Project – Evaluation of the constraints facing health records practitioners in health records keeping in General Hospital

Project – Evaluation of the constraints facing health records practitioners in health records keeping in General Hospital



  • Background to the Study

Health Information Management (HIM) in Nigeria faces several constraints that hinder its effective implementation. One of the most significant challenges is the lack of adequate infrastructure, particularly in rural areas. Many health facilities lack the necessary equipment and technology to manage health information effectively (Adebayo & Uthman, 2019). This includes a lack of computers, reliable internet access, and power supply, which are essential for the digital management of health information.

Another constraint is the lack of skilled personnel. Many health facilities in Nigeria do not have enough trained health records practitioners to handle the complex tasks involved in managing health information (Oleribe et al., 2017). This is compounded by the lack of continuous training and development opportunities for these professionals, which hinders their ability to keep up with the rapidly evolving field of health information management.

The third constraint is the lack of standardized procedures for managing health information. In many health facilities, there are no clear guidelines on how to collect, store, and use health information (Adebayo & Uthman, 2019). This lack of standardization leads to inconsistencies in the quality and reliability of health information, which can negatively impact health care delivery.

Furthermore, there is a lack of adequate funding for health information management in Nigeria. This lack of funding hinders the acquisition of necessary equipment and technology, the training and development of health records practitioners, and the implementation of standardized procedures (Oleribe et al., 2017). Without adequate funding, it is challenging to overcome the other constraints facing health information management.


Privacy and security concerns also pose a significant constraint. With the increasing digitization of health information, there is a growing concern about the privacy and security of patient information. Many health facilities lack the necessary measures to protect patient information, leading to a lack of trust in the system (Adebayo & Uthman, 2019).

The constraints facing health records practitioners in health care delivery in Nigeria are multifaceted, ranging from infrastructural deficiencies to lack of skilled personnel, lack of standardization, inadequate funding, and privacy concerns. Addressing these constraints requires a comprehensive approach that includes improving infrastructure, training and developing health records practitioners, implementing standardized procedures, increasing funding, and enhancing privacy and security measures.

  • Statement of the Problem

The problem of constraints facing health records practitioners in health care delivery in Nigeria is a significant one. Health Information Management (HIM) is a critical component of the health care system, responsible for the collection, analysis, and dissemination of health information. However, in Nigeria, this sector faces numerous challenges that hinder its effectiveness (Adebayo, 2017).

One of the primary constraints is the lack of adequate infrastructure. Many health facilities in Nigeria lack the necessary equipment and technology to effectively manage health information. This includes computers, software, and reliable internet connectivity. This lack of infrastructure makes it difficult for health records practitioners to perform their duties effectively (Oyediran & Scudder, 2018).

Another significant constraint is the lack of trained personnel. There is a shortage of skilled health records practitioners in Nigeria, which hampers the effective management of health information. This shortage is due to a lack of training programs and opportunities for health records practitioners in the country (Adebayo, 2017).

Furthermore, there is a lack of standardization in the management of health information in Nigeria. Different health facilities use different systems and procedures for managing health information, making it difficult to compare and analyze data across facilities. This lack of standardization also makes it difficult to implement national health policies and programs (Oyediran & Scudder, 2018).


The lack of funding is another major constraint. The health sector in Nigeria is underfunded, and this affects the management of health information. There is not enough money to invest in infrastructure, training, and other resources needed for effective health information management (Adebayo, 2017).

Finally, there is a lack of awareness about the importance of health information management among health care providers and the general public. This lack of awareness leads to a lack of support for health information management initiatives, further exacerbating the constraints facing health records practitioners in Nigeria (Oyediran & Scudder, 2018).

