Full Project – Design and implementation of the use of android phone technology in solving problems of electrical electronic appliances

Full Project – Design and implementation of the use of android phone technology in solving problems of electrical electronic appliances

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A home appliance is an electrical/mechanical machine which accomplishes household functions, such as cooking or cleaning. Home appliances can be classified into: Major appliances. Small  appliances. Consumer electronics. Technology brings a huge change in people’s lives. Some technologies like the Internet and web services are very useful for our lives. On the top of that, mobile devices and smart phones proliferation helps user to access them. In

Indonesia, the mobile devices and smart phones are mostly used for looking for some information even though it is also used for communication, visiting social media, etc. Number of Internet users in Indonesia skyrockets are increasing from 512.000 (1998) to 25.000.000 (2007) (Qomariyah & Politik, 2009). This will help advancements in other fields such as education and business.

Other than the positive benefits, technologies are also having their own drawbacks. Electrical energy wasted is one of them. Turning off electronic devices without unplugging them from the power source will waste the energy.

Before the invention of electrical appliances jobs were done manually. The jobs were prone to errors, jobs were delayed because job processing consumed much time and it involves much human labour. The use of electrical appliances in this dispensation cannot be over emphasized. Hospitals now use electrical appliances for diagnosis, keeping records of patient for easy retrieval and for future use. Government agencies, public and private firms use electrical appliances to solve their problems. The electrical appliances high processing speed, degree of accuracy in data processing and large storage has made it more vulnerably used in the society today. With the aid of electrical appliances, many organizations have been able to keep information safe, reduce the time taken to process data and to avoid duplication effort. The introduction of electrical appliances into the information technology has tremendously effect on the information of organizations and the word in general. Every system of organization that is still none electrical appliance sized are now becoming electrical appliance sized. An organization is a changing and ongoing system in which people and resources Interact in a rational and orderly manner to accomplish common goals. This Project therefore an organized fact finding mission aimed at providing a comprehensive and most reliable expert system for solving electrical appliances problem using android app. The procedure for detecting electrical appliances problem using android app follows a manual workshop technique. As a result of the problems associated with manual process, such as waste of time makes the transformation of the system from manual processing to an expert system with the aid of a electrical appliances.



Lack of sufficient knowledge in handling hardware damage caused most of the general public or an institution cannot identify the location of the damage that occurs in electrical appliances. So much so that institutions charge a fee large enough only to repair the damage that occurs in the specialist electrical appliances troubleshooting part.

For that felt the need to build software that can help solve the problem of damage to electrical appliances. Software that will be built must be able to present the correct solution, accurate, reasonable and efficient. Believed to be the development and use of appropriate software, each institution can save time and cost that should be spent for purposes that are far more important.  Knowledge that comes from an experienced in the diagnosis and ways of handling hardware damage to electrical appliances. With the construction of expert systems troubleshooting electrical appliances damage is expected to provide freedom of access anywhere in assisting electrical appliances users in dealing with problems in electrical appliances to provide an accurate solution, so it can reduce time and costs to overcome the problems of damage electrical appliances.


In dealing with problems of electrical appliances and troubleshooting, technicians are those who can help to solve them. The use of an electrical appliances expert system is beneficial in different ways. It gives a temporary and instant guide to electrical appliances owners in different situations like:

  • When technician support is unavailable
  • When we are in a hurry
  • When distance to technician location is far
  • When technician diagnosis wrongly, etc.



To develop an expert system on electrical appliances problem and troubleshooting that is capable of assisting owners in dealing with their problems and troubleshooting them whenever time is limited and the human experts, also known as technician is not available at that very time. The development of the system surely has some significance to humans especially those who own electrical appliances and to the system developer as well. Among others, the system will perform the following functions:

  • It will conclude its diagnosis based on answers of the users to specific question posed by the system to the user.
  • It provides facility in order to take the user opinion on the following: does the use agree with the system’s diagnosis? Does the user disagree with the system’s diagnosis?
  • It provides explanation, picture, why and fact facility.
  • It stores the facts and the conclusion of the inference of the system and the facts and the conclusion of the inference of the user, for each case in data base.
  • It processes the data base in order to extract rules, which complete the knowledge base.



The expert system may contain certain limits and flaws, as it is only a prototype. We commonly know that electrical appliances has many parts on its body and even in the body itself. However, the system will only deal with problems that are normally or commonly found in the electrical appliances part  such as fan,blower e.t.c,


The limitation of the study is basically on keeping records of electrical appliances, problems  and possible solution on how to repair electrical appliances with the used of mobile application app.



The proposed system can help inexperienced technician in diagnosing the fault of the electrical appliances.

In addition, the system has the following benefits:

  • Expert systems help in the improvement of productivity: Having this system will enable technician to do more work in less time.
  • Expert system reduces the need for skilled technician: The repairs of electrical appliances require a high level of expertise. With this system, inexperienced technician can be guided to find the fault.
  • Expert systems capture the knowledge of company experts who someday will retire, resign or die.
  • Expert systems train newly lived employees to solve problem the way experienced professionals do.
  • Expert system are not vulnerable to problems such as fatigue, emotion and overwork, all of which plaque human experts.
  • Expert systems place expert knowledge into machine readable form, where it can be summoned at any time.
  • Expert systems give consistent result.
  • Expert systems can complete some tasks quicker them a human.


DIAGNOSIS: The identifying of the nature or cause of something, especially a problem or fault.

REPAIRS: To restore something broken or damaged to good condition

COMPONENTS: These are refer to electrical appliances parts like RAM, CD-ROM, HDD etc

TECHNICIAN: Somebody who is skilled in industrial techniques or the practical application of a science

ENGINEER: Somebody who is trained as a professional engineer.

SOLUTION: A method of successfully dealing with a problem or difficulty.

TROUBLESHOOTING: Process of finding solution to a problem.


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Full Project – Design and implementation of the use of android phone technology in solving problems of electrical electronic appliances

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