Project – An assessment of participation in outdoor recreation activities.

Project – An assessment of participation in outdoor recreation activities.



  • Background to the Study

Outdoor recreation activities are an essential aspect of human life, contributing significantly to physical health, mental well-being, and social interaction. In Nigeria, the participation in outdoor recreation activities has been influenced by various factors, including cultural, economic, and environmental elements. According to Akinyele (2010), the traditional Nigerian society has always valued outdoor activities, with many communities engaging in cultural festivals, hunting, and communal farming, which inherently involve outdoor participation. These activities not only serve recreational purposes but also strengthen community bonds and cultural heritage.

However, the modern era has seen a shift in the types of outdoor activities that Nigerians engage in. Urbanization and globalization have introduced new forms of recreation, such as organized sports, hiking, and adventure tourism. Eze (2015) notes that the rise of urban centers has led to the development of parks and recreational facilities, which have become popular spots for jogging, picnicking, and other leisure activities. Despite these developments, there is a noticeable disparity in participation rates between urban and rural areas, largely due to differences in infrastructure and accessibility.

Economic factors also play a crucial role in determining participation in outdoor recreation activities in Nigeria. As highlighted by Okonkwo (2012), the cost of equipment and access to recreational facilities can be prohibitive for many Nigerians, particularly those in lower-income brackets. This economic barrier is compounded by the lack of government investment in public recreational infrastructure. Consequently, many Nigerians resort to informal and low-cost activities such as walking, playing soccer in open fields, and community gatherings, which do not require significant financial outlay.

Environmental factors, including climate and geography, further influence outdoor recreation in Nigeria. The country’s diverse landscapes, ranging from coastal areas to savannas and highlands, offer a variety of recreational opportunities. However, as Udo (2018) points out, the tropical climate, characterized by high temperatures and heavy rainfall, can sometimes limit outdoor activities, particularly during the rainy season. Additionally, environmental degradation and pollution in urban areas pose significant challenges to outdoor recreation, affecting both the quality and safety of these activities.

Cultural attitudes towards outdoor recreation also shape participation rates. In many Nigerian communities, there is a strong emphasis on communal activities and traditional sports, which are often preferred over individualistic pursuits. As observed by Adeyemi (2016), traditional games such as ayo (a local board game) and wrestling are still popular in many parts of the country. These activities not only provide entertainment but also serve as a means of preserving cultural heritage and fostering social cohesion.

In conclusion, participation in outdoor recreation activities in Nigeria is a multifaceted issue influenced by cultural, economic, environmental, and infrastructural factors. While there has been a shift towards modern recreational activities, traditional forms of outdoor engagement remain prevalent. Addressing the barriers to participation, such as economic constraints and lack of infrastructure, is essential for promoting inclusive and widespread engagement in outdoor recreation. Future research should focus on developing strategies to enhance access to recreational facilities and promote the benefits of outdoor activities across all segments of the Nigerian population.

1.2  Statement of the Problem

Outdoor recreation activities are essential for promoting physical health, mental well-being, and social interaction. However, in Nigeria, there appears to be a significant gap in the participation rates in these activities. This discrepancy raises concerns about the underlying factors that may be contributing to the low engagement levels. Understanding these factors is crucial for developing effective strategies to encourage more widespread participation in outdoor recreation.

One of the primary issues is the lack of accessible and well-maintained recreational facilities. Many urban and rural areas in Nigeria suffer from inadequate infrastructure, which limits opportunities for outdoor activities. Parks, sports fields, and nature reserves are either scarce or poorly maintained, making them less appealing to potential users. This infrastructural deficit not only discourages participation but also poses safety risks, further deterring individuals from engaging in outdoor recreation.

Another significant problem is the socio-economic barriers that many Nigerians face. High levels of poverty and unemployment mean that a large portion of the population cannot afford the costs associated with outdoor recreational activities, such as equipment, travel, and entry fees. Additionally, the economic focus on daily survival often leaves little room for leisure activities, which are perceived as non-essential luxuries. This economic constraint severely limits the ability of many Nigerians to participate in outdoor recreation.

Cultural attitudes and societal norms also play a role in the low participation rates. In some communities, outdoor recreation is not traditionally valued or encouraged, particularly for certain demographics such as women and the elderly. These cultural barriers can create an environment where outdoor activities are not seen as appropriate or beneficial, further reducing participation rates. Addressing these cultural perceptions is essential for fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment for outdoor recreation.

Environmental factors, such as climate and geography, also impact participation in outdoor activities. Nigeria’s diverse climate, ranging from arid regions in the north to tropical rainforests in the south, can pose challenges for outdoor recreation. Extreme weather conditions, such as intense heat or heavy rainfall, can make outdoor activities uncomfortable or even dangerous. Additionally, environmental degradation, such as deforestation and pollution, can reduce the availability and quality of natural spaces for recreation.

Finally, there is a lack of awareness and promotion of the benefits of outdoor recreation. Many Nigerians may not fully understand the physical, mental, and social advantages of engaging in these activities. Without adequate information and encouragement from public health campaigns, educational institutions, and community organizations, the motivation to participate remains low. Increasing awareness and providing education on the importance of outdoor recreation could help to boost participation rates and improve overall well-being.

