Full Project – Information technology – analysis of its effects in some selected companies in Nigeria

Full Project – Information technology – analysis of its effects in some selected companies in Nigeria

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Information technology covers any form of technology, that is, any equipment or technique used by a company, institution or any other organization which handles information. The handling of information has an ancient history going back to the invention of “abacus” and subsequently “adding machines” and more recently the development of electronic computers with stored programmed concept.

The past few decades since the development of electronic computers have been characterized by major development in information technology. Information is required in any organization for planning controlling, decision making, communication, organizing, and directing. This can be achieved through the use of the computer and the application of Management Information System (MIS), electronic data processing (EDP), office support system, data processing system, and decision support system and package.

The role technology plays in enhancing economic and business activities of both the private and public institution cannot be overemphasized. While it has opened up opportunities that would have gone undiscovered or neglected, it has saved many organizations millions of perpetrated frauds through its applications.

The use of technology now makes such technical jobs such as accounting, data processing, modeling, construction, forecasting and other services more interesting, attractive and less cumbersome. The term information technology was coined in the late 1970’s, to refer to the connection of computer based technology for handling information. Information technology is the technology related to the computerized or electronic gathering, recording, processing, retrieval, and communication of information which involves the use of digital electronic especially the internet, cable and satellite televisions, and telephone links. It is taken to include a complex network of computers and telecommunication technologies with their associated software and operating system. In addition to these, information technology also includes the knowledge to operate the computerized systems. Information technology could also be seen as a broad category of communication that is rapidly changing how organizations and individuals communicate. For example, video-tapes, recorders, telephone answering devices, computer and internet etc, all provide new communication flexibility and opportunities for organizations. Information technology reflects the convergence of several technological developments including microelectronics, telecommunications, and software engineering. Applications that use these systems include computer-based information system for data storage, processing and retrieval. Major application areas of information technology in organizations include business industry, commerce, administration etc.

Hence, information technology is important to the operations of all organizations (both social and commercial), since it provides the means to efficiently achieved objectives. It is a broad multidisciplinary subject. It includes the range of strategic, tactical, and operational activities involved with all those technologies that gather, handle, distribute and use information. Information technology involves a considerable human activity, and it is this aspect that defines IT as distinct from computing.


This study is put forward because of some of the problems found in organizations that neglect the use of information technology. Prior to the advent of information technology, most organizations operate manually given rise to operational inefficiencies such as Waste of time of processing information manually, high cost of operations, heavy work load on an employee, low customer satisfaction and high process time per customer, Information gathered can easily be lost because of manual filing systems and fraudulent practices were also difficult to dictate due to the absence of IT.


The overall goal of this study is to analyze the effects of information technology on some selected companies in Kebbi State, Nigeria. But in the course of this study, there are other objectives which can be achieved. They are;

  1. To determine the extent of application of information technology in some companies in Kebbi State.
  2. The study intends to identify whether information technology helps the organization/company to achieve customer satisfaction.
  • The study tends to find out whether there is connection of information and transfer of information from one department to another (Inter-connectivity between departments).
  1. To determine if some jobs has been eliminated due to introduction of information



Some of the questions addressed by this study include;

  1. Has the application of information technology enabled your organization to achieve customer satisfaction?
  2. Are there problems associated with the use of information technology in your organization?
  • Does information technology help to enhance and boost staffs performance?


The following hypotheses form the bases for this study;

H0: The application of information technology has not enabled your organization to achieve customer satisfaction

H1: The application of information technology has enabled your organization achieve customer satisfaction

H0: There are no problems associated with the use of information technology in your organization

H2: There are problems associated with the use of information technology in your organization

H0: There is no evidence that the use of information technology reduces organization staffs

H3: There is evidence that the use of information technology reduces organization staffs


This study is significant because it will determine the extent of application of information technology in organizations and will also facilitate the application of information technology in organizations. Also, the study will highlight on the effects associated with application of information technology in organizations. Finally, it will serve as a source of information for further researches in the same field.


The study is based on information technology; analysis of its effects on some selected companies in Kebbi State, Nigeria. The scope of this study is to analyze the effects of Information technology on ten (10) different selected companies in Kebbi State.



Data are raw figures or facts that represent some type of transactions or activities within an organization which are inputs in data processing.


Information refers to the result of data processing which is useful and can be used as an aid to decision making. Technology this is the science of technical processes in a wide though related field of knowledge. It is the practice of any or all the applied sciences that have practical value.


A computer is an electronic device that transforms or processes data and provides the results or output as information that can be used for decision making.


An internet is an inter-connected global network of computers based upon the TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) Protocol suite.


A network is a group of inter-connected systems sharing services and interacting by means of a shared communication link. It is also an inter-connection of computers, peripherals and communication lines


This is information sent from a computer to an external location such as printer, screen or disk drive.




A list of processor instructions designed to perform a certain function. A running program is called a Process. A package of one or more programs and attendant data designed to meet an application is called Software.

Management Information System (MIS)

Management Information System is an integrated system of information flow designed to enhance decision making effectiveness.

Information technology (IT)

Information technology includes all an organization’s hardware and software for storing, retrieving, transmitting and managing electronic information.



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Full Project – Information technology – analysis of its effects in some selected companies in Nigeria