Project – The effect of deliverance and holiness on a growing Church

Project – The effect of deliverance and holiness on a growing Church



  • Background to the Study

The concept of deliverance, often associated with liberation from spiritual bondage, has been a significant theme in Christian theology and practice. Deliverance ministries, which focus on freeing individuals from demonic influences and spiritual oppression, have been particularly prominent in Pentecostal and Charismatic movements. According to Wagner (2010), deliverance is seen as a crucial aspect of spiritual warfare, which is believed to be essential for the health and growth of the church. Wagner argues that churches that actively engage in deliverance ministry often experience numerical growth and increased spiritual vitality, as members feel empowered and liberated from spiritual hindrances.

Holiness, on the other hand, is a theological concept that emphasizes moral purity and separation from sin. The Holiness Movement, which emerged in the 19th century, has had a profound impact on various Christian denominations, particularly within Methodism and Pentecostalism. According to Dieter (1996), the pursuit of holiness is seen as a response to God’s call for sanctification, which is believed to lead to a deeper relationship with God and a more effective Christian witness. Churches that emphasize holiness often encourage practices such as regular prayer, Bible study, and ethical living, which can foster a strong sense of community and commitment among members.

The relationship between deliverance and holiness is complex and multifaceted. Some scholars argue that deliverance can be seen as a precursor to holiness, as it removes spiritual obstacles that hinder one’s pursuit of a holy life. For example, Anderson (2000) suggests that deliverance can lead to a renewed sense of spiritual freedom and empowerment, which can motivate individuals to strive for greater holiness. Conversely, others argue that holiness can create an environment conducive to deliverance, as a holy and sanctified community is believed to be less susceptible to demonic influences.

Empirical studies on the impact of deliverance and holiness on church growth are relatively scarce, but there is some evidence to suggest that these practices can have a positive effect. For instance, a study by Poloma and Green (2010) found that Pentecostal churches that emphasize deliverance and holiness tend to have higher rates of conversion and retention compared to those that do not. The authors suggest that the experiential and transformative nature of these practices can create a sense of belonging and purpose among members, which can contribute to church growth.

However, it is important to note that the emphasis on deliverance and holiness can also have potential drawbacks. Some critics argue that an overemphasis on deliverance can lead to a preoccupation with demonic activity, which can create fear and anxiety among members. Similarly, an excessive focus on holiness can lead to legalism and judgmental attitudes, which can alienate individuals who struggle with sin. Therefore, it is crucial for churches to strike a balance between these practices and to emphasize the grace and love of God.

The effect of deliverance and holiness on a growing church is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires further study. While there is some evidence to suggest that these practices can contribute to church growth, it is important for churches to approach them with caution and to emphasize the broader context of God’s grace and love. Future research could explore the long-term impact of deliverance and holiness on church growth, as well as the potential challenges and benefits of these practices.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

The growing interest in the dynamics of church growth has prompted a closer examination of the roles of deliverance and holiness within congregations. Despite the increasing number of churches emphasizing these elements, there remains a significant gap in understanding how they interact and contribute to overall church vitality. Many congregations implement deliverance practices aimed at spiritual liberation, yet they often lack a clear framework for integrating these practices with the pursuit of holiness. This disconnection can lead to inconsistent experiences for congregants, undermining the potential for holistic spiritual growth and engagement.

Furthermore, the lack of empirical research on the combined effects of deliverance and holiness poses a challenge for church leaders and scholars alike. While existing studies highlight the individual significance of each aspect, there is insufficient exploration of their synergistic impact on church growth. This gap raises questions about the effectiveness of current ministry strategies and the extent to which churches can leverage both elements to foster deeper spiritual commitment among members. Without a comprehensive understanding of this relationship, church leaders may struggle to create environments that support holistic growth.

Another critical dimension of the problem lies in the varying interpretations of deliverance and holiness across different denominations and cultural contexts. This diversity can lead to conflicting practices and beliefs within a single church, potentially alienating members who may feel that their spiritual needs are not being adequately addressed. The absence of a unified approach can hinder the church’s ability to present a clear and compelling identity to the outside world, making it challenging to attract new members and retain existing ones. Consequently, a fragmented understanding of these concepts may limit the church’s overall growth potential.

Moreover, the theological implications of deliverance and holiness are often overlooked in discussions about church growth. Many congregations may engage in deliverance practices without a robust theological grounding, risking the development of superficial or misguided approaches. Similarly, the pursuit of holiness can become legalistic without an understanding of grace and redemption. This lack of theological clarity can create barriers to genuine spiritual transformation, ultimately stunting the growth of the church community. Addressing these theological concerns is essential for fostering a healthier, more vibrant church environment.

Additionally, the role of church leadership in promoting deliverance and holiness is a critical factor in this problem. Effective leaders are essential in modeling and teaching these practices, yet many may lack the necessary training or understanding to guide their congregations effectively. This inadequacy can lead to inconsistencies in how deliverance and holiness are emphasized within the church, resulting in confusion and disengagement among members. Without strong leadership that prioritizes both elements, churches may miss valuable opportunities for growth and transformation.

