Full Project – An assessment of methods of teaching christian religious studies courses to christian religious studies education students in selected Nigerian institutions

Full Project – An assessment of methods of teaching christian religious studies courses to christian religious studies education students in selected Nigerian institutions

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1.0 Background to Study

Christian Religious Studies (CRS) as a teaching subject in our schools has been gradually tucked into the background of the educational system in Nigeria. The importance and relevance of Christian religious studies in its multi-facets and life-long values in the educating process of our children have come to be considered in skeptical terms. Over the years, the teachers teach using the lecture or story telling method. One method of teaching is not enough to aid the students’ learning and comprehension of lessons in the classroom (Akudolu, 1994). Thus, this brought about the inclusion of dramatization method in the CRS curriculum and CRS textbooks.

The art of teaching requires decision taking by the teacher about selection of method of teaching and organization of learning experiences (Goldman, 1964). The C.R.S teacher must see himself or herself as facing the task of providing enabling conditions and strategies that would arouse learners’ attention and captivate their interest for a meaningful and purposeful education. By the use of dramatization method the learner will be made active, lively and enthusiastic (Van Ments, 1989).

1.1 Statement of Problem

The teaching and learning of CRS has faced a lot of problems, some of which are; lack of teaching instructional materials and defects in the methods of teaching (Lekwot, 1980). As a teacher of CRS, one must bear in mind that, teaching methods form an integral part of the element of the school curriculum. The problem of methodology also, under CRS is an inherent one. The problem started as far back as the time when the missionaries established schools in Nigeria. With the introduction of schools in the 1840s, religion was also introduced as a subject but the method of teaching was to give the child the fact about the Bible. If it is true that the content usually specifies the way that a subject would be taught then the method of CRS had to be teacher centered since the content of religion was to read and interpret the facts that are found in the Bible (Akudolu, 1994).

Students also lack motivation during a lesson in a CRS classroom. Student reactions revealed that students loose grasp of what the teacher is saying in the middle of a lesson, some see it as boring and not child-centered (Adewale, 1975). Teaching generally should not only be teacher centered but child centered.assessment of methods

Bako (1991), carried out a study on the attitude of students toward the study of Christian Religious Studies in some selected schools. The result of the investigation showed that the reaction of students towards the study of the subject was generally negative. The dislike for the subject was as a result of the fact that its study no longer fetched the students any material gains. At that time students centered their thoughts on the value that the study of a subject would bring in return for their efforts. The various methods of teaching CRS available in the old curriculum did not give room for participation of students in the classroom.assessment of methods

1.2 Purpose of Study

The purpose for this study is to appraise CRS textbooks and the use of dramatization method in teaching CRS in JSS.

  1. This study will determine whether the use of dramatization is an effective method for teaching JSS students.
  2. To determine the attitude of teachers and students towards the dramatization method of teaching.
  3. This paper will not attempt to advocate dramatization as the only method of teaching, but rather as a supplement to traditional teaching methods.assessment of methods

1.3 Research Questions

This study answered the following questions:

  1. Will Christian Religious Studies improve the moral standard of students in Junior Secondary Schools?
  2. To what extent are the methods used in teaching CRS in the Junior Secondary Schools appropriate for achieving the objectives of the program?
  3. What is the attitude of the students towards the study of CRSin Junior Secondary Schools?
  4. What is the performance profile of the Junior Secondary Students in CRS Certificate examinations?
  5. Does dramatization method contribute to the effective teaching of CRS in Junior Secondary Schools?Research Hypotheses

The following hypotheses were tested in the course of the study:

  1. There is no significance difference between dramatization method and other methods of teaching.
  2. There is no significance difference between students taught with the dramatization method and students taught with other methods.
  3. There is no significance difference between teachers with the knowledge of art and teachers without, in using dramatization in the classroom.
  4. There is no significance difference between the attitudes of students taught with and without dramatization method.
  5. There is no significance difference between teachers who teach with or without dramatization method.assessment of methods

 1.5    Significance of Study

The significance of this study is to:

  1. Identifies the source of problems in the implementation of dramatization method included in the CRS curriculum and textbooks of the Junior Secondary School.
  2. Appraise the CRS Junior Secondary School(s)textbooks to confirm the implementation of dramatization method as approved in the curriculum.
  3. Highlights and explain the various method of teaching including the advantages of dramatization method over other methods.
  4. To appraise the topic arranged for dramatization against the season it is scheduled for whether it tally or not.
  5. To make known the importance of teaching CRS in schools most especially in JSS with the use of dramatization method.

 1.6    Scope of Study

The scope of the research work is limited to Bariga local council Development Area of Lagos State because it will be difficult for the researchers to embark on research that could cover the entire state or nation due to time, financial and other constraint. The study population was limited to the Junior Secondary Schools, which are Federal, State and Mission controlled. The three – year Junior Secondary Education on which the study is based is the first section of the two tier secondary education of the 6-3-3-4 system. The first and fourth levels of the system were not covered in the study. Post-secondary institutions such as, Teacher Training colleges, and Commercial schools were not covered. Besides, only the impressions or opinions of Junior Secondary School CRS students and their teachers were considered.assessment of methods

 1.7    Definition of Terms

To avoid ambiguity, the following terms as used in the study are defined as follows:

Beliefs: An acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists. Something one accepts as true or real; a firmly held opinion or conviction.

Content: The things that are held or included in something.

Curriculum: The subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college.

Dramatization: Conversion of   story into dramatic form.

Methodology: A system of methods used in a particular area of study or activity.

Motivation: The reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.

Religion: A set of beliefs concerning the cause nature and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.


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