Full Project – The Impact of Staff Discipline in the Attainment of Organizational Objectives

Full Project – The Impact of Staff Discipline in the Attainment of Organizational Objectives

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The origin of discipline can be traced back to Heaven when God disciplined Satan and other fallen angels for their pride and disobedience. Discipline came into view from certain training of the mind and character; to produce self control for obedience etc. obedience is as a result of discipline which means that without control for obedience there would not be discipline.

Discipline means to cause the mind to obey, staff discipline came into view because employees in the organization consist of people with diverse character thus there are “good staff” and “bad staff”. The good ones are identified by their conformity to the laid down rules and regulation and commitment to the organization while the bad ones are noted for diverse negative attitude and tendencies which they exhibit at work as laziness, stealing, training, insubordination and lateness.

Moreover, these diverse negative attitudes pose a threat to the achievement of organizational goals and therefore require greater discipline and control. Even the good ones, discipline and control are also necessary to maintain their behaviour and reassure them of the organization commitment to good conducts and improved performances. Staff disciplines impacts heavily on organizational performance.



Also, in the context of human resources management discipline is better appreciated as a means of causing discomfort or suffering to somebody for wrong doing with the aim of preventing future occurrence of that particular behaviour. (Agu, 2003:73). It is not unusual for the personnel manager to think of indiscipline on the part of an employee who will then be subjected to disciplinary action when he virtually commits a serious offence or crime against his employer. A disciplined employee is then one who exhibits high moral standards, seeks to become an important member of the organization, obeys reasonable instructions from his superior, is committed to his tasks and protects the assets of his employer. There are general stages that must be followed in implementing a disciplinary procedure in any organization. They are:

  1. Collection of facts on the subject matter of the infringement that is preliminary investigations.
  2. Interview of the employees
  3. Oral warming or written
  4. Defense by employee
  5. Exoneration/penalty
  6. Trial of offending employee
  7. Guilty employee.


Any organization wishing to achieve meaningful productivity must design a just and equitable discipline management system.


The Imo transport corporation was commissioned on the 24th of August, 1988 by the military governor of Imo state commander Amadi Ikwunche under the auspices of the federal urban mass transit programme (FUMTP), this programme was aimed at alleviating the transportation problem of the people which was occasioned in the death of committer vehicles (buses, cars). To ensure that I.T.C. is effectively managed in Imo state government decided to privatized, thus Imo Transport Corporation was incorporated with the Motto “put Imo on wheels”. The ITC logo is the map of Imo state on two wheels. The wheels show that ITC is out to transport Imo people in their intra-city interstate journeys which the solemn pledge to put Imo on wheels. Imo transport corporation controls a lot of vehicles spread over the following services, and “intercity inter-city services, vehicle recovery services, commercial maintenance services, and inter-state services, it has a large work force.



It is obvious that an organizational workforce is made up of people of diverse backgrounds so disobedience and mistakes are inevitable. Employees are disciplined when they so against and sickness, low and fatty turnout, increasing wastages etc.

To that effect organizations experience failure in business, poor performance and low output level. When employees lack training of the mind and character to produce self control the organization is driver to sudden halt or sustain losses a result of indiscipline. Lack of discipline in organization has affected the effectiveness and efficiency of organizational productivity and also the profitability.

Therefore, this study attempts to note that lack of discipline lead to the following:

  • Low productivity as a result of negligence
  • Poor performance of employees
  • High rate of absenteeism
  • Insubordination of organizational objective/waste of resources
  • Increased cost of production.




The purpose of the study is to determine the impact of discipline in attainment of organizational objective this is geared towards achieving of the following:

  • To determine the role discipline in attainment of organizational productivity
  • To evaluate the impact of discipline on the employees performance
  • To measure the effect of discipline on the out put level of the organization
  • To determine the principle of discipline to be followed to ensure that there is peace in the organization.
  • To determine if discipline has been responsible for the poor performance of workers.



Having stated the problems as shown in the problem statement, this study aim at identifying the effect of discipline to management efficiency in terms of productivity profitability and growth. Assumptions are made that all organizations irrespective of their locations and other environmental factor have similar characteristics, in view of this, the following fundamental questions are asked.

  1. What are the roles of staff discipline in organizational productivity?
  2. What are the effects of discipline on employees performance?
  3. How does discipline affect the output level of the organization?
  4. Does discipline contribute to the poor performance of worker in the organization?


HO: Staff discipline does not influence employee’s performance.

HI: Staff discipline influences employee’s performance


HO: Staff discipline does not affect employee’s behaviour

HI: Staff discipline affects employee’s behaviour.



The benefit employees discipline on productivity efficiency aims at alerting the employees whose performance is considered low to improve his performance reminding the employee of the expected standards of behaviour and increasing the moral, motivation and performance. Organizations and others will benefit from this study in the following ways:

  • It will help organizations to maintain peace, unity among the employees so as to have improved organizational performance.
  • Student of business administration and management, human capital management will also find this useful as it will serve as a reference work for further research.
  • It will also help the society at large to embrace discipline as a tool used to inculcate obedience and control in the life of citizens.



The researches focus is in organization in imo state and the Nigeria economic environment is so vast and organizations operating in the economy are numerous that they numbered almost in millions. Taking into consideration time and space of these agencies in the economy, it will not be possible for the researcher to visit all of them and produce effective study, consequently, the student will be narrowed down to ITC Ltd.


  1. GOALS- The objective of purpose that an individual group (such as business firm) or a society aspires to achieve.
  2. Productivity- Rate of output per man-hour of work volume of output in relation to input.
  3. Discipline- It is a control gained by enforcing obedience.
  4. Employee- Any person who enters into a contract of employment to offer his labour.
  5. Management- In the content, it means that the top manager makes decision in an organization.



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Full Project – The Impact of Staff Discipline in the Attainment of Organizational Objectives

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