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1.1       Background to the Study

The Electronic learning (E-learning) is a useful tool in the world of Information Communication Technology (ICT) of a pre-service teacher, a lecturer, a lifelong learner and a researcher.  It provides a wealth of resources for optimum achievement of the ends targeted by the personality. Within seconds, a pre-service teacher can retrieve information through the e-learning via Internet to: update his/her knowledge, prepare his/her teach/lecture, give assignments to students, mark their assignments, and also work with colleagues and specialists (Scholastic, 2003). E-learning is described  as all forms of electronically supported learning and teaching. It is the acquisition of skills and knowledge using technological gadgets or appliances such as computers, internet, intranet, projectors, film strips, films, and artifacts slides etc which support the learning process.

The Learning Skills Council (LSC) defines E-learning as the learning with the aids of information and communication technological tools, which include computer based technology or interactive television e.g. using electronic white boards or video conferencing. Waller and Wilson(2001), describes  E-learning as the effective learning process, created by combing digitally created content (learning) support services. Clark and Mayer (2003), described E-learning as an instruction delivered on a computer by way of CD-ROM, internet, audio-visual, visual tapes, satellites, etc with the following features which includes content relevant to the learning objectives, using instructional methods to help learning. It uses media elements such as words and pictures to deliver content and methods, builds a new knowledge and skills linked to individual learning goals. E- learning is  facilitated and supported through the use of information and communications technology’. It can cover a spectrum of activities from the use of technology to support learning as part of a ‘blended’ approach (a combination of traditional and e-learning approaches), to learning that is delivered entirely online. Whatever the technology, however, learning is the vital element.” The term ‘e-learning’ therefore essentially covers the use of computers and technology as a vehicle for knowledge exchange within teaching and learning.

The usage of E-learning has been simultaneously broadened and splintered into many opportunity for  the academicians like pre-service teachers to  be  effective in  their area  of  specialization (Aaron, 2008). E-learning facilities encompasses a wide range variety of things ranging from oral and printed words, figures, statements, files and documents to such intangible elements as sound signals, rays and waves. Whatever the form E-learning takes, the essence of E-learning is that it conveys academic messages  to  the  end users.

In the recent time, both pre-service teachers and in-service teachers have benefited from the use of E-learning facilities through the use of  their computer, e-learning, internet television, telephone and the internet as a veritable source of information in their academic career or pursuit. Onuoha (2002), posited that the advent of E-learning has made education more simple and easy for teachers  especially, the researchers  in the field of study. Onuoha, (2002) claimed that E-learning has helped teachers  in many ways such as currents information in  their area of study, project writing and collection of necessary information leading to effective teaching. He further stated that E-learning has created a remarkable balance and effectiveness in the daily activities of lecturers mostly the full-time students who are in the habits of using the computer and the E-learning to carry out faster storage and retrieval of information in the academic environment or school.

Pre-service teachers perceive that the use of E-learning enhances their learning and teaching profession more efficiency. The use of E-learning enriches the teaching and learning experience of teachers by exposing them to a wider range of teaching  opportunities and modes of range of learning opportunities and modes of study. Importantly, effective use of E-learning by teachers encourages independence in learning. E-learning has increasing importance within the school curriculum. Not only does it support teaching and learning within in other curriculum subjects but it is also a subject in its own right (Ogundare, 2007). He further said the developing skills, knowledge and understanding in the use of E-learning prepares teachers to use such technologies in their everyday and working lives. According to Idowu (2005) E-learning tools enable teachers to access, share, analyse and present information gained from a variety of sources and in many different ways.

There are many examples of teachers using the E-learning effectively by providing programmes of information and communication technology skills development, in the academic environment  through provision of  adequate  E-learning  facilities to  both teachers and non academic staff. This view was supported by (European Commission e-learning Programme, 2006). Akinyemi (2007) claims that for a lesson to be effective, the interest must be stimulated; there must be activity on the part of the students. The students must see what they are learning; there must be continuity of lessons and the need for adequate homework, which the user of models by teachers ensures. E-learning enables the students’ interest to be aroused in the course of the lesson. So therefore, E-learning must be effectively used so as to achieve effective results.

Pre-service teachers perceived that the history of E-learning shows that it is a method that enhances the classroom experience. The history of e-learning starts with an understanding of how instructional design, instructional technology, and educational technology evolved in the last century. This also includes having a basic understanding of distance education history. The first E-learning system was called the PLATO System. In October 1999, during a Computer Based Test  Systems (CBTs) seminar in Los Angeles, a strange new word was used for the first time in a professional environment that word was ‘e-learning’. Associated with such expressions as ‘online learning’ or’ virtual learning’, this word was meant to qualify “a way to learn based on the use of technologies allowing access to online, interactive training through the internet or other electronic media(television, radio, intranet, extranet, CD-ROM, films, slides etc.), so as to develop the learner in all ramifications.

The usage of E-learning has been simultaneously broadened and splintered into many opportunity for  the academicians to  be  effective in  their area  of  specialization (Aaron, 2008). E-learning facilities  encompasses a wide range variety of things ranging from oral and printed words, figures, statements, files and documents to such intangible elements as sound signals, rays and waves. Whatever the form E-learning takes, the essence of E-learning is for an additional avenue with which to support teaching and learning practice. E-learning covers such a wide sphere that it is difficult to point out any benefit as a given, so any benefits should initially be termed ‘potential’ benefits.


