Project – An appraisal of the implementation of Universal Basic Education (UBE) in Ife North Local Government Council Osun State

Project – An appraisal of the implementation of Universal Basic Education (UBE) in Ife North Local Government Council Osun State



  • Background to the Study

The Universal Basic Education (UBE) program was launched in Nigeria in 1999 with the aim of providing free, compulsory, and universal basic education for every child of school-going age. The program was designed to address the issues of access, equity, and quality in the Nigerian education system. According to Obanya (2000), the UBE program was a response to the global Education for All (EFA) initiative and was intended to ensure that every Nigerian child receives a minimum of nine years of formal education. The program encompasses six years of primary education and three years of junior secondary education, with a focus on improving literacy, numeracy, and life skills.

In Ife North Local Government Council, Osun State, the implementation of the UBE program has faced several challenges. A study by Adeyemi and Adu (2012) highlighted issues such as inadequate funding, poor infrastructure, and a shortage of qualified teachers as major obstacles to the successful implementation of the program. The researchers found that many schools in the area lacked basic facilities such as classrooms, toilets, and teaching materials, which hindered the delivery of quality education. Additionally, the study revealed that the recruitment and retention of qualified teachers were hampered by low salaries and poor working conditions.


Despite these challenges, there have been some positive developments in the implementation of the UBE program in Ife North Local Government Council. According to a report by the Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC, 2015), there has been an increase in school enrollment rates in the area, particularly among girls. The report attributed this improvement to various interventions, such as the provision of free textbooks, school feeding programs, and community sensitization campaigns. These initiatives have helped to reduce the financial burden on parents and encourage them to send their children to school.

Furthermore, the involvement of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community-based organizations (CBOs) has played a significant role in supporting the implementation of the UBE program in Ife North Local Government Council. For instance, a study by Olaniyan and Obadara (2008) found that NGOs have been instrumental in providing additional resources, such as teaching aids and scholarships, to complement government efforts. These organizations have also been active in advocating for better education policies and practices, thereby contributing to the overall improvement of the education system in the area.

However, the sustainability of these positive developments remains a concern. A study by Olatunji (2016) pointed out that the reliance on external funding and support from NGOs and CBOs may not be sustainable in the long term. The researcher emphasized the need for the government to increase its investment in education and ensure the efficient utilization of available resources. Additionally, there is a need for continuous monitoring and evaluation of the UBE program to identify areas of improvement and ensure that the goals of the program are being met.

The implementation of the Universal Basic Education program in Ife North Local Government Council, Osun State, has made some progress in increasing access to education and improving enrollment rates. However, significant challenges remain, particularly in terms of funding, infrastructure, and teacher quality. The involvement of NGOs and CBOs has been beneficial, but there is a need for greater government commitment to ensure the sustainability and success of the program. Future research should focus on identifying effective strategies for addressing these challenges and enhancing the overall quality of basic education in the area.

  • Statement of the Problem

The Universal Basic Education (UBE) program was introduced in Nigeria with the aim of providing free, compulsory, and universal basic education for every child of school-going age. Despite the noble intentions behind the UBE program, its implementation in various regions, including Ife North Local Government Council in Osun State, has faced numerous challenges. These challenges have raised concerns about the effectiveness and efficiency of the program in achieving its objectives. This appraisal seeks to identify and analyze the specific issues hindering the successful implementation of UBE in Ife North Local Government Council.

One of the primary problems identified is the inadequate funding and resource allocation for the UBE program in Ife North. Schools in this region often suffer from a lack of essential infrastructure, teaching materials, and qualified teachers. The insufficient financial support from both federal and state governments has led to a situation where many schools are unable to provide a conducive learning environment for students. This inadequacy in funding not only affects the quality of education but also demotivates both teachers and students, thereby impacting overall educational outcomes.

Another significant issue is the inconsistency in policy implementation and monitoring. While the UBE program is well-structured on paper, the actual execution at the grassroots level often deviates from the intended guidelines. There is a lack of effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to ensure that the policies are being implemented as planned. This inconsistency results in disparities in educational standards and outcomes across different schools within Ife North Local Government Council. The absence of a robust monitoring system also makes it difficult to identify and address specific problems in a timely manner.

Additionally, socio-cultural factors play a crucial role in the implementation of UBE in Ife North. Issues such as early marriage, child labor, and parental attitudes towards education significantly affect school enrollment and retention rates. In many cases, children, especially girls, are withdrawn from school to support their families economically or to get married at a young age. These socio-cultural barriers hinder the universal access to basic education that the UBE program aims to achieve, thereby perpetuating cycles of poverty and illiteracy in the community.

Teacher quality and professional development are also areas of concern in the implementation of UBE in Ife North. Many teachers in the region lack the necessary qualifications and training to deliver quality education. The absence of continuous professional development programs means that teachers are not equipped with modern teaching methodologies and skills. This gap in teacher quality directly affects student learning outcomes and overall educational standards. Addressing this issue requires a concerted effort to provide ongoing training and support for teachers.

Finally, community involvement and ownership of the UBE program are critical for its success. In Ife North, there is often a disconnect between the community and the educational authorities. Parents and community members are not adequately involved in the decision-making processes related to the UBE program. This lack of involvement leads to a sense of apathy and disengagement from the community, which in turn affects the sustainability and effectiveness of the program. Encouraging greater community participation and ownership can help address some of the challenges and improve the overall implementation of UBE in the region.

