Project – An Assessment of Finance Management of Academic Libraries (A Case Study of WUF Polytechnic, Birnin Kebbi)

Project – An Assessment of Finance Management of Academic Libraries (A Case Study of WUF Polytechnic, Birnin Kebbi)



  • Background to the Study

The financial management of academic libraries in Nigeria has been a subject of considerable interest and concern among scholars and practitioners. Academic libraries are essential for the educational development of any nation, providing access to a wealth of information and resources necessary for research and learning. However, the financial constraints faced by these libraries have often hindered their ability to fulfill their roles effectively. According to Aina (2004), the funding of academic libraries in Nigeria has been inadequate, leading to a decline in the quality of services provided. This inadequacy is often attributed to the broader economic challenges facing the country, which have resulted in reduced budgetary allocations to the education sector.

One of the significant challenges in the financial management of academic libraries in Nigeria is the reliance on government funding. As observed by Ifidon and Okoli (2002), most academic libraries in Nigeria depend heavily on government subventions, which are often insufficient and irregular. This dependency has made it difficult for libraries to plan and execute long-term projects, as they are uncertain about the availability of funds. The situation is further exacerbated by the bureaucratic processes involved in the disbursement of funds, which often lead to delays and inefficiencies.

In response to these challenges, some academic libraries in Nigeria have explored alternative sources of funding. For instance, partnerships with international organizations and donor agencies have provided some relief. According to Okiy (2005), collaborations with bodies such as the World Bank and the Carnegie Corporation have enabled some libraries to acquire essential resources and infrastructure. However, these partnerships are not always sustainable, as they are often project-based and time-bound. Consequently, there is a need for more innovative and sustainable funding strategies.

The role of internal revenue generation has also been highlighted as a potential solution to the financial challenges faced by academic libraries in Nigeria. Libraries have been encouraged to explore income-generating activities such as consultancy services, publishing, and the commercialization of some of their services. As noted by Nwalo (2003), these activities can provide a supplementary source of income that can help libraries to meet their financial needs. However, the success of these initiatives depends on the ability of library management to effectively market and manage these services.

Another critical aspect of financial management in academic libraries is the efficient utilization of available resources. According to Echezona (2007), many libraries in Nigeria have been criticized for their poor financial management practices, which have resulted in wastage and misallocation of funds. There is a need for capacity building among library staff to enhance their financial management skills. Training programs and workshops on budgeting, financial planning, and resource management can help to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of financial management in academic libraries.

The financial management of academic libraries in Nigeria is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach. While government funding remains crucial, there is a need for libraries to explore alternative sources of funding and to improve their internal revenue generation capabilities. Additionally, enhancing the financial management skills of library staff can help to ensure the efficient utilization of available resources. By addressing these challenges, academic libraries in Nigeria can better fulfill their roles in supporting education and research.

  • Statement of the Problem

The financial management of academic libraries in Nigeria has been a subject of concern for many years. Despite the critical role that these libraries play in supporting education and research, they often face significant financial challenges. These challenges include inadequate funding, misallocation of resources, and inefficient financial practices. The persistent underfunding of academic libraries hampers their ability to acquire up-to-date resources, maintain infrastructure, and provide essential services to students and faculty. This situation raises questions about the sustainability and effectiveness of financial management practices in these institutions.

One of the primary issues is the inadequacy of funding from government and institutional sources. Academic libraries in Nigeria largely depend on government allocations and university budgets, which are often insufficient to meet their needs. The financial constraints limit the libraries’ ability to subscribe to academic journals, purchase new books, and invest in digital resources. This inadequacy not only affects the quality of services provided but also impacts the overall academic performance of the institutions they serve. The lack of financial autonomy further exacerbates the problem, as libraries have limited control over their budgets and financial planning.

Another significant problem is the misallocation of available resources. Even when funds are allocated to academic libraries, they are not always used efficiently. There are instances where funds meant for library development are diverted to other areas within the institution. This misallocation can be attributed to poor financial planning, lack of transparency, and inadequate oversight mechanisms. As a result, libraries struggle to maintain their collections, upgrade their facilities, and implement new technologies that are essential for modern academic environments.

Inefficient financial practices also contribute to the financial woes of academic libraries in Nigeria. Many libraries lack proper financial management systems and trained personnel to handle their finances effectively. This inefficiency leads to poor budgeting, inadequate financial reporting, and lack of accountability. Without robust financial management practices, libraries find it challenging to plan for the future, secure additional funding, and demonstrate their value to stakeholders. The absence of strategic financial planning further limits their ability to adapt to changing academic needs and technological advancements.

The impact of these financial challenges extends beyond the libraries themselves. Students and faculty members are directly affected by the lack of access to current and comprehensive academic resources. This limitation hinders research, learning, and teaching activities, ultimately affecting the quality of education provided by Nigerian universities. The inability to access necessary resources also places Nigerian academic institutions at a disadvantage in the global academic community, as they struggle to keep up with international standards and advancements in various fields of study.

