Full Project – E-commerce security using biometrics technology

Full Project – E-commerce security using biometrics technology

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In the emerging global economy, e-commerce has increasingly become a necessary component of business strategy and a strong catalyst for economic development. The integration of information technology (IT) in business has revolutionized relationships within organizations and those between and among organizations and individuals. Specifically, the use of IT in business has enhanced productivity, encouraged greater customer participation, and enabled mass customization, besides reducing costs.

As electronic-commerce (e-commerce) grows and further exploits the attributes of the Internet, it will likely have significant effects on national economies and industry structure. E-commerce has come to take on two important roles; first as a more effective and efficient conduit and aggregator of information, and second, as a potential mechanism for the replacement of many economic activities once performed within a business enterprise by those that can be done by outside suppliers that compete with each other to execute these activities. In response to this increased level of outsourcing opportunities, businesses will exploit the benefits of e-commerce by decoupling as many links of their production chain as possible in order to seek the most efficient and low cost supplier within the e-marketplace. As the Internet has a global reach, these new e-marketplaces have fast become a product of globalization, leading the Internet and e-commerce to further the process of global integration.

According to Uzokain Hampo, J.A (2011), “Decisions are largely based on principles and experience. In recent times, efforts are being made to build intelligence into computer system, whereby the computer can be used to process large volume of structured and unstructured information for decision making.”It is recognized that in the Information Age, Internet commerce is a powerful tool in the economic growth of developing countries. While there are indications of ecommerce patronage among large firms in developing countries, there seems to be little and negligible use of the Internet for commerce among small and medium sized firms. E-commerce promises better business for SMEs and sustainable economic development for developing countries. However, this is premised on strong political will and good governance, as well as on a responsible and supportive private sector within an effective policy framework.


Most importantly, the issues of security still remain a big bow to electronic commerce (e-commerce).this is due to the negligence of biometric. Moreover, some other problems of e-commerce are:

  1. High Internet access costs, including connection service fees, communication fees, and hosting charges for websites with sufficient bandwidth;
  2. Non availability of user friendly e-commerce website for online shoppers.
  3. Limited availability of credit cards and a nationwide credit card system;
  4. Underdeveloped transportation infrastructure resulting in slow and uncertain delivery of goods and services;
  5. Network security problems and insufficient security safeguards;
  6. Lack of skilled human resources and key technologies (i.e., inadequate professional IT workforce);
  7. Content restriction on national security and other public policy grounds, which greatly affect business in the field of information services, such as the media and entertainment sectors;
  8. Cross-border issues, such as the recognition of transactions under laws of other ASEAN member-countries, certification services, improvement of delivery methods and customs facilitation; and
  9. The relatively low cost of labor, which implies that a shift to a comparatively capital intensive solution (including investments on the improvement of the physical and network infrastructure) is not apparent.


The aim of the research is to examine e-commerce and its relationship with information technology and biometrics;

The objectives are:

  1. To describe the role of information technology (IT) in e-commerce
  2. To outline some e-commerce technology
  3. To itemize biometric technology and its role in maximizing e-commerce security
  4. To describe common e-commerce model
  5. To explain the various forces fueling e-commerce
  6. e-Commerce insecurity
  7. To show electronic gadget that has biometrics and e-commerce feature(s).
  8. To analyze (and not design) an existing ecommerce system especially ecommerce system with biometrics technology.


This research work will be of great importance to individuals, firms and organizations that are involved in e-commerce or those who intend to trade business online.

1.5     SCOPE

This research work discusses the role of information technology and biometrics to e-commerce security.


Time and financial constraints has constrained this research work to the above scope.


In this research we intend to carry out a system study which will involve visiting of most e-commerce websites to see how well information technology tools and biometrics are used in these websites, and the various limitations. A feasibility study will be carry out after the system study to determine if there are software, hardware and resources available to accomplish a solution. System analysis will then follow, which will include various fact finding techniques such as brainstorming, interviews and observation. The materials and literature review are utilized to the optimum.


In a technological driven generation where technology is used for both positive and negative gain, security remains at the mind of every well orientated human for profit making, customers’ safety and brand protection. Hence, we were motivated to show in this work how information technology tools and biometrics can be used foster the security of e-commerce that will be both beneficial for online shoppers and online shop owners.


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Full Project – E-commerce security using biometrics technology