1.0    Introduction

The term “information and communication technologies” (ICT) is defined as a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate and create, disseminate, store and manage information (Blurton 1999:46). It is an umbrella term that includes any communication device or application, encompassing: radio, television, cellular phones, computer and internet hardware and software, satellite systems and so on, as well as the various services and applications associated with them, such as videoconferencing and distance learning.

The key purpose of any library is to provide a quality service: access to relevant information (Buckland, 1992) to computers, information networks and software applications. These technologies are making it possible for libraries to provide a variety of library and information services to clientele. All the functions and services that academic librarians used to provide manually can be provide now through the use of ICTs which can do things better and faster. To mention some of the opportunities presented by ICTs to the librarians according to Haliso (2007) and Chisenga (2006) are:

  • Organization of information for use
  • Capacity building
  • Management information system
  • Digital libraries
  • Resource sharing / document delivery

Academic libraries are libraries in institutions of higher learning which are devoted to academic activities of their parent institutions. They support teaching, learning and research, they include university, polytechnic and college libraries. Their mission is providing quality information services and knowledge products (print and electronic) to resident community of scholars in other to function and provide timely information at a faster speed to lecturers, researchers and students, it would appear that administrators of academic libraries realized the important role information and communication technologies (ICTs) play in the job performance and so made information and communication technologies (ICTs) available to their work force.

From the global point of view, it appears that there is tacit consent that a relationship exists between use of information and communication technology and job enhancement of libraries (Ajayi, 2001). Stephen (1995) submits that the use of information technology provide significant benefits in work measurement, cost reduction, productivity improvement and better services to customers and clients.

Actually it is availability which make use possible and it is sue that make performance attainable. So, the combined effect of availability of information and communication technologies can enhance the job performance of the library staff through the application of the ICTs by the librarians (Rosenberg 2005; Mphidi 2004; Chitene, 2000; Lancaster and Sandore, 1997; Siddique, 1997). This cannot be achieved unless academic libraries realize the tremendous role information and communication technologies could play to enhance effective services. Rosenberg (2005) submitted that libraries need to develop a strategic information and communication plan that would enhance the deployment of ICts in their libraries. The ICT deployment and application is done by academic librarians who are trained to man specific sectors of the library (Tenant, 1995).

In Canada, the use of ICTs and job performance of librarians is recorded. A report prepared by the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) revealed that in the year 2000/2001, academic libraries subscribed to 436, 731 electronic journals. The same report also states that librarians are leaders in using technology to transform traditional library resources and services to meet the challenge of the 21st century.

In Singapore, Chia, Lee and Yeo (1998) report that a committee was set up by the government and mandated to design an information technology plan for the nation. The National library of Singapore on its part took an initiative in ensuring all libraries especially academic libraries are ICT based. In Saudi Arabia, Siddique (1997) carried out a study on the sue of ICT in academic libraries and the finding reveals that out of the six universities surveyed majority of the libraries had internet, one kind of library software or the other, CD-ROM facility, OPAC services, FAX and E-mail services. It is eight years since Siddique carried out this study and if the same study were to be carried out today; the findings would be totally different.

1.1 Background to the Study

A layman equates the application of ICT in any profession to being online, meaning being connected to the internet, although the internet is an integral part of ICT. This study seeked to investigate many opportunities in application of ICT in Nigerian academic libraries. It is hoped that the use of ICT in academic libraries will assist both the patrons, library itself and information professionals in libraries.

Wikipedia (2018) defines Information and communication technology (ICT) as another term for information technology (IT) which stresses the role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals), computers as well as necessary enterprise software, hardware, storage, and audio-vIMSUal systems, which enable users to access, store, transmit, and manipulate information. ICT is an acronym for information and communication technology but beyond this acronym, “there is not a universally accepted definition of ICT”. This is because the concepts, methods and applications involved in ICT are constantly evolving on daily basis. A way to’ see the advantages of ICT is to consider all the uses of digital technology that already exist to help individuals, businesses and organizations. ICT covers any product that will store, retrieve, manipulate, transmit or receive information electronically in a digital form. Also ICT is an umbrella that covers any communication device or application encompassing radio, television, cellular phones, computer and network hardware and software, satellite systems and so on, as well as the various services and applications associated with them such as video conferencing and distance learning.

