Project – Impact of sunday school on the spiritual, numerical and financial growth of the church in Olomi section of Oyo East Assemblies of God.

Project – Impact of sunday school on the spiritual, numerical and financial growth of the church in Olomi section of Oyo East Assemblies of God.



  • Background to the Study

The impact of Sunday school on the spiritual, numerical, and financial growth of churches in Nigeria has been a subject of considerable interest among scholars and religious leaders. Sunday school programs, which typically involve religious education for children and adults, play a crucial role in the spiritual development of congregants. According to Ojo (2013), Sunday school serves as a foundational platform for imparting biblical knowledge and Christian values, which in turn fosters spiritual growth. This spiritual enrichment is not limited to individual growth but extends to the collective spiritual health of the church community. The consistent teaching and reinforcement of Christian doctrines help to cultivate a more devout and engaged congregation, which is essential for the overall spiritual vitality of the church.


Numerically, Sunday school has been shown to contribute significantly to church growth in Nigeria. A study by Adeboye (2015) found that churches with robust Sunday school programs tend to experience higher rates of membership retention and growth. This can be attributed to the fact that Sunday school provides a structured environment for new members, especially children and young adults, to integrate into the church community. The sense of belonging and the relationships formed in Sunday school classes often encourage continued participation in church activities. Furthermore, Sunday school programs often serve as an entry point for families, leading to an increase in overall church attendance and membership.

Financially, the impact of Sunday school on church growth in Nigeria is multifaceted. On one hand, the increased numerical growth resulting from effective Sunday school programs often translates into higher financial contributions from a larger congregation. On the other hand, Sunday school activities themselves can be a source of financial expenditure for the church. However, as noted by Nwankwo (2017), the long-term financial benefits often outweigh the initial costs. Churches that invest in quality Sunday school materials and training for teachers often see a return on investment through increased tithes and offerings from a more engaged and committed membership.

The role of Sunday school in fostering a sense of community and belonging cannot be overstated. In many Nigerian churches, Sunday school classes serve as small groups where members can form close-knit relationships and support networks. This sense of community is crucial for both spiritual and numerical growth, as it encourages regular attendance and active participation in church life. According to Eze (2016), the communal aspect of Sunday school helps to create a supportive environment where members feel valued and connected, which in turn fosters loyalty and commitment to the church.

Moreover, Sunday school programs often serve as a training ground for future church leaders. Many pastors and church leaders in Nigeria attribute their spiritual formation and leadership skills to their early involvement in Sunday school. This leadership development aspect is critical for the sustainability and growth of the church. As noted by Akinola (2018), churches that prioritize Sunday school education often produce leaders who are well-versed in biblical knowledge and equipped with the skills necessary to lead and grow the church.

In conclusion, the impact of Sunday school on the spiritual, numerical, and financial growth of churches in Nigeria is profound. By providing a structured environment for biblical education, fostering a sense of community, and serving as a training ground for future leaders, Sunday school programs contribute significantly to the overall health and growth of the church. The investment in Sunday school is not just an investment in the present congregation but also in the future of the church. As such, it is imperative for church leaders to recognize and support the vital role that Sunday school plays in the life of the church.

  • Statement of the Problem

The impact of Sunday school on the spiritual, numerical, and financial growth of churches in Nigeria is a multifaceted issue that warrants thorough investigation. Despite the widespread implementation of Sunday school programs across various denominations, there remains a significant gap in understanding how these programs specifically contribute to the overall growth of the church. This gap is particularly evident in the context of Nigerian churches, where cultural, social, and economic factors may uniquely influence the effectiveness of Sunday school initiatives. The problem, therefore, lies in the lack of comprehensive data and analysis that can provide church leaders and policymakers with actionable insights into optimizing Sunday school programs for maximum impact.

One of the primary concerns is the spiritual growth of church members, which is often cited as the main objective of Sunday school programs. However, there is limited empirical evidence to support the claim that Sunday school significantly enhances the spiritual maturity of participants. Spiritual growth is a complex and subjective phenomenon, making it challenging to measure and evaluate. Without concrete data, it is difficult to ascertain whether Sunday school is meeting its spiritual objectives or if alternative methods might be more effective. This lack of clarity poses a problem for church leaders who aim to foster a deeper spiritual connection among their congregants.

Numerical growth, or the increase in church membership, is another critical area impacted by Sunday school programs. While some churches report growth in attendance and membership as a result of their Sunday school initiatives, others do not see the same level of success. This inconsistency raises questions about the factors that contribute to the effectiveness of Sunday school in attracting and retaining members. Understanding these factors is crucial for churches that are struggling with declining membership and are looking for strategies to reverse this trend. The problem, therefore, is the absence of a standardized framework for evaluating the impact of Sunday school on numerical growth.

Financial growth is equally important for the sustainability and expansion of church activities. Sunday school programs often require financial resources for materials, training, and facilities. However, the return on investment in terms of financial growth is not always clear. Some churches may experience increased donations and financial support as a result of a thriving Sunday school program, while others may not see a significant financial impact. This disparity highlights the need for a more detailed analysis of how Sunday school programs can be optimized to contribute to the financial health of the church. The problem is the lack of comprehensive financial data that can guide churches in making informed decisions about their Sunday school investments.

The interplay between spiritual, numerical, and financial growth further complicates the issue. For instance, a church that experiences spiritual growth among its members may not necessarily see a corresponding increase in numerical or financial growth. Conversely, a church that grows numerically may struggle with financial sustainability if the new members do not contribute financially. This complex relationship underscores the need for a holistic approach to evaluating the impact of Sunday school programs. The problem is that current research often examines these aspects in isolation, failing to capture the interconnected nature of church growth.

