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The purpose of this study examinesThe Impact of information and communication Technology on school Administration process in senior secondary Schools in Education district one Lagos State. The population of the study consisted of all non-teaching staff of all secondary schools in District One, Lagos State. The study adopted Ex-facto design, while random sampling technique was used in selecting 344 respondents. The structured questionnaire was used to elicit information from the respondents. Data collected were analyzed using T-test independent analysis. Based on the findings of the study, it was concluded that information and communication Technology has positive effect on school Administration process in senior secondary Schools in Education district one Lagos State. The study recommended that, Owing to the fact that lack of adequate facilities affects negatively the application of ICT in the school, it may be recommended that the school administration in cooperation with the parents and other stakeholders in the school should come up together and contribute towards the provision of the facilities to the school. This will help in improving the adequacy of ICT related facilities in the school.




Chapter One

  • Introduction
    • Background to the Study

The in-cooperation of Information Communication Technology in the administration of schools has positive effects. These may include improvement of the school standards in terms of academics, financial status and in co-curricular activities. The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is an umbrella term that includes any communication device or application, encompassing: radio, television, cellular phones, computer, and network hardware and software, satellite systems and so on, as well as the various services and applications associated with them, such as videoconferencing and distance learning. When such technologies are used for school administrative purposes, namely to support and improve School Administration, ICT can be considered as a sub field of Educational Technology (Kumar, 2008).

The potential of information communications technology (ICT) in enhancing human capabilities and revolutionizing the management of organizations was first realized in other sectors of human society, mostly in the business world and the military, other than in education (Ray & Davis, 2001). The importance of ICT contribution is also widely recognized both in the workplace and at home (Dawes, 2001). These examples are just a few pointers which show that ICT is becoming a vital enabling tool that can no longer be ignored in the administration of schools.

The purpose of teaching is primarily to assist the learner acquire the type of knowledge and skills that will produce desirable changes in him. This can be actualized if the teaching and learning process provide the enabling environment for the learner to think critically and analytically, and consequently, be an agent of change to self, his community and society at large. Generally, the educational system is subdivided into the primary, secondary and tertiary levels. In some cases, the pre-primary education is an integral part of primary level. The secondary level occupies a critical position in the educational system. According to the National Policy on Education (2010), secondary education is the education children receive after primary education and before the tertiary education. The broad goal of secondary education is to prepare the individual for useful living within the society and higher education. To achieve the stated goals, secondary education is of six years duration, given in two stages – a junior secondary school stage and a senior secondary school stage and each being of three years duration.

Education is known through out the world as a big business that requires effective and efficient management for it to succeed. Success in achieving educational objectives and goals irrespective of the country in question does not just happen; it results from a combination of factors among which are the style of administration and the freedom of power at a leader’s disposal to exercise such authority of powers. This is very paramount because the success of any business depends largely on the effectiveness and efficiency in leadership. Administrative competence in terms of availability of skills and knowledge are necessary in realizing organizational goals but in addition to those are the rights to exercise leadership powers and authority on school governance. The school administrator therefore, is often charged with the responsibility of being able to harness the available human and material resources within the organization in such a way that desired school organizational goals can be achieved.

The achievement of the above stated goals is dependent on the extent the secondary school principal; who is the chief executive officer in the school is capable of applying the appropriate administrative processes in the school operations. The principal does not work in isolation; he is in constant interaction with the Ministry of Education, School Based Management Committee/Board, teachers, learners and the external environment. The school is an open system that is in constant interaction with the environment. It receives inputs from the external environment in the form of human and material resources, processes them and empties same into the environment. Consequently, the administrative functions of the principal are very complex.

Information Communication Technology and Public School Administration in Osun State, Nigeria Put succinctly, the administrative functions of the principal are decision making, planning, organizing, communicating, influencing, coordinating and evaluating. These tasks are applied in areas of curriculum development, instructional supervision, staff and student personnel administration, guidance and counseling, finance, community relations, construction and maintenance of facilities, and special services.