1.2       Statement of Problem

This study therefore shall focus on the sandwich  pre-service teachers’ perception  of readiness  to use  e-learning . The major factors  restricting pre-service teachers  readiness  to the e-learning is the high cost of installation  of  the e-learning devices.  Teachers obstacles in using e-learning facilities, also identified that the lack of technical staff was considered by  pre-service teachers  as other obstacles in their motives for the use of e-learning facilities. Granger, (2002), based on the findings of their study about factors that affects teachers reluctant  in using the e-learning technology for  teaching and acquisition of skills, Such factors includes: technical problems,  lack of personal contacts,  lack of  communication  channels  via the  internets. The absence of adequate help or technical support to facilitate teachers’ motives   towards teaching is another factor which may hinder teachers motive for  the use  of  e-learning facilities.

Other studies indicated that there is dearth of trained teachers for e-learning, lack of facilities, infrastructures and equipment (Ikemenjima, 2005; and Jegede & Owolabi, 2008). The problem is that e-learning in education is challenged by the new technologies in terms of availability and use. It is against this background that the present study is carried out to determine the extent of availability and use of e-learning materials. Second, it seeks to identify possible strategies for availability and use in curriculum implementation.

Despite the active use of e-learning facilities in the academic world, most pre-service teachers  still felt that they lack adequate knowledge and skills for using this e-learning facilities.  Nearly all teachers’  complain about the shortage of technical staff  that would guild them in the use of e-learning facilities. They find this a serious problem that needs to be dealt with quickly by the institution.. As a result of this, the present study attempts to identify and profound solutions to the  problems of affecting  the  use of  e-learning by  the teaching staffs and every other users.




1.3       Purpose of Study

The main purpose of this study is to determine the sandwich  pre-service teachers’ readiness and perception  of e-learning.

This study is aimed at;

  1. To examine the level of awareness of e-learning among the Sandwich pre-service teachers’ readiness and perception  of e-learning.
  2. To determine the level of awareness of e-learning among the Sandwich pre-service teachers’ perception  of e-learning.
  3. To examine the level of competence of  e-learning among the Sandwich pre-service teachers’ readiness and perception  of e-learning.
  4. To examine the gender difference in level of  awareness sandwich  pre-service teachers’ readiness and perception  of e-learning.
  5. To determine the gender difference readiness of Sandwich pre-service teachers awareness on  e-learning.
    • Research Questions
  6. To what extent is the level of awareness of  e-learning among the Sandwich pre service teachers?
  7. To what extent is the readiness of Sandwich pre-service teachers awareness on  e-learning?
  8. What is the gender difference in level of awareness of e-learning among the Sandwich pre-service teachers?


1.5       Scope of Study

This research study will be focused on the Sandwich  pre-service teachers’ perception  of readiness  to use  e-learning.

The scope of the study will however be restricted to the area chose as a case study in this research study.  The research study will examine the implication and importance of e-learning to teachers in Lagos state.

1.6       Significance of the Study

The results of studies if properly implemented are likely to enrich the teachers knowledge, competence and awareness of E-learning among pre-service, in-service science teachers.  The significance of study will  be  of  relevance to the following:

The teachers, lecturers, academicians, school administrators, principals, teachers, parents, government and the society at large.

The study will help individual teachers to understand the benefit of using e-learning facilities in their teaching profession, mostly in  the academic environment. Effective utilization of e-learning facilities by the lecturers will aid  teachers effectiveness in the educational  institutions.

It will enable school administrators to make adequate provisions for internet facilities in order  to improve teachers motives in the use  of  e-learning  facilities as  this will help to maintain standard academic performance and teaching effectiveness. The study will also help school administrators to know the relevance of installing e-learning facilities and information communication technology within and outside  the  academic environment.

The ministry of education will also benefit from this study through adequate policies on the cost benefit of internet facilities and other computer accessories in  public and private schools.

Curriculum planners; the awareness of e-learning by curriculum planners will lead to the inclusion of e-learning in the secondary school science curriculum.

This study is geared towards showing the importance and influence of E-learning when used as a source of Instructional material in the teaching and learning of in schools.

This study will also help policy makers and the society to appreciate  teaching and learning , and provide adequate facilities for its effective teaching and learning in schools.

Teachers are expected to guide the students to acquire knowledge. If teachers are aware, the information will be passed to the students.

Students; students who are also members of the society needs to be informed of e-learning. When students are informed, the society is informed and life is made safer and better.

1.7       Definition of Terms:

The following words have been defined as they will be used in the study:

ICT: information and communication technology refers to both the hardware and software that are used to store, retrieve and manipulate information.

Data Based Management: A large store of data held in a computer and easily accessible to a person using it.

Motives: This is known as the inner state that energizes, activates, moves and directs or channels behaviour towards goals. The main spring of action.

Internet: internet has been described as the gateway to a world of seemingly inexhaustible education resources

E-learning:  Electronic learning or computer assisted learning (CAL). Sambrook (2003) says it is any learning activity supported by ICT’s.

Instructional Resources are all materials’ the teacher uses to enhance effective teaching and learning. CAL Computer Assisted Learning.

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