In summary, the low participation in outdoor recreation activities in Nigeria is a multifaceted problem influenced by infrastructural deficiencies, socio-economic barriers, cultural attitudes, environmental challenges, and a lack of awareness. Addressing these issues requires a comprehensive approach that includes improving facilities, reducing economic barriers, changing cultural perceptions, mitigating environmental impacts, and increasing awareness of the benefits of outdoor recreation. By tackling these challenges, it is possible to enhance participation rates and promote a healthier, more active population.

1.3  Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine an assessment of participation in outdoor recreation activities. The specific objectives are:

  1. To determine the demographic characteristics of individuals who participate in outdoor recreation activities.
  2. To assess the frequency and duration of outdoor recreation activities among participants.
  3. To identify the motivations and barriers to participation in outdoor recreation activities.
  4. To examine the impact of access to outdoor recreation facilities on participation rates.

1.4  Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What are the demographic characteristics of individuals who participate in outdoor recreation activities?
  2. How often do participants engage in outdoor recreation activities and for how long?
  3. What motivates individuals to participate in outdoor recreation activities and what barriers do they face?
  4. How does access to outdoor recreation facilities affect participation rates?

1.5  Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Access to outdoor recreation facilities will not affect participation rates.

H1: Access to outdoor recreation facilities will affect participation rates.

1.6  Significance of the Study

  1. Health and Well-being: One of the primary reasons for assessing participation in outdoor recreation activities is the significant impact these activities have on physical and mental health. Engaging in outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, and swimming can improve cardiovascular health, strengthen muscles, and enhance overall physical fitness. Additionally, being in nature has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, contributing to better mental well-being. Understanding participation rates and barriers can help public health officials and policymakers design programs that encourage more people to take advantage of these health benefits.
  2. Environmental Awareness and Conservation: Participation in outdoor recreation activities often fosters a greater appreciation for the natural environment. When individuals spend time in nature, they are more likely to develop a sense of stewardship and a desire to protect natural resources. By assessing participation levels, researchers can identify trends and potential gaps in environmental education. This information can be used to create targeted campaigns and initiatives that promote conservation efforts and sustainable practices among outdoor enthusiasts.
  3. **Economic Impact: Outdoor recreation is a significant economic driver in many regions, contributing to job creation, tourism, and local business growth. By studying participation in these activities, researchers can quantify the economic benefits and identify opportunities for further development. For example, understanding which activities are most popular can help local governments and businesses invest in the necessary infrastructure, such as trails, parks, and rental services, to attract more visitors and boost the local economy.


  1. Social and Community Benefits: Outdoor recreation activities often bring people together, fostering social connections and a sense of community. Group activities like team sports, group hikes, and community gardening can strengthen social bonds and create a sense of belonging. Assessing participation in these activities can help community planners and organizations identify which activities are most effective in building social cohesion and where there may be a need for more inclusive or accessible options.
  2. Youth Development: Engaging young people in outdoor recreation is crucial for their development. Activities such as camping, fishing, and nature exploration can teach valuable life skills, including teamwork, problem-solving, and resilience. By assessing participation rates among youth, educators and youth organizations can better understand the barriers that prevent young people from engaging in outdoor activities and develop programs that encourage greater participation. This can lead to healthier, more active lifestyles and a lifelong appreciation for the outdoors.

Policy and Planning: Finally, assessing participation in outdoor recreation activities provides essential data for policymakers and urban planners. This information can guide the development of public spaces, such as parks and recreational facilities, ensuring they meet the needs and preferences of the community. It can also inform policies related to land use, environmental protection, and public health. By understanding how and why people engage in outdoor recreation, decision-makers can create more effective strategies to promote active lifestyles and sustainable development.

In summary, the study of participation in outdoor recreation activities is significant for a multitude of reasons, including health benefits, environmental conservation, economic impact, social cohesion, youth development, and informed policy-making. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of these factors, we can create a more active, connected, and sustainable society.

1.7  Scope of the Study

The study examines an assessment of participation in outdoor recreation activities. The study is limited selected secondary schools in Ikorodu, Lagos.

1.8  Operational Definition of Terms

  1. Assessment: An assessment is a systematic process of evaluating or measuring a particular subject, skill, or performance. It involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data to make informed decisions or judgments. In the context of outdoor recreation activities, an assessment might involve evaluating the frequency, quality, and impact of participation in these activities.
  2. Participation: Participation refers to the act of taking part or being involved in an activity or event. It implies active engagement and contribution. In the context of outdoor recreation, participation would mean individuals or groups actively engaging in activities such as hiking, camping, fishing, or other outdoor pursuits.
  3. Outdoor: The term “outdoor” pertains to activities or environments that are outside, in the open air, and not within a building or structure. Outdoor settings can include natural landscapes like forests, mountains, beaches, and parks. Outdoor activities are those that are conducted in these environments.
  4. Recreation: Recreation refers to activities that people engage in for enjoyment, relaxation, and leisure. These activities are typically done during free time and are meant to refresh the mind and body. Recreation can include a wide range of activities, from sports and games to hobbies and travel.
  5. Activities: Activities are specific actions or tasks that people do. They can be structured or unstructured and can vary widely in nature. In the context of outdoor recreation, activities might include hiking, biking, bird watching, kayaking, and other pursuits that people engage in for fun and relaxation.

These definitions should help clarify the terms and provide a better understanding of the context in which they are used, especially when discussing the assessment of participation in outdoor recreation activities.

Project – An assessment of participation in outdoor recreation activities.