These tasks are very complex, nebulous and time consuming. For the principal to function efficiently and effectively in the present computer age, he/she must rise to the challenges of adopting new technological resources and services in the management of the school. According to Moore (2008), technology is the application of knowledge to the achievement of particular goals or to the solution of particular problems. This undoubtedly involves deployment and exploitation of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in facilitating and accelerating administrative processes in secondary schools.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

1.2 Statement of the Problem

While different people debate the obvious advantages of ICT in School Administration, systematic research is needed to confirm that the school administration is actually acquiring and using the skills that are being taught on use of ICT in administration, and that the use of ICT in School Administration is the best way to achieve the outcomes in a school environment.

Application of ICT in any field is perceived having potentials of improving the standards from a lower level to a high level. In this case, application of ICT in schools is expected to improve the standards of the school from one level to the other. There are a number of the schools that have embraced the use of ICT in administration, but still they never improve in the standards. These schools have been faced by various challenges such as mismanagement of school resources, low academic performance of students of which have resulted due to poor school administration strategies (Karsenti (2004). The question that beckons for an answer is: has ICT been effectively used in school administration? Based on this question, this study sought to establish the impact of information and communication Technology on school Administration process in senior secondary Schools in Education district one Lagos State.

1.3  Objectives of Study

The objectives of the study are to:

  1. Find out the available ICT resources in performing core administrative duties
  2. To find the impact of school information communication technology on school Administration process.
  3. To study the impact of information communication technology on school administration process.
  4. To investigate the principals’ perception of the use of ICT resources in performing administrative tasks.

1.4  Research Questions

What are the available ICT resources in performing core administrative duties

  1. What is the impact of school information communication technology on school Administration process?
  2. What is the impact of information communication technology on school administration process?
  3. what is the principals’ perception of the use of ICT resources in performing administrative tasks.

1.5 Hypothesis

  1. There is no significant influence of available ICT resources in performing core administrative duties
  2. There is no significant impact of school information communication technology on school Administration process
  3. There is no significant impact of information communication technology on school administration process.
  4. There is no significant influence of principals’ perception of the use of ICT resources in performing administrative tasks.

1.6 Significance of the Study

The findings accumulated by this study would provide significant benefits to the following groups or individuals:

The government would benefit from this study in view of the fact that they would learn how an Information communication technology resources enhances office administration and operations in secondary school.

The outcome of this research is hoped to be of immense use to students of education and information management science since it contains information on information communication technology.

The significance of this study will be of help to all those who use the information from the study like researchers or students of organizational behaviour, performance management, productivity, human resources and business administration.

1.7  Limitation of the Study

It is inevitable that a survey research of this nature must have some constraints which impact on this study. The materials for a proper and effective research work constituted a major limitation and even the decision to use questionnaire in data collection constituted some limitation of the study, that is, how to get the true and required information from the workers.

Finally, there was an anticipation of the problem of convincing the respondents on the filling of the questionnaires and to give the true and required information. But for the quick intervention the class representatives the departments took time to clear the air and convince their course mates, helped me to accomplish my assignment.

  • Delimitation Of The Study

This study was delimited to The Impact of information and communication Technology on school Administration process in senior secondary Schools in Education district one Lagos State. The period of the study was 2017/2018.

1.9  Definition of terms

ICT: this term has been used in the study to refer to the application of information and technology in school administration in secondary schools. These include the use of computers and its constituent programs. It also covers other technologies involved in the transaction of financial resources and management of human and physical resources.

Measures: This refers to interventions or strategies that can be undertaken in order to solve a given challenge.

School Administrators: This term has been used to refer to those who are involved in day to day administration of schools. e.g. B.O.G chairman, PTA chairman, principals, D. principals, senior master among others

Administered: This can be defined the activities that are done in order to plan organize and run a school or other institution.

Administrator: This is referred to a person whose job is to manage and organize the affairs of an institution.

Militate: This means prevention of something, that is, to make it difficult for something to happen or exist.

Secondary school: This referred to s school for the young people the age of 11 and 16 or 18.

Principal: A principal is a person who is in charge of a college. He is seen as the head of the school


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