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1.1                BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY

Women empowerment is dated back to 1970‟s and the beginning of the international women movement. Many women organizations worldwide set up credit and saving components as a way of both enabling women to increase their incomes, and coming together to address wider gender issues. The micro-credit summit programme is not only out to reach women but also to empower them.

Women empowerment is not a modern concept. Women all over the world including countries in the south have been challenging and changing many gender inequalities since the beginning of history. These struggles have not been supported by many men who have not been outraged at injustice against women.

Man is by nature an independent social being and cannot develop, actualize and objectify himself through labor in isolation from others and from the social environment (Mbah, 2005). Men have to interact with others to live well and to achieve more meaningful sustainable socio-economic development. The relationship between men and women has for a long time been marked by the sub-ordination of one group to the whimps and caprices of another. Women‟s position being relegated to the background and placed in a dependency position makes it almost difficult if not impossible for them to take their own decision on issues and problems to affect them more especially on reproductive health.

Onu (1998) opined that “women are at the heart of development. They control most of the non-money economy (subsistence agriculture, bearing and raising children, doing domestic labor) and taking important part in the money economy (trading, the formal sector, wage employment)”. He further stressed that every where world, women have two jobs, around the home and outside it. This assertion implies that women have a lot in of contribution to make towards the healthy socio-economic development of every county but women are constantly denied this opportunity by the nature of our societal organizations, and the cultural set up that makes it more comfortable for men to maintain the status quo. Today, awareness has led to the recognition of the important role women can play in national development and this calls for an urgent need to address these critical areas that have hindered full recognition of women‟s talents, women‟s right, women‟s development and empowerment.

Women earn only 10 percent of the world income. Where women work, they are limited to a set of jobs deemed suitable for women invariable low pay, low status position.

Furthermore, there are certain laws or customs that prevent women from getting loans or credit, or having the right to inheritance or to own their homes, they have no assets to leverage for economic stability and cannot invest in their own or their children‟s future.

In our society, community development practice is not new. Before the colonial era various communities employed communal efforts as mechanism for mobilizing community resources to effect physical improvement and functional facilities in their various localities. In the social, political and economic aspect of their lives. Through communal labor farmland were cultivated, homes steeds constructed and other needed amenities provided.



The major problem facing the Bwari community and every other community in Nigeria is that of deprivation of women‟s right to participate in their full capacity in religious, economic, political and social activities just like their male counterparts. This hinders their ability to operate in their full capacity in development project in the local government, like every other local (rural) area. The literate women in Bwari outnumber that of the illiterate but still create little ignorance among some of other women defending their rights

Another major source of problem is the men controlling the affairs of their families, prevents or sanctions their wives from participating or partaking in some activities of women from the local government.

Another source of problem is lack of finance. This affects the organizational structure of men as a result of the fact that majority of the women are house wives who depend on their husbands. There is need for the women to finance themselves independently so as to stand a better chance to assist in their homes and also in the society. Also incompetence in management and control of women organization by their executives hinders their development and efforts. At times some women leaders seem to antagonize one another when working together towards achieving a set goal. Child bearing also affects women in participating in other activities.



  1.  How has the lack of government assistance hindered role of women in community development in Bwari local government area?
  2.  What are the problems hindering women‟s participation in community development?
  3.  In what ways have women contributed to the development of Bwari local government area?
  4.  How can women be empowered in Bwari local government area?
  5.  What strategies can be adopted to enhance women participation in community development of Bwari local government area?


The major objective of the study is to find out problems that militate against role of women in community development in Bwari. The specific objectives can be summed up to this.

  1.  To identify ways empowerment and area. by which  government  assistance  can  help  in  women community development  in  Bwari  local  government
  2. To identify the problems that hinder women‟s participation in community development.
  3.  To find out ways women can contribute to the development of Bwari local government area of Abuja.
  4.  To find out how women can be empowered in Bwari local government area of Abuja
  5. To suggest strategies that can be adopted to enhance women‟s participation in community development in Bwari.


The study examines the role of women in community development with focus on Bwari community in Abuja Nigeria.



Recalling that the character of the UN (United Nations) re-affirms faith in the declaration on the elimination and discrimination against women at the present convention of which Nigeria was a signatory (CSW, 2005:8).

Recalling that under the auspices of the UN, African Union (AU), International and Local Organizations, the National policy on women was designed to protect women against all forms of discrimination (Newswatch: 2000).

Concerned, that women‟s right are human right and poverty is feminine. Aware that, a change in the traditional role of women, as well as men in the family and society is needed to achieve full equality between women and men. Whereas common understanding of women as principal prerequisite in the development of their communities, nation, region and globe.

With the drawing plans for a new gender policy on the way, this study will contribute to an effective policy that will give all Nigerian women irrespective of class, age, tribe and religion a strength that can be reckoned with.

Also through this study international and local sponsors will be educated about the contributions of women networks to community development in Bwari local government.

Finally, for the rural community these women belong to, the study will improve on the awareness of individuals and groups to not limit the activities of these women but to help them in articulating their positions, situations and demands. This will in turn improve the standard of living, enhance rural community resources and add to national development and a successive continuation of human race.




Community: A social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, share government and often have a common cultural and historical heritage.


Development: The gradual growth of something so that it becomes more advanced, stronger. This is also defined as skill and capacity, greater freedom, creativity, self discipline, responsibility and material well-being. Rodney (1972)  Empowerment: To give someone the power to do something. To give somebody more control over their own life or the situation they are in.

Women: It is the plural of woman. It is defined as an adult female human being. Women all over the world constitute a gender group; they are a disadvantaged group based on their sex.  Women Network: Women coming and working together in a group to achieve an objective.

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