The relationship between deliverance, holiness, and church growth remains under-explored, with significant implications for contemporary congregations. The lack of empirical evidence, varying interpretations, and the need for strong theological and leadership foundations highlight a complex landscape that warrants further investigation. Addressing these issues is crucial for churches seeking to foster deeper spiritual engagement and to achieve sustained growth in an increasingly competitive religious environment. A comprehensive understanding of how deliverance and holiness can work together may ultimately empower churches to thrive in their mission and outreach efforts.

 1.3. Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the effect of deliverance and holiness on a growing Church. The specific objectives are:

  1. To examine the impact of deliverance practices on the spiritual growth and development of church members.
  2. To assess the role of holiness teachings in shaping the values and beliefs of the church community.
  3. To analyze the correlation between deliverance experiences and church attendance and participation.
  4. To investigate how a focus on holiness influences the outreach and evangelism efforts of the church.

1.4. Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. How does deliverance practices impact the spiritual growth and development of church members?
  2. What role do holiness teachings play in shaping the values and beliefs of the church community?
  3. Is there a correlation between deliverance experiences and church attendance and participation?
  4. How does a focus on holiness influence the outreach and evangelism efforts of the church?

1.5. Significance of the Study

The significance of studying the effects of deliverance and holiness on church growth lies in the potential to uncover effective strategies for fostering vibrant and thriving congregations. As churches face challenges related to declining attendance and engagement, understanding how these two elements can work together provides valuable insights for leaders and members alike. By exploring the interplay between deliverance and holiness, the research aims to identify practices that not only enhance spiritual vitality but also attract new individuals seeking a meaningful faith community.

Additionally, this study contributes to the existing body of literature on church growth by filling a crucial gap in understanding the dynamic relationship between deliverance and holiness. While individual studies have explored each concept separately, this research offers a comprehensive examination of their combined impact. By highlighting the synergies between these practices, the study can inform church leaders about the importance of integrating both elements into their ministry approaches. This knowledge can empower congregations to develop more holistic programs that nurture spiritual growth and foster community.

Moreover, the findings of this study could have practical implications for church leadership and programming. By emphasizing the importance of deliverance in addressing spiritual oppression, churches can create environments where members feel empowered to confront their struggles and seek healing. Simultaneously, a focus on holiness can encourage ethical living and spiritual discipline, reinforcing the church’s identity and mission. This dual emphasis can lead to more engaged congregations, resulting in increased participation and a stronger sense of belonging among members.

The theological implications of this study are also significant, as it encourages a deeper understanding of scriptural teachings related to deliverance and holiness. By grounding these practices in a robust theological framework, churches can provide a more compelling narrative that resonates with congregants and seekers alike. This emphasis on sound theology not only enriches the spiritual lives of members but also strengthens the church’s witness in the broader community, making it a relevant and trusted voice in contemporary society.


Furthermore, the research can highlight the role of church leadership in promoting both deliverance and holiness as vital components of a healthy church environment. By identifying effective leadership practices that cultivate these elements, the study can serve as a resource for current and aspiring church leaders. This guidance is essential for fostering a culture of accountability and growth within congregations, equipping leaders to inspire and mobilize their communities in pursuit of spiritual transformation.

Finally, the significance of this study extends to the broader conversation about the future of the church in a rapidly changing cultural landscape. As individuals increasingly seek authentic spiritual experiences, understanding how deliverance and holiness contribute to church growth can inform strategies for outreach and engagement. By emphasizing the transformative power of these practices, churches can position themselves as places of hope and healing, ultimately enhancing their impact and relevance in the lives of individuals and communities. This research not only aims to benefit individual congregations but also seeks to contribute to the ongoing dialogue about revitalizing the church in the 21st century.

1.6. Scope of the Study

The study examines the effect of deliverance and holiness on a growing Church. The study is an exploratory and expository study.

1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

Effect: The change or outcome that results from a particular cause or influence. In the context of church growth, the effect refers to how specific practices, such as deliverance and holiness, impact the vitality, engagement, and expansion of a congregation.

Deliverance: A spiritual practice or ministry focused on freeing individuals from spiritual oppression, demonic influence, or harmful patterns. It involves prayer, counseling, and other means to bring healing and liberation, often aiming to restore individuals to a state of wholeness and connection with God.

Holiness: A state of being set apart for God, characterized by moral purity, righteousness, and a commitment to live according to divine standards. In a church context, holiness reflects the pursuit of a lifestyle that aligns with biblical teachings and embodies the character of God, fostering a deeper relationship with Him.

Growing Church: A congregation that is experiencing an increase in membership, participation, and spiritual vitality. This growth can manifest in various ways, including numerical expansion, deeper engagement in ministry and community, and a thriving spiritual atmosphere that attracts new members and retains existing ones.

Project – The effect of deliverance and holiness on a growing Church