• Background to the Study

Foreign election observers have played a significant role in the democratic processes of many countries, including Nigeria. Their presence is often seen as a means to enhance the credibility and transparency of elections. According to Kelley (2012), foreign election observers can deter electoral fraud and violence by their mere presence, as they provide an international spotlight on the electoral process. In Nigeria, where elections have historically been marred by allegations of rigging and violence, the role of these observers becomes even more critical.

The history of foreign election observation in Nigeria dates back to the 1999 elections, which marked the end of military rule and the beginning of the Fourth Republic. Various international organizations, including the European Union (EU), the Commonwealth, and the African Union (AU), have since been involved in monitoring Nigerian elections. As noted by Daxecker (2014), these organizations often deploy teams of observers who assess the pre-election environment, the conduct of the election itself, and the post-election period. Their reports can influence international perceptions and diplomatic relations.

One of the key contributions of foreign election observers is their ability to provide an independent assessment of the electoral process. This is particularly important in Nigeria, where domestic election monitoring bodies may be perceived as biased or ineffective. For instance, the EU Election Observation Mission (EOM) to Nigeria’s 2019 general elections highlighted several issues, including logistical challenges, incidents of violence, and the need for electoral reforms (European Union, 2019). Such reports can serve as a basis for advocating for changes in the electoral system.

However, the effectiveness of foreign election observers is not without its challenges. As noted by Bjornlund (2004), the presence of observers does not automatically guarantee free and fair elections. In some cases, their recommendations may be ignored by local authorities, or their presence may be used to legitimize flawed elections. In Nigeria, there have been instances where the findings of foreign observers were contested by local stakeholders, leading to questions about their impartiality and impact.

Despite these challenges, the role of foreign election observers in Nigeria remains crucial. They not only help to deter electoral malpractices but also contribute to the overall democratization process. According to Hyde (2011), the presence of international observers can encourage voter turnout by increasing public confidence in the electoral process. In Nigeria, where voter apathy is a significant issue, this can have a positive impact on the legitimacy of the elections.

Foreign election observers play a vital role in enhancing the credibility and transparency of democratic elections in Nigeria. While their presence alone cannot ensure free and fair elections, their independent assessments and recommendations can contribute to electoral reforms and the overall democratization process. Future research should focus on the long-term impact of their presence and how their recommendations are implemented by local authorities.

  • Statement of the Problem

The integrity of democratic elections is a cornerstone of political stability and legitimacy in any nation. In Nigeria, a country with a complex political landscape and a history of electoral malpractices, the role of foreign election observers has become increasingly significant. Despite the presence of these observers, questions remain about their effectiveness in ensuring free and fair elections. This statement of the problem seeks to explore the challenges and implications of foreign election observation in Nigeria’s democratic processes.

Firstly, the presence of foreign election observers is intended to deter electoral fraud and violence by providing an international spotlight on the electoral process. However, there is a growing concern that their presence alone may not be sufficient to prevent these issues. Instances of ballot box snatching, voter intimidation, and vote-buying have been reported even in elections monitored by international observers. This raises the question of whether foreign observers have the necessary tools and influence to effect meaningful change in the electoral process.

Secondly, the impartiality and neutrality of foreign election observers have been subjects of debate. Critics argue that some observer missions may be influenced by the political or economic interests of their home countries, potentially leading to biased reports. This perceived lack of neutrality can undermine the credibility of the observers’ findings and recommendations, thereby affecting the overall trust in the electoral process. It is crucial to examine how these biases, if they exist, impact the effectiveness of foreign election observation in Nigeria.

Moreover, the logistical and operational challenges faced by foreign election observers cannot be overlooked. Nigeria’s vast and diverse geography, coupled with infrastructural deficiencies, poses significant hurdles for comprehensive election monitoring. Observers may find it difficult to access remote areas, where electoral malpractices are often most rampant. This limitation raises concerns about the representativeness and thoroughness of their observations and reports.

Another critical issue is the interaction between foreign election observers and local stakeholders, including the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), political parties, and civil society organizations. Effective collaboration and communication are essential for the success of election observation missions. However, tensions and mistrust between these entities can hinder the observers’ ability to gather accurate information and provide constructive feedback. Understanding the dynamics of these relationships is vital for assessing the role of foreign observers in Nigeria’s elections.

Furthermore, the long-term impact of foreign election observation on Nigeria’s democratic development remains uncertain. While observers can provide immediate assessments and recommendations, their influence on sustainable electoral reforms is limited. There is a need to evaluate how the presence of foreign observers contributes to the strengthening of democratic institutions and practices in Nigeria over time. This includes examining whether their recommendations are implemented and lead to tangible improvements in subsequent elections.


The role of foreign election observers in Nigeria’s democratic elections is multifaceted and complex. While they play a crucial role in promoting transparency and accountability, several challenges and limitations affect their effectiveness. Addressing these issues requires a comprehensive understanding of the political, logistical, and relational factors that influence election observation. By doing so, it is possible to enhance the contribution of foreign observers to the integrity and credibility of Nigeria’s electoral process.


