legally and/or socially recognized as partners in a marital relationship. This relationship is often characterized by mutual rights and obligations, emotional and physical intimacy, and shared responsibilities.

Assemblies of God: The Assemblies of God is a group of Pentecostal Christian denominations. It is one of the largest Pentecostal organizations in the world, known for its emphasis on the baptism in the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, and evangelism. In this context, it refers to the specific religious community within the Anambra District.

Project – Factors Influencing Marital Harmony among Married Couples. A case study of Assemblies of God Anambra District