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Background to the Study

Sport at any level is a social activity and event that requires human and material resources with the aid of administrative effectiveness (Elendu & Ogujiofor, 2012). Sports is more than ever before, commanding global attention, its influence on world peace, economy and the development of social relationships cannot be underestimated. According to Asagba, Balogun, Odewunmi and Oladipo (2014), sport administration as the art of managing programmes, human and material resources in sports organization with the aim of accomplishing the objectives of the organization. The synopsis of sports administration is that sports management is sport programming and excursion. The importance of effective sports administration on a state cannot be over emphasized as it does not only promote the athletes presented by the state, it also brings the winning state into limelight both nationally and internationally as the case may be.

The administration of mega or small-scale, recreational or competitive sports programme in every society requires human and material resources. One of the challenges facing the administration and development of sports at any level and society is inadequate personnel or manpower. The inadequacy of personnel needed for any event or programme can be augment through the use of volunteers. Volunteer as an individual who offers his/her labour, knowledge, skills, and experience at no wage cost to a utilizing organization (Monga, 2006).

Throughout the world, volunteers are utilized by various organizations for various events. Volunteers have become a vital of ensuring the efficiency of events (Schuyler, 2008).

Volunteers are involved in sport. Sport volunteers as those participating in roles undertaken to support, arrange and/or run organized sport and physical activity (Australia Bureau Statistics, 2002). It is obvious that employed staff of sports clubs, sports associations, sports agencies, and sports ministries may never be adequate for effective and efficient administration and development of sports events especially mega sports events. Volunteers are important in the successful implementation of sports developmental programmes at the local, national and international levels. Sports volunteering involves individuals helping without any remuneration in a sport setting via a formal setting (Gratton, 1997).

Hence, effective organizational management has been of great concern to the researchers, basically because it is a major factor in determining the success or otherwise of any given organization. The success Excellent performance by athletes does not happen by accident but rather by the intelligent effort of effective administrative effectiveness through planning, co-ordination and utilization of human and material resources towards achieving schools sports goals and objectives in every competition. Hence, the provision of modern sport resources takes the form of sporting facilities and the utilization of the available sporting facilities.

Administrative is a field of education concerning the business aspects of sports and recreation. Some examples of sport managers include the front office system in professional sports, college sports managers, recreational sport managers, sports marketing, event management, facility management, sports economics, sport finance, and sports information.

Therefore administrative determinant of competitive sports is one of the most popular activities among secondary schools. It is interesting to note, however that students, both male and female, are increasing their levels of physical activities at a greater rate and more talents are being discovered during competitions among secondary schools. Effective administration should be available for participation in a wide variety of sports, games and recreation will aid competitive pressure of sport participation placed on them. The availability of good facilities and equipment. Coaching of the students by well trained coaches and availability of sports uniforms and kits.

Secondary School sports have remained redundant as no effort or plan is been made to develop the child, the adolescent through the provision and utilization of sports facilities. Facilities and equipment are very expensive to provide and most secondary Schools cannot meet the required needs of the pupils. Effective sports administrators help to ensure the smooth running of a sports organization but are likely to focus on organizing events and running sports facilities. Duties are also likely to include promotion of the services of their club, responding to users, fundraising, and possibly working with budgets and dealing with supply chain management (Robert, 2008). These facilities if provides should be well managed and there should be adequate administration before, during and after construction as Fasan (1994) identified the areas where sports supervisory strategies and leadership are mainly needed viz administrative management, facility management and coaching etc.

However, the few facilities provided should be well and adequacy utilized by the students. The administrative benefit of facilities and equipment in sports in our Secondary School cannot be over emphasized as they reduced stress and impediments in execution of skills, promotes ease in communication and leads to general development and well being of the students. The untimely development of young athletes in sports competition among secondary schools undermines both the development of future champions and sports education. It is therefore, necessary to see to the administrative determinants and to re-organize the elements and contents of sports success among young stars. Owolabi (2002) observed many schools does not have standardised sports facilities in form of a stadium at present. Some schools have make used of open for sporting events and this affect their performance.

Statement of the Problem

One of the challenges facing the administration of sports at any level and society is inadequacy of personnel needed for any event or programme can be augmented through the use of volunteers (Elendu & Ogujiofor, 2012). In recent times there has been an alarming rate of poor performance in both internal and external school competition mostly at the secondary school level. The competitive sports is often based on the level of administrative which entails management to have good plans and strategy for every sporting events.

