Project – The importance of worship in 21st century church: A case study of Itire Section Assemblies of God, Lagos Mainland District

Project – The importance of worship in 21st century church: A case study of Itire Section Assemblies of God, Lagos Mainland District



  • Background to the Study

The importance of worship in the 21st-century church in Nigeria cannot be overstated, as it plays a crucial role in the spiritual, social, and cultural life of its congregants. Worship in Nigerian churches is characterized by vibrant music, dynamic preaching, and communal participation, which together foster a deep sense of connection to the divine and to one another. According to Adogame (2010), worship practices in Nigerian churches have evolved significantly over the years, incorporating both traditional African elements and contemporary Christian influences. This blend of old and new has created a unique worship experience that resonates deeply with the Nigerian populace, providing a sense of continuity and innovation.

The role of worship in fostering community and social cohesion is particularly significant in Nigeria, a country marked by ethnic and religious diversity. Worship services often serve as a unifying force, bringing together individuals from various backgrounds to share in a common spiritual experience. As noted by Ukah (2008), the communal aspect of worship helps to bridge social divides and promote a sense of belonging among congregants. This is especially important in a nation where social and political tensions can sometimes threaten national unity. Through worship, Nigerian churches contribute to the building of a more cohesive and harmonious society.

In addition to its social benefits, worship in Nigerian churches also plays a critical role in the personal spiritual development of individuals. Worship services provide a space for congregants to engage in personal reflection, prayer, and communion with God. This spiritual nourishment is essential for the growth and sustenance of one’s faith. As highlighted by Asamoah-Gyadu (2005), the experiential nature of worship in Nigerian churches allows individuals to encounter the divine in a tangible and transformative way. This personal encounter with God is a cornerstone of the Christian faith and is central to the worship experience in Nigeria.


Moreover, worship in Nigerian churches is often characterized by a strong emphasis on music and dance, which are integral components of the worship experience. The use of indigenous musical instruments and contemporary gospel music creates a lively and engaging atmosphere that enhances the worship experience. According to Ojo (2006), music and dance in worship not only serve as expressions of praise and adoration but also as means of spiritual warfare and deliverance. The power of music in worship is believed to invoke the presence of God and bring about spiritual breakthroughs, making it a vital aspect of worship in Nigerian churches.


The importance of worship in Nigerian churches is also evident in its role in evangelism and church growth. Worship services often serve as a platform for outreach and the proclamation of the gospel. The dynamic and engaging nature of worship in Nigerian churches attracts individuals who may not have previously been exposed to the Christian faith. As Gifford (2004) points out, the growth of Pentecostal and Charismatic movements in Nigeria can be attributed in part to their vibrant worship practices, which appeal to a wide audience. Through worship, Nigerian churches are able to reach new converts and expand their congregations.

Worship in the 21st-century church in Nigeria is of paramount importance, serving as a vital component of spiritual life, social cohesion, personal development, and church growth. The unique blend of traditional and contemporary elements in Nigerian worship practices creates a rich and dynamic experience that resonates deeply with congregants. As Nigerian churches continue to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century, the centrality of worship will undoubtedly remain a key factor in their spiritual and communal life.

  • Statement of the Problem

Worship has always been a central element of Christian practice, serving as a means of expressing reverence, adoration, and devotion to God. In the 21st-century church in Nigeria, the significance of worship has taken on new dimensions, influenced by socio-cultural, economic, and technological changes. Despite its foundational role, there is a growing concern that the essence and impact of worship are being diluted. This problem is multifaceted, involving shifts in worship styles, the commercialization of religious practices, and the challenge of maintaining spiritual depth in an increasingly secular world.

One of the primary issues is the shift in worship styles. Traditional forms of worship, which often include hymns, liturgies, and communal prayers, are being replaced or overshadowed by contemporary worship practices. These modern forms often emphasize emotional experiences and entertainment, sometimes at the expense of theological depth and scriptural fidelity. This shift raises questions about the sustainability of worship practices that prioritize form over substance and the long-term spiritual health of congregants.

Another significant problem is the commercialization of worship. In many Nigerian churches, worship has become a lucrative enterprise, with a focus on generating revenue through offerings, tithes, and the sale of religious merchandise. This commercialization can lead to a consumerist mentality among worshippers, where the focus shifts from genuine spiritual engagement to transactional relationships with the church. This trend undermines the sacredness of worship and can erode the trust and authenticity that are essential for a vibrant faith community.

The influence of technology also presents challenges and opportunities for worship in the 21st-century Nigerian church. While technology can enhance worship experiences through live streaming, multimedia presentations, and social media engagement, it can also lead to passive participation. Congregants may become spectators rather than active participants in worship, which can diminish the communal and participatory nature of worship. Additionally, the digital divide in Nigeria means that not all congregants have equal access to these technological advancements, potentially creating disparities in worship experiences.

Furthermore, the socio-economic context of Nigeria, characterized by poverty, unemployment, and political instability, impacts worship practices. In such a challenging environment, worship can serve as a source of hope and resilience. However, there is a risk that worship may be co-opted by prosperity theology, which promises material blessings in exchange for faith and financial contributions. This theology can distort the purpose of worship, making it a means to an end rather than an end in itself.

