Project – Effective followership in the body of Christ

Project – Effective followership in the body of Christ



  • Background to the Study

Effective followership within the body of Christ is a critical yet often underexplored aspect of church dynamics and leadership. Followership, as defined by Robert E. Kelley in his seminal work “The Power of Followership,” involves individuals who actively support and contribute to the goals and mission of their leaders. In the context of the church, effective followership is essential for fostering a cohesive and mission-driven community. Kelley’s model identifies key characteristics of effective followers, such as self-management, commitment, competence, and courage, which are equally applicable to members of a church congregation (Kelley, 1992).

The New Testament provides numerous examples of effective followership, particularly in the relationships between Jesus and His disciples. The disciples’ willingness to leave their livelihoods and follow Jesus is a testament to their commitment and trust in His leadership. This biblical model of followership emphasizes the importance of faith, obedience, and a shared vision. According to Clinton and Stanley in “Connecting: The Mentoring Relationships You Need to Succeed in Life,” the disciples’ growth under Jesus’ mentorship highlights the transformative power of effective followership in spiritual development (Clinton & Stanley, 1992).

In contemporary church settings, effective followership can be seen in the active participation of congregants in church activities, ministries, and community outreach programs. Research by Chaleff in “The Courageous Follower” suggests that effective followers are not passive but are proactive in their support and engagement. They provide constructive feedback, hold leaders accountable, and contribute to the decision-making process. This dynamic is crucial for the health and growth of the church, as it ensures that leadership is responsive and that the congregation feels valued and heard (Chaleff, 2009).

Moreover, effective followership in the church is closely linked to the concept of servant leadership, as articulated by Robert Greenleaf. In his essay “The Servant as Leader,” Greenleaf posits that true leadership arises from a desire to serve others. This principle is mirrored in the actions of effective followers who prioritize the well-being of the community and support their leaders in a spirit of humility and service. The synergy between servant leadership and followership creates a nurturing environment where both leaders and followers can thrive (Greenleaf, 1970).

The role of effective followership is also evident in the writings of Paul in the New Testament, particularly in his letters to the early churches. Paul often commended the members of these churches for their faithfulness and support, which were crucial for the spread of the Gospel. In “Paul and His Letters,” John Polhill notes that Paul’s success as a leader was significantly bolstered by the effective followership of his congregations, who embraced his teachings and worked diligently to live out their faith (Polhill, 1999).

Effective followership within the body of Christ is a multifaceted and dynamic component of church life. It involves a deep commitment to the church’s mission, active participation, and a supportive relationship with church leaders. The principles of effective followership, as outlined by scholars and exemplified in biblical narratives, underscore the importance of collaboration, accountability, and service. By fostering these qualities, the church can build a strong, vibrant community that is well-equipped to fulfill its spiritual and communal objectives.

  • Statement of the Problem

Effective followership in the body of Christ is a critical yet often overlooked aspect of church dynamics and spiritual growth. The concept of followership, which involves the behaviors and actions of individuals who are not in leadership positions, is essential for the health and functionality of any organization, including religious communities. In the context of the church, effective followership can significantly impact the overall mission, unity, and spiritual development of the congregation. However, there is a noticeable gap in both academic and practical discussions regarding how followers within the church can best support their leaders and contribute to the church’s mission. This gap presents a problem that needs to be addressed to ensure that the body of Christ functions optimally.

One of the primary issues is the lack of clear guidelines and training for church members on how to be effective followers. While much emphasis is placed on developing strong leaders within the church, there is comparatively little focus on educating congregants about their roles and responsibilities as followers. This imbalance can lead to misunderstandings, miscommunications, and a lack of cohesion within the church community. Without a clear understanding of what effective followership entails, church members may struggle to support their leaders adequately, which can hinder the church’s ability to fulfill its mission and vision.

Another significant problem is the potential for passive or disengaged followership, where church members may attend services and participate in activities but do not actively engage in the church’s mission or support its leaders. This passive approach can lead to a lack of enthusiasm and commitment, which can be detrimental to the church’s overall health. Effective followership requires active participation, critical thinking, and a willingness to support and sometimes challenge leaders in a constructive manner. Without these elements, the church may struggle to grow and thrive.

Furthermore, the dynamics of followership in the body of Christ are complicated by the diverse backgrounds, experiences, and expectations of church members. This diversity can be a strength, but it can also lead to conflicts and misunderstandings if not managed properly. Effective followership requires a level of emotional intelligence and cultural competence that allows individuals to navigate these complexities and work together harmoniously. Addressing this issue involves providing church members with the tools and training they need to understand and appreciate different perspectives and to work collaboratively towards common goals.

The problem is also compounded by the hierarchical nature of many church organizations, which can sometimes create a disconnect between leaders and followers. In some cases, leaders may be perceived as distant or unapproachable, which can discourage followers from voicing their opinions or offering support. Effective followership requires a relational approach where followers feel valued and heard. This necessitates a shift in church culture towards more inclusive and participatory practices, where the contributions of all members are recognized and appreciated.

