Project – Team building, human resources management and teachers effectiveness in public secondary school in Lagos State.

Project – Team building, human resources management and teachers effectiveness in public secondary school in Lagos State.



  • Background to the Study

The relationship between team building, human resource management (HRM), and teacher effectiveness has garnered significant attention in educational research. Team building is defined as a collaborative effort among individuals to enhance organizational performance and improve interpersonal relationships (Katzenbach & Smith, 1993). In the context of public secondary schools in Lagos State, team building practices among teachers are essential for fostering a supportive work environment that can lead to improved educational outcomes. Effective team building encourages communication, trust, and collaboration, which are pivotal for achieving common educational goals (DuFour, 2004).

Human resource management plays a crucial role in shaping the effectiveness of educational institutions. HRM practices, such as recruitment, training, and performance appraisal, directly influence teacher motivation and effectiveness (Bae & Dincer, 2019). In Lagos State, the quality of HRM in public secondary schools can significantly impact teacher morale and commitment. Research indicates that well-structured HRM strategies lead to enhanced job satisfaction and retention rates among teachers, which ultimately contribute to better student performance (Ingersoll, 2001).

Team building activities, when integrated into HRM practices, can serve as powerful tools for improving teacher effectiveness. According to Tuckman (1965), team dynamics evolve through stages of forming, storming, norming, and performing. Effective HRM that includes team-building initiatives can facilitate this process, allowing teachers to develop stronger collaborative relationships. In the context of Lagos State’s public secondary schools, fostering a culture of teamwork can help mitigate the challenges teachers face, such as high student-to-teacher ratios and limited resources (Akinpelu & Ajayi, 2020).

Moreover, the impact of teacher effectiveness on student achievement cannot be overstated. Research by Hattie (2009) highlights that teacher quality is one of the most significant factors influencing student learning outcomes. In Lagos State, where educational resources may be scarce, effective teaching practices supported by strong team dynamics can make a substantial difference. Collaborative professional development, informed by team-building activities, can equip teachers with innovative instructional strategies and improve overall effectiveness (Sparks & Loucks-Horsley, 1989).

The interplay between team building, HRM, and teacher effectiveness suggests a need for comprehensive policies that promote collaboration and professional growth. Studies indicate that schools that prioritize collaborative environments experience higher levels of teacher engagement and student success (Fullan, 2016). In Lagos State, the integration of team-building initiatives into HRM frameworks could help address existing gaps in teacher support and development, leading to more effective teaching and improved student outcomes (Ogunyemi, 2021).

The study underscores the importance of team building and effective human resource management in enhancing teacher effectiveness in public secondary schools in Lagos State. By creating supportive environments that prioritize collaboration and professional development, educational administrators can significantly improve teacher performance and student learning outcomes. Further empirical studies are necessary to explore the specific impacts of various HRM practices and team-building strategies on educational effectiveness within the context of Lagos State’s public schools.

  • Statement of the Problem

In public secondary schools in Lagos State, the effectiveness of teachers is increasingly recognized as a pivotal factor in student achievement and overall educational quality. However, many schools face significant challenges related to human resource management (HRM) practices and the lack of effective team-building initiatives. The absence of structured HRM systems can lead to high turnover rates, low teacher morale, and ineffective teaching practices, ultimately impacting student performance and learning outcomes.

Despite the critical importance of teamwork in educational settings, many teachers operate in isolation rather than as part of cohesive teams. This lack of collaboration undermines their ability to share best practices, seek support, and innovate in their teaching methods. Without effective team-building activities, teachers may struggle to establish trust and communication, leading to a fragmented work environment that hampers both professional growth and student engagement. The result is a school culture that may not promote the collaborative ethos necessary for maximizing teacher effectiveness.

Furthermore, existing HRM strategies in many public secondary schools in Lagos State are often inadequate and poorly implemented. Recruitment processes may not prioritize the right skill sets, while training and development opportunities are frequently lacking. This disconnect can leave teachers feeling unsupported and undervalued, which adversely affects their commitment to the institution and their overall effectiveness in the classroom. Inadequate HRM can also lead to misalignment between school goals and teacher performance, further compromising educational outcomes.

The issue is exacerbated by external factors, such as overcrowded classrooms and limited resources, which put additional pressure on teachers. These challenges can lead to burnout and a lack of job satisfaction, negatively impacting their teaching effectiveness. In an environment where teachers feel overwhelmed, the absence of strong team dynamics and HRM practices can make it difficult to foster a collaborative spirit that is essential for overcoming these challenges. Consequently, schools may struggle to maintain a high standard of education.

Moreover, the educational landscape in Lagos State is dynamic and increasingly competitive, necessitating that schools adapt to new teaching methodologies and learning technologies. In this context, effective HRM and team-building initiatives are vital for equipping teachers with the skills and support needed to thrive. However, many schools have yet to implement such strategies, resulting in missed opportunities for professional development and improved student learning experiences. The lack of emphasis on these critical areas may perpetuate a cycle of underperformance and disengagement among educators.