Lastly, the increasing secularization of society poses a challenge to the importance of worship in the Nigerian church. As secular values and lifestyles become more prevalent, there is a risk that worship may lose its central place in the lives of believers. This secular influence can lead to a compartmentalization of faith, where worship is confined to church services rather than being integrated into daily life. Addressing this issue requires a renewed emphasis on the transformative power of worship and its role in shaping the character and actions of believers.

The importance of worship in the 21st-century church in Nigeria is being challenged by shifts in worship styles, commercialization, technological influences, socio-economic factors, and secularization. These challenges necessitate a critical examination of current practices and a recommitment to the core principles of worship. By addressing these issues, the Nigerian church can ensure that worship remains a vital and transformative aspect of Christian life in the 21st century.

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the importance of worship in 21st century church. The specific objectives are:

  1. To examine the role of worship in the spiritual growth and development of church members in the 21st century.
  2. To assess the impact of different worship styles and practices on the congregation’s engagement and participation.
  3. To investigate the significance of worship in fostering a sense of community and unity among church members.
  4. To explore the challenges and opportunities faced by the church in enhancing the worship experience for its members.
  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. How does worship contribute to the spiritual growth and development of church members in the 21st century?
  2. What is the impact of various worship styles and practices on the engagement and participation of the congregation?
  3. In what ways does worship foster a sense of community and unity among church members?
  4. What are the challenges and opportunities faced by the church in improving the worship experience for its members?
  • Research Hypothesis

The research hypothesis is buttressed below:

Ho: Worship has no significant impact in the spiritual growth and development of church members in the 21st century.

H1: Worship has a significant impact in the spiritual growth and development of church members in the 21st century.


1.6. Significance of the Study

The significance of studying the importance of worship in the 21st-century church, particularly through a case study of Itire Section Assemblies of God in Lagos Mainland District, is multifaceted. Firstly, worship is a central component of Christian practice and identity. It serves as a means of expressing reverence, adoration, and devotion to God. In the context of the 21st century, where societal values and technological advancements are rapidly evolving, understanding how worship practices are maintained, adapted, or transformed within a specific congregation can provide valuable insights into the broader dynamics of contemporary Christianity.

Secondly, the Itire Section Assemblies of God offers a unique lens through which to examine these dynamics. Located in Lagos Mainland District, this church is situated in a bustling urban environment characterized by a diverse population and a mix of traditional and modern influences. Studying worship in this setting can reveal how urbanization, cultural diversity, and modernity impact religious practices and community life. It can also highlight the ways in which the church navigates the challenges and opportunities presented by its environment to foster a sense of belonging and spiritual growth among its members.

Thirdly, worship in the 21st-century church is not just about traditional rituals and ceremonies; it also encompasses contemporary forms of expression such as music, dance, and multimedia presentations. By focusing on the Itire Section Assemblies of God, the study can explore how these modern elements are integrated into worship services and how they resonate with congregants. This can shed light on the role of creativity and innovation in keeping worship relevant and engaging for different generations, particularly in a rapidly changing world.

Moreover, the study can contribute to a deeper understanding of the theological and doctrinal underpinnings of worship in the Assemblies of God denomination. It can examine how the church’s teachings and beliefs shape worship practices and how these, in turn, influence the spiritual lives of congregants. This can provide a richer appreciation of the interplay between doctrine and practice, and how this relationship sustains the faith community.

Additionally, the significance of this study extends to the broader field of religious studies and sociology of religion. By providing a detailed case study of a specific church, it can offer empirical data and insights that contribute to academic discussions on contemporary worship practices, religious identity, and community dynamics. It can also serve as a comparative reference for similar studies in different contexts, thereby enriching the overall understanding of worship in the modern era.

The findings of this study can have practical implications for church leaders, worship planners, and policymakers within the Assemblies of God and beyond. By identifying effective strategies and practices that enhance worship experiences, the study can inform efforts to strengthen congregational engagement, spiritual growth, and community cohesion. It can also provide guidance on how to address the challenges posed by modernity while preserving the core values and traditions of the faith.

1.7. Scope of the Study

The study examines the importance of worship in 21st century church: A case study of Itire Section Assemblies of God, Lagos Mainland District.

1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

Importance: The quality or state of being important; significance or value. It refers to the degree to which something is considered to be of great worth or consequence.

Worship: The feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity. In a religious context, it often involves rituals, prayers, songs, and other forms of devotion directed towards a divine being.

21st Century Church: This term refers to Christian congregations and communities that exist in the 21st century. It encompasses modern practices, challenges, and cultural contexts that influence how Christianity is practiced and experienced today.

Christian: A person who adheres to Christianity, a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Christians believe in Jesus as the Son of God and the savior of humanity.

Music: An art form and cultural activity whose medium is sound organized in time. Common elements of music include pitch, rhythm, dynamics, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture. In the context of worship, music often plays a crucial role in facilitating spiritual experiences and communal participation.

Project – The importance of worship in 21st century church: A case study of Itire Section Assemblies of God, Lagos Mainland District