Project – Design and development of ticket booking in a football stadium

Project – Design and development of ticket booking in a football stadium




The entertainment industry is multidimensional being concerned with the both the picture and sound i.e visual and audio format of multimedia.  The different forms of entertainment play a vital role in the society in which we live. Our homes, schools, workplace and so on will be bored if this industry does not meet to its expectations. As a result the use of computer becomes inevitable. Consequently the entertainment industry is relying more and more on computers for assistance. Specifically the entertainment industry relies on computers to support the  various forms and format to which their audiences and viewers are entertained to ensure maximum efficiency and safety.

The applications of computers in entertainment are numerous in entertainment companies, computers are used to control traffic signals from different input devices such as cameras, microphones, etc. monitoring signals and visual operation and helping to achieve efficient  viewers satisfaction, and they are also used in  helping with ticking in the various outlet  such as stations, cinemas, viewing centers etc.  if not for computers, the entertainment industry would be only a dream.

This research work will be more concerned with the application of computers in seat reservation in the entertainment industry and to learn how computers are used for these purposes.


1.1.1 Aim

The aim of this project is to design and develop a ticket booking in   football matches in  Ahmadu Bello Stadium Constitution Road,  Kaduna.

1.1.2 Objectives of the Project

  1. To identify the problem associated with the manual way for ticket booking  in a football matches
  2. To design and developed a database for ticket booking system
  • To implement the database into the ticket booking system


The research work shall be based on the seat reservation system problems, associated with seat reservation and computer solution to these problems with specific references to Ahmadu Bello Stadium Kaduna Nigeria.

More often complaints from viewers has been heard about busy waiting for a longer time on booking queue, double allocation of viewers on one set and many problems of such kinds.

This interest the researcher to conduct a research based on the above mentioned problems so as to come out with efficient solution to these problems. But the researcher is face with a number of constraints of which one of them is time constraints.

This research is to be carried out and be completed within the period of less than one year and within this period there are other academic work such as lectures, assignments, tests, seminar presentation and many others. The time that is supposed to be allocated only  for project is also loaded with other academic work. This prevents the researcher from carrying  her research as intended.

Followed by time constraints, is the financial limitation. An adage says money answers all things”, in view of the researcher, this is true because for this project to gain a good shape money has to be involved. the success of this project work depends on the financial support given to it and this seem to be somehow limited because the research suppose to have  started earlier than now but it is delayed because enough money has to be  obtained in other to enable the researcher media from one place to another in search of data.

The attitude of respondents is also limitation to this research, the researcher ended collecting  limited information from her respondents because the respondents was so busy with this work and would not want to give complete information. All these constraints prevented the researcher from conducting a thorough study.

1.3    SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY              

This project work has been designed up with a new dimension in the seat reservation system adopted by Ahmadu Bello Stadium, Kaduna Nigeria.

The method used for seat reservation is tedious and time consuming. Viewers on the booking queue always found themselves worn out and tired.

This project work is of great significance because it will come up with a computer ticket seat reservation system that will replace the manual system used by the Ahmadu Bello Stadium, Kaduna Nigeria and this computerized system will help the booking agents to be productive by speeding up the long viewers waiting line. It will also enhance processing strong and accessing of large volume of information when necessary.


Many different techniques have been developed by software engineers for the construction of complex applications. RAD (Rapid Application development) often starts by building a simplified application that includes only the essential software requirement. This is required to the client for evaluation. The project is the extended in phases, each phase being evaluated by the client before the next begins. The project as presented in this report may be considered as the result of the first phase of such as development process.


  1. The line: This is the organization that operate the entertainment business .
  2. The port: This is the special point designated for loading and offloading usually called bus stop.

iii.        Booking: This is the services rendered by booking clerk to viewers  in entertainment industries which involve reserving seats in advance for a scheduled match.

  1. Viewer: A viewer is a person who foes to watch a match in a stadium and  or other viewers centers.
  2. Ticket: A ticket is a written piece of paper that gives the holder right to enter the desired viewing center.
  3. Entertainment: Entertainment is the act of keeping or making a person or group of peoples occupied with an activity that makes them (Viewers) enjoy what they are watching, hearing or listening to.

Project – Design and development of ticket booking in a football stadium