In countries like India and Pakistan, where it is historically viewed as a vital component of marriage, dowry is a difficult subject. There are still numerous cultures who consider dowry a vital component of the wedding ceremony, despite the negative attention it has received in recent years. Assuring the bride’s financial stability is one justification for allowing dowry before the wedding. To compensate for the financial burden of raising the bride and providing for her future family, a dowry is traditionally given by the groom’s family in several cultures.


A dowry is money given to a bride by her family to assist support her in the case of her husband’s death or abandonment. Premarital dowry is permitted in some cultures because it might serve as a status symbol for the bride.

The wealth and social status of the bride’s family are often reflected in the size of the dowry she receives. The bride’s family may wish to show their prominence and wealth in the community by presenting a large dowry. This gesture can pave the way for future economic and social opportunities. The third justification for dowry’s legality before a wedding is that it might increase the likelihood of marital happiness.

A large dowry is traditionally given by the bride’s family to show that they approve of the marriage and want to stick with the couple through good times and bad. This is especially relevant in arranged weddings because the bride and groom may not have spent much time together prior to the wedding. The dowry given by the bride’s family can assist foster friendship and cooperation between the groom’s and bride’s clans.

However, despite these benefits, the dowry system has several major downsides that must be considered. The perpetuation of gender inequality is a major issue with dowry. The bride’s family often takes on all the financial responsibility for the dowry in various cultures. Forcing families to go on debt or liquidate assets to pay for a dowry is a surefire recipe for long-term economic instability. Another problem with dowries is the power imbalance they might cause in a marriage. If a dowry is expected in a society, a husband may feel entitled to exert dominance over his wife or ask for more money from her family.

This might set up a cycle of emotional and financial abuse inside the marriage that is difficult to overcome. These flaws notwithstanding, the dowry system has endured for centuries in many regions of the world and is a divisive topic today. The practice of paying a dowry is strongly rooted in many societies, making it difficult to ban without being viewed as an attack on cultural customs.

The dowry practice is controversial, and reasonable people can argue on both pro and con sides. The dowry system can have positive effects for the bride and her family in some cases, but it also has the potential to reinforce gender stereotypes and lead to an imbalance of power in the marriage. Therefore, it is up to each person to determine if they think dowry should be permitted prior to marriage and, if so, what measures, if any, should be done to reduce the harm it does.