Addressing the financial management issues of academic libraries in Nigeria requires a multifaceted approach. It involves increasing funding from government and institutional sources, ensuring proper allocation and utilization of resources, and implementing efficient financial management practices. Additionally, there is a need for capacity building in financial management for library staff and the establishment of transparent oversight mechanisms. By tackling these problems, academic libraries in Nigeria can enhance their services, support academic excellence, and contribute to the overall development of the nation’s educational system.

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine an Assessment of Finance Management of Academic Libraries. The specific objectives are:

  1. To evaluate the current financial management practices in academic libraries.
  2. To identify any challenges or issues faced by academic libraries in managing their finances.
  3. To assess the impact of financial management on the overall effectiveness and efficiency of academic libraries.
  4. To compare the financial management practices of different academic libraries and identify best practices.
  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What are the current financial management practices in academic libraries?
  2. What challenges or issues do academic libraries face in managing their finances?
  3. How does financial management impact the overall effectiveness and efficiency of academic libraries?
  4. What are the differences in financial management practices among different academic libraries, and what are the best practices identified? 
  • Research Hypothesis

The research hypothesis is buttressed below:

Ho: Financial management has no significant impact on the overall effectiveness and efficiency of academic libraries

H1: Financial management has significant impact on the overall effectiveness and efficiency of academic libraries. 

  • Significance of the Study

The significance of studying the finance management of academic libraries, particularly in the context of WUF Polytechnic in Birnin Kebbi, cannot be overstated. Academic libraries are the backbone of educational institutions, providing essential resources for students, faculty, and researchers. Effective financial management ensures that these libraries can acquire, maintain, and update their collections, which in turn supports the academic and research activities of the institution. By assessing the financial management practices at WUF Polytechnic, this study aims to identify strengths and weaknesses, providing a roadmap for improvements that can enhance the library’s overall effectiveness and sustainability.

One of the primary reasons this study is significant is that it addresses the allocation of financial resources within the library. Proper allocation is crucial for balancing the acquisition of new materials, maintaining existing collections, and investing in digital resources and technologies. In an era where digital resources are becoming increasingly important, understanding how funds are allocated can help the library stay current and relevant. This study will provide insights into whether the current financial practices at WUF Polytechnic are meeting these needs or if there are gaps that need to be addressed.

Another important aspect of this study is its focus on financial accountability and transparency. Academic libraries often rely on funding from various sources, including government allocations, grants, and donations. Ensuring that these funds are managed transparently and used effectively is essential for maintaining trust with stakeholders. By evaluating the financial management practices at WUF Polytechnic, this study can highlight areas where transparency can be improved, thereby fostering greater accountability and trust.


The study also has implications for strategic planning within the library. Effective financial management is not just about managing current resources but also about planning for the future. This includes budgeting for upcoming needs, anticipating changes in resource requirements, and setting financial priorities that align with the library’s long-term goals. By assessing the current financial management practices, this study can provide valuable recommendations for strategic financial planning, helping the library to better prepare for future challenges and opportunities.

Furthermore, this study is significant because it can serve as a benchmark for other academic libraries, particularly those in similar contexts. The findings and recommendations from the assessment of WUF Polytechnic’s library can be used as a reference point for other institutions looking to improve their financial management practices. This can lead to a broader impact, as best practices and lessons learned are shared and implemented across multiple libraries, ultimately enhancing the quality of academic resources available to students and researchers.

Lastly, the study contributes to the broader field of library and information science by adding to the body of knowledge on financial management in academic libraries. While there is existing research on this topic, each case study provides unique insights and adds depth to our understanding. The specific context of WUF Polytechnic in Birnin Kebbi offers a unique perspective that can enrich the literature and provide valuable data for future research. By documenting and analyzing the financial management practices of this particular library, the study helps to build a more comprehensive picture of how academic libraries can effectively manage their financial resources.

  • Scope of the Study

The study examines an Assessment of Finance Management of Academic Libraries (A Case Study of WUF Polytechnic, Birnin Kebbi).

  • Operational Definition of Terms

Assessment: Assessment refers to the systematic process of documenting and using empirical data to measure knowledge, skills, attitudes, and beliefs. In the context of finance management, it involves evaluating the effectiveness, efficiency, and adequacy of financial practices and policies.

Finance: Finance is the field that deals with the management, creation, and study of money, investments, and other financial instruments. It encompasses a wide range of activities, including budgeting, saving, investing, borrowing, and lending. Finance is crucial for the functioning of businesses, governments, and individuals.

Management: Management is the process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling resources, including human, financial, and material resources, to achieve specific goals and objectives. Effective management ensures that an organization operates efficiently and effectively.

Academic Libraries: Academic libraries are libraries that are part of educational institutions, such as colleges and universities. They provide resources and services to support the educational and research needs of students, faculty, and staff. Academic libraries typically offer access to a wide range of materials, including books, journals, databases, and digital resources, and often provide study spaces and research assistance.

Project – An Assessment of Finance Management of Academic Libraries (A Case Study of WUF Polytechnic, Birnin Kebbi)