However, poor administration has been the major issues ravaging sports event in school, just as the saying goes, failing to plan is planning to fail. The school administrators were surrounded by inadequate fund to fund sports event, lack of sports facilities for the athletes and wrong people in sport administrators. The problems has been bureaucracy in nature. Excellent performance in sport and games in the secondary schools, does not happen by accidents but rather by the intelligent effort of management in coordinating students, materials, financial recourses towards the provision of modern sports facilities and the utilization of the available sport facilities. The problem associated with these study centers on the role modern and standard sport facilities play in enhancing participation and performance of secondary schools students in sports competition and if there is any role the utilization of the available facilities will play in excellent performance. It is against this problem affecting administrative effectiveness of sport that the researcher intend to carry out an indepth study on how to proffer solutions to the problems of administrative determinants of competitive sports among selected secondary schools in Surulere L.G.A of Lagos State.

Purpose of Study

Purpose of this study is to examine the administrative determinants of competitive sports among selected secondary schools in Surulere Local Government Area (LGA) of Lagos State.  Specific purpose includes:

  1. To examine if availability of technical personnel is a determinant of competitive sport success among selected secondary schools in Surulere.
  2. To examine if organization of intra and extra moral sports is a determinant of competitive sports success among selected secondary schools in Surulere.
  3. To examine if adequate funding is a determinant of competitive sports success among selected secondary schools in Surulere.
  4. To examine if training and retraining is a determinant of competitive sports success among selected secondary schools in Surulere.
  5. To examine if scholarship award is a determinant of competitive sports success among selected secondary schools in Surulere.

Research Questions

  1. Will availability of technical personnel be a determinant of competitive sports success among selected secondary schools in Surulere LGA?
  2. Will organization of intra and extra moral sports be a determinant of competitive sports success among selected secondary schools in Surulere LGA?
  3. Will adequacy funding be a determinant of competitive sports success among selected secondary schools in Surulere LGA?
  4. Will training and retraining be a determinant of competitive sports success among selected secondary schools in Surulere LGA?
  5. Will scholarship/award be a determinant of competitive sports success among selected secondary schools in Surulere LGA?

Research Hypotheses

  1. Availability of technical personnel will not be a significant determinant of competitive sports success among selected secondary schools in Surulere.
  2. Availability of intra and extra moral sports will not be a significant determinant of competitive sports success among selected secondary schools in Surulere.
  3. Availability of funding will not be a significant determinant of competitive sports success among selected secondary schools in Surulere.
  4. Training and retraining will not be a significant determinant of competitive sports success among selected secondary schools in Surulere.
  5. Availability of scholarship award will not be a significant determinant of competitive sports success among selected secondary schools in Surulere.

Significance of the Study

This study when completed could supply first hand information on the administrative determinant of competitive sports success among selected secondary schools in Surulere. This could be achieve through frequent organization of seminars, symposium, workshop and training that would help organizers of intra, inter and extra moral sports within and outside Lagos State.

The outcome of study could aid school administrators to have good management principles through planning, coordinating, organizing, directing, staffing and controlling every organize competitive sport to success.

The outcome of this study might be relevant in the utilization of available facilities in the secondary schools in Surulere so as to enhance sports performance. The secondary schools in Surulere as it could throw more light to other determinants of excellence in sports performance in the Schools. Further more, the research could also highlight some modern sporting facilities and equipment available in other Secondary Schools and that are not available in secondary schools in Surulere.

Delimitation of the Study

This study will be delimited to the following schools, physical educators and coaches in these area.

  1. Surulere Local Government of Lagos State.
  2. Secondary School Students.
  1. Competitive sports on technical personnel, organization of intra and extra moral sports, adequate funding, training and retraining, and scholarship award.

Limitation of the Study

Part of the questionnaire for this research work would be the likely challenges to be encountered by the study include:

  1. Reluctance of respondents to disclosure information,
  2. Distance and area to cover within limited period of time could be a little bit difficult.

Operational Definition of Terms

Sport Administration: This is the art of managing programmes, human and material resources in sports organization with the aim of accomplishing the objectives of the organization.

Sports Performance: This is the physical executive of an action or skill to achieve a desired result against an opponent space or time.

Sport Development: This is the process of modernization and change that occur as function of time requiring rapid innovation in the area of sports in our secondary schools in Surulere local government.

Sports Success: In the context of this research, sports success means gallant performance of every athletes in competitive sports.

Technical Personnel: This refer to as sports official in charge of managing the human and  material resources of sports.

Intra Mural Sports: Intramural sports are organized movement of recreational/ sports activities outside the instructional program but are supervised by the school authorities.

Extra Mural Sports: This is refer to as inter sports competition between two or more schools.

Sports Funding: Financial allocation given towards improving the states of sport growth and development through buying of relevant sports facilities and equipments.

Training and Retraining: The means of engaging sports personnel and athletes in formal and informal education that will equip their skills in sports success.

Scholarship: A privilege given to individual athletes or sports official  to have access to a skill based  programm and other incentives without payments for any dues or fees.

Award:  Giving  honour for sports performance in a competitive sports.

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