The implementation of the Universal Basic Education program in Ife North Local Government Council, Osun State, faces several significant challenges, including inadequate funding, policy inconsistency, socio-cultural barriers, teacher quality issues, and lack of community involvement. Addressing these problems requires a multi-faceted approach that involves increased funding, effective monitoring, community engagement, and continuous professional development for teachers. By tackling these issues, the UBE program can better achieve its goal of providing quality basic education for all children in Ife North.

 Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine an appraisal of the implementation of Universal Basic Education (UBE) in Ife North Local Government Council Osun State. The specific objectives are:

  1. To assess the level of awareness and understanding of the UBE program among stakeholders in Ife North Local Government Council.
  2. To evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation strategies and mechanisms employed in the UBE program in the local government council.
  3. To identify the challenges hindering the successful implementation of UBE in Ife North Local Government Council.
  4. To examine the impact of the UBE program on the quality of education and learning outcomes in schools.

1.4. Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What is the level of awareness and understanding of the UBE program among stakeholders in Ife North Local Government Council?
  2. How effective are the implementation strategies and mechanisms employed in the UBE program in the local government council?
  3. What are the challenges hindering the successful implementation of UBE in Ife North Local Government Council?
  4. What is the impact of the UBE program on the quality of education and learning outcomes in schools in Ife North Local Government Council?

1.5. Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: UBE program has no significant effect on the quality of education and learning outcomes in schools.

H1: UBE program has significant effect on the quality of education and learning outcomes in schools.

1.6. Significance of the Study

The implementation of Universal Basic Education (UBE) in Ife North Local Government Council, Osun State, holds significant importance for several reasons. Firstly, it aims to provide free, compulsory, and universal basic education for every child of school-going age. This initiative is crucial in a region where access to quality education has historically been limited due to economic and infrastructural challenges. By ensuring that every child receives at least nine years of formal education, the UBE program seeks to lay a strong foundation for lifelong learning and personal development, which is essential for the socio-economic advancement of the community.

Secondly, the UBE program in Ife North Local Government Council is designed to address the issue of educational inequality. In many parts of Nigeria, disparities in educational opportunities exist between urban and rural areas, as well as among different socio-economic groups. The UBE initiative aims to bridge these gaps by providing equal access to educational resources and opportunities. This is particularly significant in Ife North, where many children from low-income families may otherwise be unable to afford schooling. By leveling the playing field, the UBE program helps to promote social equity and inclusion.

Another significant aspect of the UBE implementation in Ife North is its potential to improve literacy rates and educational outcomes. The program emphasizes not only enrollment but also retention and completion of basic education. By focusing on these areas, the UBE initiative aims to reduce dropout rates and ensure that students acquire essential literacy and numeracy skills. Improved educational outcomes can have a ripple effect on the community, leading to better job prospects, higher incomes, and overall improved quality of life for residents.

The UBE program also plays a critical role in community development. Education is a key driver of social and economic progress, and by investing in the education of its youth, Ife North Local Government Council is investing in its future. Educated individuals are more likely to participate in civic activities, contribute to local governance, and engage in community development projects. This can lead to a more informed and active citizenry, which is essential for the sustainable development of the region.

Furthermore, the implementation of UBE in Ife North has implications for gender equality. In many parts of Nigeria, girls are less likely to attend school than boys due to cultural and economic barriers. The UBE program aims to address this issue by promoting gender-sensitive policies and practices that encourage the enrollment and retention of girls in school. By empowering girls through education, the program helps to break the cycle of poverty and discrimination, leading to greater gender parity and empowerment in the long run.

Lastly, the significance of the UBE program in Ife North extends to its impact on health and well-being. Education is closely linked to health outcomes, as it equips individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to make informed decisions about their health. Educated individuals are more likely to adopt healthy behaviors, seek medical care when needed, and support public health initiatives. By improving educational access and quality, the UBE program contributes to the overall health and well-being of the community, creating a foundation for a healthier and more prosperous society.

1.7. Scope of the Study

The study examines an appraisal of the implementation of Universal Basic Education (UBE) in Ife North Local Government Council Osun State.


1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

Appraisal: An appraisal is an evaluation or assessment of the value, quality, or performance of something. In the context of a study, it refers to a detailed analysis and judgment of the subject being examined. For example, an appraisal of the implementation of a program would involve assessing how well the program has been executed and its effectiveness.

Implementation: Implementation refers to the process of putting a plan, decision, or agreement into effect. It involves the practical steps and actions taken to achieve the objectives of a project or policy. In the context of Universal Basic Education (UBE), implementation would involve the steps taken to roll out and enforce the UBE program in a specific area.

Universal Basic Education (UBE): Universal Basic Education (UBE) is an educational initiative aimed at providing free, compulsory, and universal basic education for all children. The goal of UBE is to ensure that every child has access to a minimum level of education, typically covering primary and lower secondary education. This initiative is often part of broader efforts to improve literacy rates, reduce poverty, and promote social and economic development.

Project – An appraisal of the implementation of Universal Basic Education (UBE) in Ife North Local Government Council Osun State