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to evaluate the constraints facing health records practitioners in health care delivery. The specific objectives are:

  1. To identify the major constraints facing health records practitioners in the delivery of health care in Nigeria.
  2. To evaluate the problems that affect the efficiency and effectiveness of health care delivery in Nigeria.
  3. To understand the role of health records practitioners in the Nigerian health care system.
  4. To find out how to mitigate constraints and improve the performance of health records practitioners.
  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What are the primary challenges that health records practitioners encounter in the delivery of health care in Nigeria?
  2. What issues negatively impact the efficiency and effectiveness of health care delivery in Nigeria?
  3. What is the role of health records practitioners within the Nigerian health care system?
  4. What strategies can be implemented to alleviate constraints and enhance the performance of health records practitioners in Nigeria?
  • Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

HO: The challenges that health records practitioners encounter will not affect delivery of health care in Nigeria

H1: The challenges that health records practitioners encounter will affect delivery of health care in Nigeria

  • Significance of the Study

The significance of Evaluation of the constraints facing health records practitioners in health records keeping in General Hospital is multi-faceted and far-reaching. Health records practitioners play a crucial role in the healthcare system, as they are responsible for the management of health information systems, ensuring the accuracy, accessibility, and security of patient data. These professionals are the bridge between clinicians, administrators, technology designers, and information technology professionals. Therefore, understanding the challenges they face is critical to improving the overall efficiency and effectiveness of health care delivery.

One of the primary constraints facing health records practitioners is the rapid advancement of technology. As technology continues to evolve at a fast pace, health records practitioners often struggle to keep up with the latest trends and updates. This can lead to inefficiencies in the system, as outdated technology may not be able to handle the increasing volume and complexity of health data. Furthermore, the lack of technical skills and training among some health records practitioners can also pose a significant challenge.

Another significant constraint is the issue of data security and privacy. With the increasing digitization of health records, the risk of data breaches and cyber-attacks has also increased. Health records practitioners are tasked with ensuring the security of sensitive patient data, a task that is becoming increasingly difficult due to the sophistication of cyber threats. This not only puts patient information at risk but also can lead to significant financial losses for healthcare institutions.

The third constraint is the lack of standardization in health information management. Different healthcare institutions may use different systems and protocols for managing health information, making it difficult to share and exchange information. This lack of interoperability can lead to inefficiencies and errors, affecting the quality of care provided to patients.


The fourth constraint is the regulatory environment. Health records practitioners must navigate a complex landscape of laws and regulations related to health information management. These regulations can often be confusing and contradictory, making it difficult for health records practitioners to ensure compliance. Non-compliance can result in severe penalties, including fines and legal action.


Evaluating the constraints facing health records practitioners is of significant importance. By understanding these challenges, stakeholders in the healthcare industry can develop strategies and solutions to overcome these constraints. This can lead to improvements in the management of health information, ultimately enhancing the quality of care provided to patients.

  • Scope of the Study

The study is based on the evaluation of the constraints facing health records practitioners in health records keeping in General Hospital. The study is limited to managers of selected General Hospital in Lagos.

  • Operational Definition of Terms

Constraints: In the context of health information management, constraints refer to the limitations or restrictions that may hinder the effective management of health information. These could be financial constraints, technological constraints, legal constraints, or even human resource constraints. For instance, a lack of adequate funding could limit the ability of health records practitioners to invest in the necessary technology or hire the required personnel.

Health records practitioners: These are professionals who are responsible for the management of health information within healthcare settings. Their roles may include ensuring the accuracy, accessibility, and security of both paper-based and electronic medical records. They also play a crucial role in maintaining patients’ health information privacy and implementing health information systems in healthcare facilities.

Health Care Delivery: This term refers to the provision of health care services to patients. It encompasses a wide range of activities, including diagnosis, treatment, prevention, rehabilitation, and palliative care. Health care delivery can take place in various settings, such as hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, outpatient care centers, and even patients’ homes. It involves a team of healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and health records practitioners, all working together to provide the best possible care to patients.

Project – Evaluation of the constraints facing health records practitioners in health records keeping in General Hospital