Full Project – The impact of supervision on employee’s effectiveness in organization

Full Project – The impact of supervision on employee’s effectiveness in organization

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       Employees effectiveness and behaviour in organizations are influenced by directing functions of managers. Directing involves guiding of employees through supervision in the execution of their duties.

Bhagwan and Bhushan (1981), quoting Willamson defined supervision as a process by which workers are helped by a designated staff member to learn according to the needs to make the best use of their abilities so that they do their job more effectively and with increasing satisfaction themselves.

In other words, Supervisor is any person who is given authority and responsibilities of planning and controlling the work of group through close contract or supervision has the responsibility to create the general atmosphere conductive for the employee to contribute their best towards the realization of the organizational objectives. Thus, he is accepted to motivate, give a sense of belonging and provide conducive environment that would make the employees to be willing to perform.

Effective supervision of staff is very necessary to the maintenance of quality control, reduction in wastage.

Elimination of idleness during working time period and host of other variable all these serve to ensure the full utilization of resources. This makes the supervision of employees on essential ingredient organization.



       The ministry of education in Owerri, came into existence in 1976 along with other new state created under the leadership of the late ministry ruler of Nigeria, Murtalla Muhammed; having being previously part of East-Central State ministry is located at Block 3, Imo State Secretariat, Port-Harcourt Court Road.

The ministry supervises all the state owned institution or schools in both private and public sector. It is headed by Commissioner for Education; other Executive Officers include Permanent Secretary, Directors, etc.



       What prompted the research is the observation of poor supervision of employees in organization this has affected the productivity adversely; this poor supervision is as a result of the following:

  1. Poor communication structure
  2. Lack of commitment on the part of the supervision
  3. Lack of poor supervisory skills on the part of manager and poor leadership styles.






The general objective of this study is to determine the impact of supervision on employee’s effectiveness. The specific objectives include:

  1. To identify how supervision of employees is related to communication structure.
  2. To ascertain how supervision is affected by lack of communication.
  3. To find out how supervision is influenced by leadership style.



The following research questions were stated from the study.

  1. What is the relationship between supervision of employees and attainment objectives?
  2. What is the relationship between employees and managers skills?
  3. What is the relationship between employees supervision and communication structure in organization.
  4. How is supervision related to leadership style?
  5. What is the relationship between supervision of employees and leadership style?



       The hypotheses formulated for this study were:

HO:         There is no significant relationship between supervision and employees attainment of objectives.

HA:         Supervision does not have significant relationship with communication structure.

HO2:       Supervision does not have significant relationship with communication structure.

HA2:       Supervision have significant relationship with communication structure.



The research study will be significant to the business organizations and workers and scholars.

  1. To the business organization: The findings on the study will help organization to use the right supervision techniques for their employees and to ensure disciplines among workers will enhance productivity and profitability.
  2. To workers: The findings of the study will enable the workers know the benefit of being supervised in the areas/areas assigned to them so as to make positive impacts on the interested public in the organization.
  3. To scholars: The findings of the study will help the researcher to fill one of the requirement for the sound of Higher national Diploma in Business Administration and management. It will also help the researcher to gain more knowledge about the topic researched on.



This study on the impact of supervision on employees effectiveness in organization focused on ministry of education Owerri, Imo State.

  1. Time Constraints: The researcher was constrained by the time limitation.
  2. Nonchalant attitude of the respondents: Some of the respondents were not fought coming with the answers to the questions.
  3. Lack of fund



Supervision: A person that supervised the jobs people placed directly under him or her.

Efficiency: The quality of closing something will with no waste of time and money.

Effectiveness: The ability to produce to produce desired result with a specific period.

Close Supervision: A situation where the supervisor does his job with it allowing the employees or subordinates know that he is being supervised.

Leadership: The process of directing, influencing and motivating employees people within a formal setting towards the achievement of a set goal.

Leadership styles: The process of planning, organizing and directing coordinating man, money, material and employees or people within a formal setting towards the achievement.

Management: The process of planning, organizing and directing coordinating and controlling man, money, mental and organizational goals effectiveness and efficiently.

Communication: The act of conveying the thoughts and feeling to other people in an organization and receiving in return the reactions in accordance to the purpose, system and manner of the act.

Employees: A person who works in the services of their person under an express or implied contract of hire, under which the employer has the right to control the details of work performance.

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Full Project – The impact of supervision on employee’s effectiveness in organization

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