1.1   Background to the Study

Following the increasing number of cars in modern society, motorists are finding it difficult to park cars, hence there are little or no parking spaces or lots. In the modern society where there are numerous cars on the road and no much car parks are available for drivers to park their vehicles.

In developing country like Nigeria where cities or states are not planned properly to accommodate parking lots, it has been noted that motorist park cars indiscriminately not considering the safety of their cars. Bad roads contribute to the difficulties experienced by road users from parking their cars on the streets.

A car park is a structured, organized secured space where cars or vehicles are allowed to park. In this modern world, a great number of vehicles struggle to manage their efficiency in a proper way. As the human population is expected to grow by around 80 million by 2022 possibly adding another 80 million vehicles to our national stock. Parking vehicle is one of the stress-causing factors particularly in urban areas due to over-population.

Currently, automated car park management system is one of the major issues in a parking lot due to increase of personal vehicles, shortage of space and to avoid any roadblock. Parking lot is one of the key installations found in most major cities (Rahman, et al, 2019). This task may look simple on side roads but when comes to individual parking in malls, multi-storey parking space the real problem steps in when there are several hundred other cars are parked and it becomes a very tedious task to find a spot. It may be easiest task to find a parking space or may be most difficult when it involves extensive acres of space distributed over one level or several levels. This will usually cause your vehicle to consume more fuel and time than usual. The easiest way is to let the driver know of his parking slot at least while he is at the entrance of the parking area.

According to (Kadir et al., 2020), that due to many factors, including traffic jams, limited parking spaces, and bad driving techniques, many drivers find parking to be a challenging skill to master. When compared to the amount of automobiles, most companies have limited land or space for employees to park their cars (Alfatihi, et al. 2016). So, if someone spends a lot of time looking for a parking spot and is unsuccessful, it is annoying and a waste of time.

1.2   Statement of the Problem

Automated car park management system is a system that manages the car parking lots of individuals and it generates revenue to authorities and corporate bodies. Below are some problems associated with the existing system.

  1. Car theft
  2. Congestion of Street
  • Lack of revenue mobilization

From the above problems, the researcher in the bid to solve the problems mentioned chose to design and implement an automated car park management system.

1.3   Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to design and implement an automated car park management system. The specific objectives are to:

  1. design an interface-based system
  2. design a system to improve security of cars.
  3. design a system to help decongest the street
  4. implement a system to improve revenue mobilization.

1.4   Significance of the Study

This study will be significant to the following category of people

Government: the study will be beneficial to government and its agencies responsible for revenue mobilization and clearing of streets.

Car Owners: It will be significant to all car owners which will give them confidence that their cars are secured when parked.

Students: It will benefit the students as the study will be used as literature.

Authors and Scholars: the study will be beneficial to scholars that want to push for further research of the study.

1.5   Scope of the Study

The scope of this covered the Design and implementation of a car parking application in Nigeria.

1.6   Limitation of the Study

The research is limited to the following:

Paucity of Fund: finance is essential to research and the limited fund hampers the full delivery of the project, but donations from friends and well-wishers gave boost to the completion of this project.

Time Factor: Time was a major constraint to the study. Due to the academic demand, ranging from series of lectures, assignments and teaching practices underwent during the research work.

Access to Data and Information: the lack of data and information during the research process was a huge issue in designing the program for this research.

1.7   Definition of Terms

Database: It is an organized collection of structured information, or data, typically stored electronically in a computer system.

Car Park: It is defined as a structural design that allows Cars Park for a fee.

Parking Space: It is defined as a secured facility provided by authorities for parking of cars.

System: It refers to a collection of elements or components that are organized for a common purpose

Automation: It refers as “the creation and application of technology to monitor and control the production and delivery of products and services.