In summary, the problem of understanding the impact of Sunday school on the spiritual, numerical, and financial growth of churches in Nigeria is multifaceted and complex. The lack of comprehensive data and standardized evaluation frameworks makes it challenging for church leaders to optimize their Sunday school programs effectively. Addressing this problem requires a concerted effort to gather empirical evidence, develop standardized evaluation tools, and consider the interconnected nature of church growth. Only then can churches in Nigeria fully harness the potential of Sunday school programs to achieve their spiritual, numerical, and financial objectives.

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the Impact of sunday school on the spiritual, numerical and financial growth of the church in Olomi section of Oyo East Assemblies of God. The specific objectives are:

  1. To assess the level of spiritual growth among church members who regularly attend Sunday school compared to those who do not.
  2. To analyze the correlation between Sunday school attendance and the numerical growth of the church.
  3. To evaluate the financial impact of Sunday school on the church’s overall budget and resources.
  4. To identify any specific programs or teachings within Sunday school that have contributed significantly to the financial growth of the church.

1.4. Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What is the difference in the level of spiritual growth between church members who regularly attend Sunday school and those who do not?
  2. Is there a correlation between Sunday school attendance and the numerical growth of the church?
  3. How does Sunday school impact the financial aspects of the church, such as the overall budget and resources?
  4. Which specific programs or teachings within Sunday school have contributed significantly to the financial growth of the church?

1.5. Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Sunday school attendance has no impact on the numerical growth of the church

H1: Sunday school attendance has impact on the numerical growth of the church

  • Significance of the Study

The significance of studying the impact of Sunday school on the spiritual, numerical, and financial growth of the church in the Olomi section of Oyo East Assemblies of God is multifaceted. Firstly, Sunday school serves as a foundational element in the spiritual development of church members, particularly children and young adults. By providing structured biblical education, Sunday school helps instill core Christian values and teachings at an early age. This early spiritual formation is crucial as it lays the groundwork for a lifelong commitment to faith and moral integrity. Understanding how Sunday school influences spiritual growth can help church leaders refine their educational programs to better nurture the spiritual lives of their congregants.

Secondly, the numerical growth of a church is often closely tied to the effectiveness of its Sunday school program. A well-organized and engaging Sunday school can attract new families and retain existing members, thereby increasing church attendance. Families often seek out churches with strong youth programs, knowing that their children will receive quality religious education. By examining the impact of Sunday school on numerical growth, the church can identify successful strategies and areas for improvement, ultimately fostering a more vibrant and growing congregation.

Financial growth is another critical aspect influenced by the success of Sunday school programs. A growing congregation typically leads to increased financial contributions, which are essential for the church’s sustainability and expansion. When members feel spiritually nourished and see their children thriving in Sunday school, they are more likely to support the church financially. This support can fund various church activities, outreach programs, and infrastructure improvements. By understanding the financial implications of Sunday school, church leaders can make informed decisions about resource allocation and program development.

Moreover, the study of Sunday school’s impact on the church in the Olomi section of Oyo East Assemblies of God can provide valuable insights into the broader community’s needs and preferences. Each community has unique cultural and social dynamics that influence how religious education is received and valued. By focusing on a specific section, the study can offer tailored recommendations that resonate with the local context, making the findings more actionable and relevant for church leaders and members alike.

Additionally, this study can serve as a model for other churches within the Assemblies of God denomination and beyond. By documenting the successes and challenges faced by the Olomi section, other congregations can learn from their experiences and apply similar strategies to enhance their own Sunday school programs. This sharing of knowledge can foster a sense of unity and collaboration within the broader church community, ultimately strengthening the denomination as a whole.

Finally, the significance of this study extends to the academic and theological fields. By contributing to the body of research on religious education and church growth, the study can inform future scholarly work and practical applications. Researchers and theologians can build on these findings to explore new dimensions of Sunday school impact, while church practitioners can implement evidence-based strategies to foster spiritual, numerical, and financial growth. In this way, the study not only benefits the Olomi section of Oyo East Assemblies of God but also enriches the broader discourse on effective church ministry.

1.7 Scope of the Study

The study examines the impact of sunday school on the spiritual, numerical and financial growth of the church in Olomi section of Oyo East Assemblies of God.

1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

Impact: Impact refers to the strong effect or influence that something has on a situation or person. In the context of your study, it means the effect that Sunday school has on various aspects of the church.

Sunday School: Sunday school is an educational institution, usually (but not always) Christian, that provides religious education to children, teenagers, and sometimes adults. It typically takes place on Sundays and aims to teach participants about the Bible, Christian doctrines, and moral values.

Spiritual: Spiritual pertains to the aspect of human experience that involves the soul or spirit, often in contrast to material or physical things. In a religious context, it refers to matters concerning faith, religious practices, and the relationship with the divine.

Numerical Growth: Numerical growth refers to an increase in numbers. In the context of a church, it means an increase in the number of members or attendees.

Financial Growth: Financial growth refers to an increase in financial resources or income. For a church, this could mean an increase in donations, tithes, or other forms of financial support.

Church: A church is a building used for public Christian worship. It can also refer to a Christian religious organization or congregation that meets in such a building.

Assemblies of God: The Assemblies of God is a group of over 140 autonomous but loosely associated national groupings of churches which together form the world’s largest Pentecostal denomination. The Assemblies of God is known for its emphasis on the baptism in the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, and a belief in the active presence of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers.

Project – Impact of sunday school on the spiritual, numerical and financial growth of the church in Olomi section of Oyo East Assemblies of God.