In summary, the problems related to team building and HRM in public secondary schools in Lagos State are multifaceted and deeply interconnected with teacher effectiveness. Addressing these issues is crucial for enhancing the quality of education and fostering a more supportive and collaborative work environment for teachers. Without targeted interventions that focus on strengthening HRM practices and promoting teamwork, the potential for improved educational outcomes may remain unrealized. This study seeks to investigate these dynamics further, aiming to provide actionable insights for policy-makers and educational leaders.

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the team building human resources management and teachers effectiveness in public secondary school in Lagos State. The specific objectives of the study are:

  1. To assess the current team building practices in public secondary schools in Lagos State.
  2. To evaluate the effectiveness of human resources management strategies in improving teacher performance.
  3. To identify the factors that contribute to teacher effectiveness in public secondary schools in Lagos State.
  4. To explore the relationship between team building, human resources management, and teacher effectiveness in the school setting.
  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What are the current team building practices in public secondary schools in Lagos State?
  2. How effective are human resources management strategies in improving teacher performance?
  3. What factors contribute to teacher effectiveness in public secondary schools in Lagos State?
  4. What is the relationship between team building, human resources management, and teacher effectiveness in the school setting?

1.5. Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Human resources management strategies will not improve teacher performance.

H1: Human resources management strategies will improve teacher performance.

1.6. Significance of the Study

This study holds significant relevance for educational stakeholders, particularly in the context of public secondary schools in Lagos State, where teacher effectiveness directly impacts student outcomes. By examining the interplay between team building and human resource management (HRM), the research aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how collaborative practices can enhance teacher performance. Insights gained from this study could inform policy decisions, leading to more effective educational strategies and ultimately improving student achievement.

Understanding the role of team building in HRM practices can empower school administrators to foster a more collaborative and supportive work environment. Effective team dynamics contribute to enhanced communication, trust, and problem-solving among teachers, which can lead to improved teaching practices. This study will highlight the importance of implementing structured team-building activities as a critical component of HRM, enabling schools to cultivate a culture of cooperation that benefits both educators and students.


Furthermore, the findings of this study will provide valuable insights into how effective HRM strategies can address existing challenges in teacher recruitment, training, and retention. By identifying best practices in HRM, the research can serve as a guide for educational leaders looking to optimize their human resource practices. Improved HRM can lead to higher job satisfaction and commitment among teachers, reducing turnover rates and ensuring a more stable and experienced teaching workforce.

The significance of this study also extends to educational policymakers who seek to enhance the quality of education in Lagos State. By understanding the relationship between team building, HRM, and teacher effectiveness, policymakers can develop targeted interventions that address the specific needs of schools. Such policies can promote professional development programs, resource allocation, and team-oriented initiatives that create conducive learning environments and foster educational excellence.

In addition, this study will contribute to the existing body of literature on educational management and teacher effectiveness. By focusing on the unique context of Lagos State, the research will fill a gap in understanding how local cultural, social, and economic factors influence HRM and team dynamics in public schools. The findings can also serve as a reference point for future studies, encouraging further exploration of the interconnectedness between these elements in diverse educational settings.

Lastly, the significance of this study lies in its potential to inspire a paradigm shift in how schools view HRM and teamwork. By recognizing the intrinsic value of collaboration and effective human resource practices, educational institutions can transform their approach to teacher management. Ultimately, this study aspires to contribute to the overarching goal of improving educational quality in Lagos State, ensuring that every student has access to effective teaching and a supportive learning environment.

1.7. Scope of the Study

The study examines Team building human resources management and teachers’ effectiveness in public secondary school in Lagos State. The study is limited to selected Secondary teachers in District IV, Yaba, Lagos.

1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

Team Building: Team building refers to a range of activities and strategies aimed at enhancing interpersonal relationships and collaborative efforts among team members. In an educational context, it involves creating a supportive environment where teachers work together to share knowledge, solve problems, and improve teaching practices. Effective team building fosters trust, communication, and a sense of belonging, which can enhance overall productivity and morale

Human Resources Management (HRM): Human resources management is the strategic approach to managing an organization’s workforce effectively. It encompasses various practices such as recruitment, training, performance evaluation, and employee relations. In schools, HRM focuses on attracting, developing, and retaining qualified teachers, ensuring they are supported and motivated to perform at their best. Effective HRM is crucial for maintaining a high-quality education system.

Teacher Effectiveness: Teacher effectiveness refers to a teacher’s ability to facilitate student learning and achieve desired educational outcomes. It encompasses various dimensions, including instructional skills, classroom management, and the ability to engage and motivate students. Effective teachers create a positive learning environment, employ varied teaching strategies, and demonstrate a commitment to professional growth, ultimately contributing to student success.

Public Secondary School: A public secondary school is an educational institution that provides education to students typically in the age range of 11 to 18, following primary education. Funded and managed by government entities, public secondary schools offer curricula that align with national educational standards. These schools aim to provide accessible education to all students, preparing them for higher education and future careers while addressing the diverse needs of their communities.

Project – Team building, human resources management and teachers effectiveness in public secondary school in Lagos State.