  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the role of Foreign Election Observers in Democratic Elections in Nigeria. The specific objectives are:

  1. To assess the impact of foreign election observers on the transparency and fairness of elections in Nigeria.
  2. To examine the challenges faced by foreign election observers in carrying out their duties in Nigeria.
  3. To analyze the perceptions of key stakeholders towards foreign election observers in Nigeria.
  4. To identify best practices and recommendations for improving the effectiveness of foreign election observers in Nigeria.

1.4. Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What is the impact of foreign election observers on the transparency and fairness of elections in Nigeria?
  2. What are the challenges faced by foreign election observers in carrying out their duties in Nigeria?
  3. How do key stakeholders perceive foreign election observers in Nigeria?
  4. What are the best practices and recommendations for improving the effectiveness of foreign election observers in Nigeria?

1.5. Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below

Ho: Foreign election observers has no significant impact on the transparency and fairness of elections in Nigeria

H1: Foreign election observers has significant impact on the transparency and fairness of elections in Nigeria

1.6. Significance of the Study.

The role of foreign election observers in democratic elections in Nigeria is a topic of considerable significance, given the country’s complex political landscape and history of electoral challenges. Foreign election observers play a crucial role in enhancing the credibility and transparency of the electoral process. Their presence can help deter electoral fraud and violence, as they provide an independent assessment of the election’s fairness. This is particularly important in Nigeria, where allegations of vote-rigging, ballot box snatching, and other forms of electoral malpractice have marred past elections. By offering an impartial perspective, foreign observers can help build public confidence in the electoral process, which is essential for the legitimacy of the elected government.

Moreover, foreign election observers contribute to the strengthening of democratic institutions in Nigeria. Their reports and recommendations often highlight areas where the electoral process can be improved, such as voter registration, the conduct of electoral officials, and the overall electoral framework. These insights can be invaluable for domestic stakeholders, including the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), political parties, and civil society organizations, as they work towards more robust and transparent electoral systems. The presence of foreign observers also encourages adherence to international electoral standards, which can lead to more consistent and fair elections over time.

In addition to enhancing transparency and strengthening institutions, foreign election observers play a vital role in conflict prevention and resolution. Nigeria’s elections have often been accompanied by tensions and violence, particularly in regions with deep-seated ethnic and political rivalries. The presence of international observers can help mitigate these tensions by providing an additional layer of oversight and by facilitating dialogue among competing parties. Their impartiality and expertise in conflict resolution can be instrumental in de-escalating potential flashpoints and ensuring that disputes are resolved through legal and peaceful means.

The involvement of foreign election observers also has significant implications for Nigeria’s international relations. Positive assessments from reputable international observer missions can enhance Nigeria’s standing in the global community, attracting foreign investment and aid. Conversely, negative reports can lead to diplomatic pressure and potential sanctions, which can have far-reaching consequences for the country’s economy and political stability. Therefore, the role of foreign election observers extends beyond the immediate electoral process, influencing Nigeria’s broader geopolitical and economic landscape.

Furthermore, the presence of foreign election observers can empower local civil society organizations and media. These groups often collaborate with international observers, gaining access to training, resources, and networks that can enhance their capacity to monitor elections and advocate for electoral reforms. This collaboration can lead to a more vibrant and informed civil society, which is crucial for holding the government accountable and promoting democratic values. The international attention brought by foreign observers can also provide a protective shield for local activists and journalists, who may face threats and intimidation in the course of their work.

Lastly, the role of foreign election observers in Nigeria’s democratic elections underscores the interconnectedness of global democratic practices. By participating in Nigeria’s electoral process, foreign observers contribute to a global effort to promote democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. Their work in Nigeria can serve as a model for other countries facing similar challenges, fostering a sense of solidarity and shared commitment to democratic principles. In this way, the significance of foreign election observers extends beyond Nigeria, contributing to the global endeavor of building more just and democratic societies.

1.7. Scope of the Study

The study examines the role of Foreign Election Observers in Democratic Elections in Nigeria. A study of a group of selected election observer.

1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

Role: A role refers to the function or part played by a person or thing in a particular situation. In the context of foreign election observers, it pertains to the specific duties and responsibilities they undertake during the electoral process.

Foreign Election Observers: Foreign election observers are individuals or groups from other countries or international organizations who monitor the electoral process in a different country. Their primary aim is to ensure that the elections are conducted fairly, transparently, and in accordance with international standards. They often provide reports and recommendations based on their observations.

Democratic Elections: Democratic elections are a process through which citizens of a country choose their leaders and representatives in a free and fair manner. These elections are characterized by principles such as universal suffrage, political equality, and the right to vote and be elected. They are a fundamental component of a democratic system, ensuring that the government reflects the will of the people.

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