Full Project – Design and implementation of a computerized erosion control information system

Full Project – Design and implementation of a computerized erosion control information system

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The purpose of Design and Implementation of a Computerized Erosion Control Information System is to show how government have been led to approach erosion control from the off-site viewpoint, or that of the general interest of their citizens, focusing on protection of the quality of water ( rule development strategies). In an effort to solve farmer’s problem of land degradation, Agricultural development strategies are carried out. First of all, a map of potential is drawn up. The US Department of Agriculture (USDE) has defined eight categories of land on the basis of the constraints to large scale farming.

Classes 1and 2 are slightly sloping (from 0 to 2%) and are fairly well drained. Such land is suitable for almost all crops without any special intervention, apart from drainage.

Classes 3 and 6 cover arable slopes: the limitations on cropping increase in accordance with how shallow the soil is, to what extend pebbles and stones prevent mechanization, and how steep the slope is.

Classes 7 and 8 must be kept under permanent plant cover, protective forest or extensive grassland. Cropping is not permitted.

The second stage entails field trials on the farmers own land, where risks of runoff and erosion will be assessed for different types of rainfall. Various cropping techniques or erosion control structures will be compared, again on their land, so that the feasibility, effectiveness and economic viability of each element of a solution can be evaluated as precisely as possible.

The third stage entails a land use plan no longer confined to individual farm units, but encompassing a slope, hillside or watershed, or the area occupied by a rural community. At this stage, the maps of potential land use, present damage and erosion risks, and current land use will be compared, and schemes acceptable to the farmers will be selected for each functional land segment starting with the cropped area, then the upper slopes, and lastly the valley bottoms.

The soil particles must have the parent soil mass, Agriculture which occupy over two third of the eastern region area and land mass is seriously threatened by accelerates soil erosion which is systematically reducing the land area available for agriculture.  Erosion is of different forms the common one along our roads includes, “Gully erosion”

Gully erosion occurs in areas of strong relief or loose sandy soils.  It creates deep gorges or gullies which dissect the land surface and hind movement and the cultivation of land.  It is an advanced stage of rill erosion where surface channels have been eroded to the point where they cannot be smoothed over by normal tillage operations.  Gully erosion is simply defined as the run off concentration in channels greater than rills large channels.

Often, gullies can be prevented if good land conservation measures are practiced on the farm.

The U.S department of Agriculture’s Hand book #667 (AGHBK 667) in the past used “design method for Grass – lined open channel” ECMDS.  The channel protection module utilizes calculations from federal highway Administration’s Hydrallic Engineering circular #15 (HEC 15) Tractive force procedure”.  The ECMDS which Stands for Erosion Control Material Design Software, provided computer – assisted selection of material for slop erosion protection and channel source resistance.  Without this checks on these types of erosion or a computer-assisted selection material for channel source resistance.  The result of the occurrence and expansion of gullies in our roads has posed the following consequences.

(1)   The damage of cultivated lands:            Mainly farmers relying on proceed from sale of farm products cannot achieve and produce agricultural products from damaged lands and the damages the gully is causing on our roads cannot be over emphasized.  It is in this quest for preventions and erosion control system, that the term “A computerized erosion information system” becomes paramount.  The system utilizes design procedures from the erosion control Technology council to correct failure.  Criteria bases on lining degradation and soil loss.

(2)   Loss of farmland: A vast area of farmlands has been lost due to the menace of gully erosion while others are at their various stages of destruction leading to drastic decrease in agricultural productivity and ultimately food shortage that can lead to famine.

(3)   Treat to Vegetation: The gully erosion Nigeria has resulted in loss of vegetation as its continuous expansion encroaches into areas that are hitherto forest leading to falling of trees and exposure of more surface area to gully activities. The phenomenon if allowed to continue and remains unchecked may ultimately lead to climatic changes locally or globally.

(4)   Effect on properties: Several properties whose value cannot be quantified accurately here have been destroyed and others are under treat by menace especially house and other properties located at flood plain.

