Full Project – The impact of co-operative towards economic development and social activities

Full Project – The impact of co-operative towards economic development and social activities

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Some 300 years ago, faced with problems of poverty, exclusion and inequality, some men and women devised and proposed a new way of addressing their needs: cooperatives and mutuals. The model evolved between the practical and the ideal, inspired by the balance between the values of equality, democracy, liberty, fairness, solidarity and empowerment. To this very day, this project of organizational innovation still challenges our concepts of the economy and of business management.

Does this ideal of change, this cooperative and mutualistic project, have a socio-economic impact as only dreamed of by its first proponents and theorists? Would they appreciate the contribution to the betterment of the world of cooperatives and mutuals today? The institute de recherché et d’education pour les cooperatives et les mutuelles de l’Universite de Sherbrooke (IRECUS) has painted a picture of the socio-economic impact of cooperatives and mutuals today. IRECUS also puts forth an analysis of the contribution of the cooperative and mutualistic identify to the results. This undertaking will allow us to look at the challenges the cooperative and mutualistic movement will soon face.



The general history of cooperative dates back to nineteenth century. Since then it has spread to the whole world inducing Nigeria. The main objective of the movement is to improve or meet the common need by mutual understanding. In the Nigeria, the history of cooperative movement dates to the (1903’s) the main aim of the colonial masters then, was to organize farm land were farmer would cultivate on and produce cash crops like palm oil, coca and rubber this farm land was lager organized into required, this was for the purpose of increasing production process and marketing of their products, which at that time was the major exchange for the government, indeed cooperative societies have been well known as an instrument of the communities development. In all countries today, food is geared towards the socio-economic development of the masses in pursuing this goals the tool used, is the formation to cooperative.



In recent times government and other interested organization have been various source of finance available to cooperative in the rural areas because they see such organization as one of the major paths to the socio-economic development and social activities of the nation, for instance, in the fourth national development plan of 1980-1985 the running of cooperative in Nigeria despite of all the enormous funds being spent on cooperative, a list of problems still exist and it is the purpose of this research work to identify and find solution to the problems as well.

  • Lack of cooperative rural people.
  • Problem of illiteracy as most of the rural people are illiterates and could not allow development to come in.
  • Lack of infrastructure, lack of good road, electricity, pipe burn water, hospital, etc.
  • The fact that cooperative here are mostly governments organized, they have little fund to embark on project. This is due to delay of funds, when they contribute their own, they raise vary smell amount of money.



Looking at Nigeria economic scene, which is not dominated by project and programme for the economic development, the little of such organized project and programmes are central at urban areas which the rural areas does not enjoy the maximum benefits of such arrangement cooperative societies were introduced to and the developed developing areas on economic and social development as they could not have the same privilege as other countries so the major aim of this research work is to:

  • Determine the role cooperative societies have played in promoting economic development and social activities.
  • Finding out whether these projects are adequate and what they have contributed so far to the development of economic and social activities.
  • Finding our avenue of economic activities available to rural area but nor presently utilized by them.
  • Finding out whether those projects are of improvement.
  • Investigating project that are implemented and how effective they are to the economic development.
  • Examining the various difficulties encountered by cooperative societies in societies in raising funds for their business activities.
  • Suggestion for solution to problem affecting them.



The scope of this study is that it should take care of the economic and social activities development. Some selected to local government area in Imo State due to limited resources and time available for this work, the time given for that study was too short, secondly, this study help people to put them self together and there resources together on mutual or self help basis to form a business enterprises which seeks to solve the economic problems to it members.


  • What role have cooperative societies played in promoting economic activities?
  • Do cooperative contribute to the economic development and social activities of Owerri west local government area?
  • How have cooperative assistance and incentive helped in assessing their adequate and effectiveness in enhancing proper economic development in Imo State?
  • Have cooperative make any contribution to the infrastructure and agricultural development in Imo State?
  • Do cooperative provide education and employment opportunities to member and people of Owerri west local government area?



This research work is aimed at highlighting the significant of cooperative societies in the economic development of Imo State. The study will also find solution to some problems associated with cooperative in particular areas and economic development in general. It will also help women to understand more on the important of women’s cooperative activities like family support programme in their rural areas. Finally, the study will be meaningful to other scholars who will carry out further research in the field.



The limitation of this study is based on the improvement and processing the ideas that will help in the upbringing of the communities, societies and area where their members live or stay.

Another major constraints to the research work is the unwilling of the cooperative staff in the area to release certain document which contains vital information need for the work.

Secondly, the limitation of this study also base on research work in other to find out problem and give solutions to them.





There are some terms in cooperative which needs to be defined in other to alert their scholar of their meaning example;

ICA: International Cooperative Alliance.

ILO: International Labour Organization.

IAEA: International Atomic Agency.

USSR: Union of Soviet Socialist Republic.

NGO: Non Government Organization.

ICFTU: International Confederation of the Trade Union.

WAY: The World Assembly of Youths.

WOCCU: The World Council of Credit Union.

CUNA: Credit Union of National Association.

CCCS: Canadian Cooperative Credit Society.

ACDSCA: Asian Confederation of Credit Unions.

CCCU: Caribbean Confederation of Credit Unions.

COPAC: Committee for Promotion of Aid to Cooperative.

ANCE: Association of Nigeria Cooperative.

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Full Project – The impact of co-operative towards economic development and social activities