Full Project – Design and implementation of a level coordinator assistant system

Full Project – Design and implementation of a level coordinator assistant system

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1.1 Introduction


This chapter gives the background of the study, the aim and objectives, significance of study; and scope and limitation of the proposed system.


1.2 Background Of The Study


Level coordinators are staffs of a university with special responsibility for care of the contentment, welfare of students, managing records of students at that level and controls all other administrative works concerning the students being coordinated.


Most of level coordinators are lecturers, they perform all tasks assigned to a lecturer: they deliver lectures, seminars and tutorials ; they develop and implement new methods of teaching to reflect changes in research; they design, prepare and develop teaching materials; they undertake personal research projects aimed at sharing research outcomes and building interdisciplinary collaboration within and outside the department and actively contribute to the institution’s research profile; they write up research and prepare it for publication; they supervise students’ research activities; they carry out administrative tasks related to the department, such as student admissions, induction programs and involvement in committees and boards; they represent the institution at professional conferences and seminars; they supervise or assist with supervision of undergraduate, taught graduate (Masters) or research graduate (MPhil/PhD) students; they participate in the development, administration and marking of exams and other assessments; they provide pastoral care and support to students, they maintain own continuing professional development; and a lot more.


In Bayero University, Kano a level coordinator gives a file to a student to fill out. Students fill the form and attach photocopy of their credentials to it. Each year the student submit a copy of student information form (SIF), receipt and course registration form (CRF) to the coordinator and get his/her transcript. Managing of the files such as: searching and executing queries are done manually by the coordinator frequently. In this case a coordinator may not be able to keep track of the students that has not submitted their document. However Bayero university lecturers utilize computers in some way or another, the uses in which the computers are used vary



enormously ranging from using word processor, spreadsheet, word wide online access and vast functionalities.


Managing student’s records is a huge, stressfulnumbersofduties work i assigned to a level coordinator. Heavily manual work is involved in managing and maintaining


information such as student personal profile. He/she will have to deal with a large number of


student’s records, updating their records, calcul time, generating transcript for them and all other task associated to student management. This


routine consumes more human power because more strength and strain of manual labour is needed, moreover there is repetition of same procedure. This will deteriorate level coordinators in discharging their duties effectively.


This project will provide facilities like online registration and profile creation of students thus reducing paper work, and automating the record generation process. By digitizing, the project will save money, increases compliance, mitigates legal and disaster risk, provides efficient security, eliminate inconsistent and redundant data, and simplify level coordinator work in other to discharge their other duties efficiently.


1.3 Problem Statement


The main objective of a university is to provide high quality comprehensive educational and training opportunities that are compatible to changing needs of the students, which is possible only through a lecturer. A lecturer is very important to the university because he performs the primary objective of a university. Level coordinators human power are consumed through repetitive routines when managing students record which hinders them from executing their work effectively and efficiently. Other problems faced by level coordinators and others (in the university) while using a manual record system are:


  • Paper is vulnerable to natural disaster or theft.


  • Less efficient, effective, reliable and time consuming.


  • Waste of material resources and space.


  • Poor security.


  • Occurrence of data redundancy and inconsistent data.


  • Difficulty in managing and updating data.


  • Queries and search are difficult to make.


  • Late registration for student.


  • Long queue during registration.


  • Illegible and misspelling in writing.


Hence the need for automation of the system is necessary to take control of all the above-mentioned problem efficiently.


1.4 Aim and Objectives of The Project


The aim of the study is to design and implement an automated level coordinator assistant system that will help level coordinators in managing student record. The objectives are:


  • To create a database for students in a particular level.


  • Develop a system to ensure data integrity, privacy, and security.


  • Offer an easy to use interface for any normal user.



  • Significance of The Study


Having achieved the aim and objectives of the projects the following benefits are derived:


  • It reduces work of the level coordinator so that they can handle other important duties efficiently on the part of fulfilling the objectives of the university.


  • It quickens the registration procedure.


  • It avoids redundancy (duplication of data) and inconsistency.


  • It provides a fast means for making query and searching data.





  • Scope and Limitations


The scope of this project is to automate the student management record for the sake of easing level coordinator duties. This project is only limited to one level coordinator in Bayero University, Kano (BUK) and his students.



1.7 Methodology



The mechanism that will be used for this research will include the review of related literature, interview from level coordinator and sampled web browsing, these are the method that will be used to get information from different sources during the course of the study. After investigating, data collected will be analysed, the new system will be designed using Java and MYSQL. The software development life cycle that will be used is iterative model.

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Full Project – Design and implementation of a level coordinator assistant system