The problem of ineffective followership in the body of Christ is multifaceted and requires a comprehensive approach to address. By focusing on educating church members about their roles as followers, encouraging active and engaged participation, fostering emotional intelligence and cultural competence, and promoting a more inclusive church culture, the body of Christ can work towards a more effective and harmonious community. Addressing these issues is essential for the church to fulfill its mission and to support the spiritual growth and development of all its members.

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the effective followership in the body of Christ. The specific objectives are:

  1. To understand the key characteristics of effective followership within the context of the Christian community.
  2. To explore the role of followers in supporting and enhancing the leadership within the body of Christ.
  3. To identify the challenges and barriers that followers may face in fulfilling their roles effectively.
  4. To examine the impact of effective followership on the overall health and growth of the Christian community.

1.4   Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What are the key characteristics of effective followership within the context of the Christian community?
  2. How do followers support and enhance leadership within the body of Christ?
  3. What challenges and barriers do followers face in fulfilling their roles effectively?
  4. What is the impact of effective followership on the overall health and growth of the Christian community?

1.5. Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Followers do not assist in supporting and enhancing the leadership within the body of Christ

H1: Followers assist in supporting and enhancing the leadership within the body of Christ.

1.6. Significance of the Study

Effective followership within the body of Christ holds profound significance, as it directly impacts the health, unity, and mission of the church. In the Christian context, followership is not merely about passive obedience but involves active engagement, discernment, and a commitment to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Effective followership ensures that the church operates harmoniously, with each member contributing to the collective mission of spreading the gospel and serving the community. This dynamic is crucial because it fosters a sense of belonging and purpose among believers, encouraging them to grow spiritually and support one another in their faith journeys.

Moreover, effective followership in the body of Christ promotes accountability and mutual edification. When followers are engaged and committed, they hold each other accountable to the teachings of Christ and the principles of the faith. This accountability is not about judgment but about encouraging one another to live out their faith authentically and with integrity. It creates an environment where believers can confess their struggles, seek guidance, and receive support, thus strengthening the overall spiritual health of the church. This mutual edification is essential for personal growth and for maintaining the church’s witness to the world.

In addition, effective followership enhances the leadership within the church. Leaders are often more effective when they have a supportive and engaged congregation. Followers who are active participants in the church’s mission provide valuable feedback, offer diverse perspectives, and contribute their unique gifts and talents. This collaborative dynamic allows leaders to make more informed decisions and to lead with greater empathy and understanding. It also helps prevent burnout among church leaders, as they are not solely responsible for every aspect of the church’s ministry but can rely on the active participation of their congregation.

Furthermore, effective followership in the body of Christ is a testament to the transformative power of the gospel. When believers follow Christ wholeheartedly and support one another in their faith, they demonstrate the love, grace, and unity that Jesus prayed for in John 17. This unity is a powerful witness to the world, showcasing the church as a community where people from diverse backgrounds can come together in love and purpose. It challenges societal norms of individualism and division, offering a compelling alternative rooted in the teachings of Christ.

Effective followership also plays a critical role in discipleship and evangelism. As followers of Christ grow in their faith and understanding, they become more equipped to disciple others and to share the gospel with those outside the church. This ripple effect ensures that the message of Christ continues to spread and that new believers are nurtured and integrated into the church community. Effective followership thus perpetuates a cycle of growth and multiplication, which is essential for the church’s mission to make disciples of all nations.

Lastly, effective followership within the body of Christ fosters a culture of service and humility. Jesus taught that greatness in the kingdom of God is measured by one’s willingness to serve others (Mark 10:43-45). When believers embrace this teaching and follow Christ’s example of servant leadership, they create a church culture that prioritizes the needs of others and seeks to serve the community. This culture of service not only meets practical needs but also reflects the heart of the gospel, drawing people to Christ through acts of love and compassion. Effective followership, therefore, is not just about following human leaders but about following Christ’s example and embodying His teachings in every aspect of life.

1.7. Scope of the Study

The study examines effective followership in the body of Christ. The study is limited to members selected Pentecostal Churches in Lagos, Nigeria.

1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

Effective: The term “effective” refers to something that successfully produces a desired or intended result. In the context of followership, it means following in a way that positively contributes to the goals and mission of the group or organization.

Followership: Followership is the capacity or willingness to follow a leader. It involves behaviors, actions, and attitudes that support the leader and the group’s objectives. Effective followership is not passive; it requires active engagement, critical thinking, and a commitment to the group’s mission.

Body of Christ: The “Body of Christ” is a metaphor used in Christian theology to describe the collective group of believers in Jesus Christ. It emphasizes unity and interdependence among Christians, suggesting that just as a body has many parts that work together, so too should the members of the Christian community work together in harmony.

Church: The term “Church” can refer to both a physical building where Christians gather to worship and the larger community of Christians worldwide. It is an institution that provides spiritual guidance, community, and a place for worship and religious activities. The Church plays a crucial role in the spiritual life of Christians, offering sacraments, teachings, and fellowship.

Christian: A Christian is an individual who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ and believes in Him as the Son of God and the Savior of humanity. Christians adhere to the principles and doctrines of Christianity, which are based on the Bible. They strive to live according to the teachings of Jesus, which include love, compassion, forgiveness, and service to others.

Project – Effective followership in the body of Christ