(5)   Effect on life: many lives have been lost as a result of the problem of gully erosion. Some neither fall into this gullies and stained degree of injury or dead. Some instant have always been reported where people are drowning in some of the gully site. About 23 people has been reported in the past few years to have lost their lives   in a single event of gully activities in Udi, Ogi River communities of Enugu state of Nigeria, the gully erosion in this communities has created a deep gully and wild crater, treating to sweep away the house of about 800 and 26 families has this channels continuously expanding at an alarming rate.


The existing system in the ministry of works has been proven to be the major hindrance to effective erosion control.  From a business and management perspective, information system are far more than just import-process-output machines operating in a vacuum.  The problem of the existing system as observed was lack of computerized processing, in the area of keeping record.  Record keeping in the ministry is based on manual systems.  It was quite alarming that at this very stage of it revolution, there are no computer system readily available to support their services.  The knowledge workers were ignorant about the usefulness of the computer systems because they are not computer literate.  In the existing system frequent misplacement of vital information can lead to poor erosion control. Communication for contract bids as this only done on news paper instead of web-sites and other on-line marketing approach.


This study became very important when observed that ministry of works has really lost in the modern system of information.  Information systems are part of organization.  Indeed, for some companies or credit reporting firms, without the system there would be no business.  The way elements of an organization are composed of different level and specialties.  Their structure reveals a clearer – cut division of labour.

Owing to the fact that ministry of works is currently running on manual system of record keeping and poor information display of contract bids for erosion problems. So the essence of the new system is to introduce IT application in the area of erosion control approach.

My target in this project is to:

  1. Build a web-based information system that will be supported with vegetation selection modules. The vegetation modules will utilize site specific information such as location, soil type, moisture regime and planned site maintenance to provide a list of adapted grass and legumes with corresponding seeding rates, as well as growth habits (bunch and sod farming) and longevity for each species.
  2. The web-based information system will assist designers in selecting vegetation species well adapted to their site’s environmental conditions and erosion control.
  3. To design a new system that will bring about computerized storage process, and to enlighten the knowledge workers how to implement a computerized erosion control information system.



The study focused on Design and Implementation of a Computerized Erosion Control Information System in the ministry of works, Enugu State, Nigeria.



Erosion:  This is the overland flow resulting from rain splash and through flow of surface flow.

Gully Erosion:       This is another type of erosion, which is common in areas of strong relief or loose sandy soils.

ECMDS:  ECMDS stands for “Erosion Control Material Design Software”.  It is the software from which the concept of the new system is drawn.

Vegetation:   This a popular control measure to soil in Nigeria.  It tends to protect the soil surface from rain drop impact, reduce the amount of water available for runoff by consuming it and by improving infiltration capacity (by increasing surface roughness) decreases the velocity of runoff.

Grass Lined Open Channels: This is a system design method that provides accurate channel for hydraulic and stability analysis of lining material such as vegetation, and riprap.

Attractive Force Procedure:       This is a calculation that uses a module for channel protection.

Web-based Information System:      As the name implies world wide web-base information system.  The web is a part of the internet that contains linked text, image, sound and videos, documents.  Abbreviated “www”.  Information system can be defined technically as a set of interrelated components that collect (or retrieve), process, store, and distributed information’s to support decision making and control in an organization.  Thus web-based information system could simply be defined as a set of interrelated components that collect, process, store and distribute information to support decision making and control in an organization using the internet supplications.

Modules: A distinct and identifiable unit of computer program for such purposes as compiling, loading, and linkage edition.

Existing System:  This is the current manual system in ministry of works that is currently under study.

New System: This is the conceptual system that is currently under design and implementation to replace old manual system.

ECTC:     This stands for Erosion Control Technology Council:      This body is responsible for setting standard test methods and definition rolled erosion control products (software).

Recognizance survey:     This is a firsthand work of erosion affected area without going to carry out any practical survey.

Working Drawing: This is an Architectural sketch of how to correct erosion problem.

Survey Plan: This is a guide in steps that describe how to embark on survey of erosion site.

Bill of Quantity:    This is the summary of carrying out the erosion control.


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Full Project – Design and implementation of a computerized erosion control information system