Full Project – Design and implementation of information management system for a department

Full Project – Design and implementation of information management system for a department

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Information Management System for a department is essential for an institution or to a college or to a university, which utilizes computer, also which reduces manpower. Main objective of this study is an important step towards streamlining this effort  is to develop a framework  and  identify  necessary  properties  that  a  secure  and  trusted online  department working system must satisfy to reduce discovery redundancy. Such a framework will allow us to evaluate as well as compare the merits of existing and future candidate in department. System should support multi- user environment. System should be fully automated.

System should provide concrete security features like creating users and assigning privileges to users of the system. System should be capable to keep track of the detailed descriptions of the client and the whole details of services offered by the client.

Currently, schools usage of new technologies is very limited. Most schools have dozens of computers but they are only used for teaching the computer subject and nobody uses them for administration purposes. However there are numerous tasks that can be done by computers if they are programmed to do, such as managing students’ grades. Students’ grade management is one of the most tedious task of administration staff and teachers of schools, which they have to perform manually at the every school year. Managing students’ grades is a task of administration staff and lecturers of the department, which is very time consuming and error prone.
As more information is made available in a variety of formats and media and in a variety of locations, the need to manage information/data efficiently becomes more and more critical. Both staff and public users want access to stored information and want to access it more efficiently. It is the Department Policy to improve both the efficiency and effectiveness of departmental registration and result processing operations and services through the implementation of an integrated automated database System.
This website is very dynamic and very easy to understand, the interface of the website is very easy and anybody can easily work in our website, this website can provide the details about the department, courses, subjects, event, attendance, and some important information. The online departmental management website is also very useful because the student don’t have to read notice board, he can easily view all info. Like result via this website. To make this website work successfully we have used some latest technology such as PHP as the Development Platform, PHP frame work as the development and MYSQL as the Database Management environment.

Electronic document and records management system (EDRMS) is a type of content management system and refers to the combined technologies of document management and records management systems as an integrated system.

Unlike DB2 (IBM’s relational database software), an IMS database uses segments, or data blocks, as building blocks of the hierarchical model. Within each segment are multiple data pieces, which are known as fields. At the top of the hierarchy, the segment is known as the root segment. Segments of a specific segment are known as child segments. The child segment order represents the order in which each entry is entered in a database.


Hierarchical IMS databases generally come in three forms:

  1. Full function database: Derived from the Data Language Interface (DL/I), this database form may have more than one single access method. Overflow Sequential Access Method (OSAM) or Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) may be used to store and access database fields.
  2. Fast path database: Designed to facilitate an optimum transaction rate. Examples are data entry databases (DEDB) and main storage databases (MSDB).
  3. High availability large databases (HALDB): Handles large volumes of data and provides reliable availability for each piece of data in the database.

IMS (Information Management System) is a database and transaction management system that was first introduced by IBM in 1968. Since then, IMS has gone through many changes in adapting to new programming tools and environments. IMS is one of two major legacy database and transaction management subsystems from IBM that run on mainframe MVS (now z/OS) systems. The other is CICS. It is claimed that, historically, application programs that use either (or both) IMS or CICS services have handled and continue to handle most of the world’s banking, insurance, and order entry transactions.




Many schools do not have computerized student information system that facilitates the capturing, storage and retrieval of relevant information pertaining to its students. The traditional flat file organization is still in use and it is inefficient as it takes time to locate any needed file. The problem is worse if the information needed was recorded years back. Also, it is difficult for management to get needed information instantly thereby delaying the decision making process that is based on the information needed. They have failed to see the benefits of utilizing the computer system despite its advantages. It is in view of these challenges that this research work is carried out to design and implement a student information system.

Computer science department of The Polytechnic Ibadan is to an extent manually operated and manage records and data. The recording of students admitted and their activities are done manually in a book, which looks/appears rough. Thus, the books or files are exposed to physical damage by ants and pests, accumulation of dust particles; this makes the contents to be lost, misplaced or even altered.



Information management systems for a Department provide capabilities for registering students in courses, documenting grading, transcripts of academic achievement and co-curricular activities and the results of student assessment scores, forming student schedules, tracking student attendance and managing other student-related data needs in an educational institution.



The aim of this research is to design and implement an Information management systems for a DepartmentInformation management systems for a Department for the Department of Computer Science, The Polytechnic Ibadan. The objectives of the proposed system hereby include the following.

  • To Store information for future use.
  • To understand the concept of information systems so it can be accessed easily.
  • To know the performance of the students in the department.
  • To help in retrieving information at any given time.
  • To saves time.


This study covers the design and implementation of Information management systems for a Department using the Department of Computer Science, The Polytechnic Ibadan as a case study.

Though, the scope is in such a way that the study can be carried out in one and only way that is computerizing the student information. This will help to modernize the inherent problems encountered by the managements of this organization.


The mode of data collection for this system is journals, observation and internet consultation. The technique adopted for the data analysis is the descriptive statistical methodology. Flow chart is used to break the system design in modules in order to comprehend what the structure of this software will look like. In my system coding, programming language that support the operation of the developed system was used. PHP is the preferred programming language used for the realization of this software because of the dynamic features of the language. MySQL is used for the data manipulation of the software. MySQL is a database application software. In the system testing, in order to ascertain the operation of the software, module testing was used.



Computer-based: To be dependent on the use of computers and related software to carry out a particular task.

Information: Definite knowledge acquired or supplied about something or somebody, also the meaningful material derived from computer data by organizing it and interpreting it in a specific way.

System: A combination of related parts working together to achieve a particular goal.

Information: The meaningful material derived from computer data by organizing it and interpreting it in a specific way.

Hardware: The equipment and devices that make up a computer system as opposed to the programs used on it.

Management: The organizing and controlling of the affairs of a business or sector of business.

Query: A request for information.

Database: A systematically arranged collection of computer data, structured so that it can be automatically retrieved or manipulated.


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Full Project – Design and implementation of information management system for a department