Full Project – Design and implementation of crime investigation system using biometric approach

Full Project – Design and implementation of crime investigation system using biometric approach

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Criminality is part and parcel of human nature and society (Alemika, E.  2004). That is why no society can claim to be completely crime free. But the types of criminal behavior tend to follow the pattern of social and economic development of a given society (Sohnen, E. 2012). It is therefore not unexpected that a society at a low level of development and as Madden and Chiu (1998) mentioned, uneven distribution of income (and wealth) (Madden, P. and W.H. Chiu. 1998), tends to experience an upsurge in  the  rate  of  violent  crimes  such  as  armed robbery, politically motivated killings, the use of illegal weapons, ethnic and religious clashes and the like. What is worrisome, however, is that the police which are meant to be the antidote to criminality appear to be getting overwhelmed by the phenomenon. The criminals appear to be ahead of the police such that the latter now only react to  the  commission of  crimes and  usually after the offenders might have left the scene making things appear as if the original emphasis on  crime  prevention has  been  completely lost.  Aside  other  complaints,  there  are institutional constraints, which contribute to the uncomplimentary image of the police and thereby undermining their capacity to deliver efficient crime control via proper and prompt investigation and policing services. These include inadequate manpower, lack of expertise, lack of adequate equipment, low level of education, low morale, lack of training facilities and lack of technological knowhow, etc.

In developed countries; computers have been used in crime detection for some decades. Computer-  Based  Criminal  Records  Systems were the first of such systems deployed as an attempt to record a person’s criminal history. Before the introduction and the application of computers  in  criminal  records,  crime investigation,   and   detection,   most   criminal records or  other criminal related activities was carried out using the manual or traditional approach  in  the  process  of  data  processing, which  involves the  use  of  paper files, manual skills and human brain work.

The traditional approach of crime investigation is usually time-consuming, resulting in a lot of delay and  often  generally  inefficient  leading  to  high cost. On the other hand, the use of computers in the management of criminal records and crime investigation tends to be very efficient due to the fact that less time is spent on the investigation of crimes since it is automated; giving accurate and reliable criminal investigation results (Sohnen, E., 2012).

With the introduction of biometrics technology which is an advanced computer techniques now widely adopted as a front line security measure for both identity verification and crime detection, and also offers an effective crime deterrent.

Biometrics embrace a range of techniques such as fingerprinting and handwriting recognition for identity verification using physical data and behavioral patterns (Gautam, P. and S.G. Sharma. 2011). In the recent past, fingerprint images were obtained by “ink- technique” which is also referred as off- line fingerprint acquisition (Hiew et al, 2007). It is essentially based on the development of pattern recognition systems, today electronic or optical sensors such as cameras and  scanning  devices  are  used  to capture images, recordings or measurements of a person’s unique characteristics. This digital data is then encoded and can be stored and searched on demand, via a computer. Such biometric search is not  only  very  rapid  (often  taking  place  in  real time), it is also a process that is accepted globally in establishing forensic evidence in a law court (Drygajlo, A. 2010). It cannot be over emphasized that there is need to provide for adequate, efficient and effective technological knowhow especially in the area of crime investigation which will make their job simpler and faster, as well as prompt and effective in their service delivery. Consequently, this project will seek to design a computerized criminal investigation system for The Nigeria Police Force, Using Biometrics approach. (Sohnen, E. 2012)


Various problems are encountered in the manual system of operations in any organization, so it is in the crime investigation system in Nigeria Police Force. Some of the problems encountered are:

  1. i. Generating a case filing number for each of the cases has been cumbersome because it is not easy to trace the file number of the last recorded case and this has led to duplication Cases File Numbers.
  2. ii. Accuracy  about   dates   of   filling   various components of the cases are not readily available making referencing them very cumbersome.

iii.   Making references to existing Criminal cases is  difficult because of  the  manual mode of documentation.

  1. iv. Delay in accessing information in paper files, paper files  are   sometimes  damaged  by water, pest or fire outbreak and can easily be altered by an unauthorized us
  2. v. Missing criminal  record  files  which  might have been caused by theft or wrongly placed or kept by the officer(s) in charge.
  3. vi. Manual searching for information about crime cases handled by the Crime Investigation Department has been very tedious because the cases files are not arranged in a logical manner.


The aim of this study is to design and implement of a crime investigation system Using biometric.


Our Crime Desktop based crime record and information system:

  1. Help in the Reduction of redundancies and inconsistencies.
  2. Ensure user defined rules to ensure the integrity of security.
  • Enable Police to track and investigate criminal across all sections.
  1. Ensures data access Security.
  2. Have an automatic intelligent backup and recovery procedure of criminal data.
  3. Improve Integrity


The research will center on the design and implementation of crime investigation  system using biometric approach for Nigerian police force.



Usually, every work has some limitations and this study is not exempted.
The two major limitations of this study are the high programming technique as well as financial constraints. The high programming technique constraint in PHP, JQUERY and MYSQL prevents the researcher to have an in depth study and analysis on the subject matter. While the issue of financial constraint limits the frequency of investigation to/from the institution toward gathering the necessary information relevant for the study.


Visual Basic programming language was used for the design of the social software (Customized VoIP). Visual basic consist of several part: API class libraries that contains all built in function that makes the windows platform to function the way it does, An IDE that gives you the ability to tap from the power and functionality of these API libraries. Visual basic language was chosen for this project because it is:

  1. i. Secured: visual basic was built with security in mind
  2. ii. Easy to program  with:  visual  basic  is  very easy to use programming tool.

iii.   Robust: It is reliable. Visual basic puts a lot of emphases on early checking for possible errors

  1. iv. Platform independent: visual basic application can be  easily moved  to  different  computer system.
  2. v. It simple: designed to be easy to use and therefore easy to write, debug, compile and learn
  3. vi. Object oriented: program in visual basic is centred  on   creating   object   manipulating object and making object work together.

vii.  Distributed: it has networking capability that is inherently integrated into it.


Crime is an unlawful act punishable by a state or other authority.[1] The term “crime” does not, in modern criminal law, have any simple and universally accepted definition, though statutory definitions have been provided for certain purposes. The most popular view is that crime is a category created by law; in other words, something is a crime if declared as such by the relevant and applicable law.

Criminal investigation is an applied science that involves the study of facts, used to identify, locate and prove the guilt of an accused criminal. A complete criminal investigation can include searching, interviews, interrogations, evidence collection and preservation and various methods of investigation.[1] Modern-day criminal investigations commonly employ many modern scientific techniques known collectively as forensic science.

Biometrics is the science of establishing the identity of an individual based on the physical, chemical or behavioral attributes of the person. The relevance of biometrics in modern society has been reinforced by the need for large-scale identity management systems whose functionality relies on the accurate determination of an individual’s identity in the context of several different applications.

Tracking:  is generally a system capable of rendering virtual space to a human observer while tracking the observer’s coordinates. For instance, in dynamic virtual auditory space simulations, a real-time head tracker provides feedback to the central processor, allowing for selection of appropriate head-related transfer functions at the estimated current position of the observer relative to the environment.

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Full Project – Design and implementation of crime investigation system using biometric approach