From these explanations, some of the application of ICT has become clear such as video conferencing and distance learning, both of which can be facilitated in, and by the academic library. Libraries must continuously improve themselves with up-to-date computer technologies (ICT) for knowledge transmission and networks. To sustain efficient services, library professionals need to have knowledge and skills in ICT techniques and handling procedures. (Janakiraman, Ormsby& Subramanian, 2015)

Other application of ICT in academic libraries includes access to online resources on the internet. such as e-journals, e-books and e-magazines, e-publishing, using CD-ROM for literature searches, access to local or network data bases on LAN {local area network) or WAN (wide area network). On the benefits of ICT Nworgu (1991) states that our standard of living today is perhaps far better than it was 100 years ago. He further states that nations that realized the indispensability of research to national development and accorded it the priority itdeserves, are today considered technologically advanced. The opportunities for the application of the ICT In an academic library especially in a developing nation like Nigeria seem endless. The application of ICT in Nigerian academic library provides access to learning resources, information and knowledge.

However, according to the European Commission(2003) in Berlin  the importance of ICT lies in the technology itself in its ability to create greater access to information and communication.

1.2 Statement of Problem

There are various studies and opinions on the use of ICT facilities for library functions in general. In Nigerian university libraries, ICT facilities where available are primarily used for various functions and are still in use now to facilitate services in their interest extremes. Hence this study is needful to identify the availability and utilization of ICT resources utilization in academic libraries.

Information communication technology (ICT) have been portrayed as double-edged saws. They have been acclaimed as very useful tools which have changed the work processes endowed both staffs and managements with skills and have advanced developments especially in developing countries in the academic and employment sector yet, they have been implicated in the skilling some staffs in renderings some categories of staffs facilities. The problem of this study is to therefore identify the extent of availability and utilization of ICT facilities by library staff from learning and research.

1.3 Scope of the Study

The study examines Application of information communication technology in the management of Nigerian academic libraries. This research topic was wide both in scope and study; therefore it could not be adequately covered. From this reason the researcher limited herself to IMSU library and the librarians and staffs within the institution to gather their views on the use of ICT in academic library in Nigeria.

The scope of study with advantage and befits on the use of ICT in their academic library. The researcher also  find out how staff  makes use of the digital facility as well as the challenges facing the use of ICT in the university library.

1.4 Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of the study was to ascertain the Application of information communication technology in the management of Nigerian academic libraries.

Specifically, the study intended to;

1) Find out the extent of availability of ICT in IMSU library.

2) Find out the extent of utilization of ICT in IMSU library

3) To establish advantages and benefits of the use of ICT in IMSU library

4) To identify the problems encountered in the use of ICT in IMSU library

5) To identify the Solutions to the problems Encountered in the use of ICT in IMSU Library

1.5Research Question

The following research questions wereused to guide the study.

1) What is the extent of availability of ICT in IMSU library?

2) To what extent is ICT resources utilized in IMSU library?

3) What are the advantages and benefits of the use of ICT in IMSU library?

4) What problems are encountered in the use of ICT in IMSU library?

5) What are the Solutions to the problems Encountered in the use of ICT in IMSU Library?

1.6 Significance of the Study

The result of this survey would help academic libraries that do not apply ICT in library routines to know the importance of ICT use in the academic libraries, and the areas ICT can be used in library day to day activities.

For libraries using ICT facilities for various operations, they will be acquainted with other areas ICT can be employed in the Library operation. Donor agencies will also be aware of the state of ICT facilities application in Nigerian university library operation and decide on the areas to assist such institutions.

1.7 Historical Background

Historical background of Imo state public library, Unuahia Imo state library from the year 1976-2011. Imo state library board came out from eastern regional library board. It was later part of eastern central library. On 3rd February 1976, more states were created in Nigeria and Imo state was one of those states. It was carried out of the former eastern central state.

As a result of this creation, the east central library board broke into Anambra and Imo state library board. However, it was only in September 1976, that the indigenous Imo state staff in Enugu transferred to Owerri to establish the administrative headquarters of Imo state library board. The mobility was in part because printing binding and reprography staff was the last to move by the end of September, 1976 prior to the movement, the assets and liabilities of the former east central state library board were shared. The Anambra state library board retained the buildings and fixed asset whole fiscal cash and information resources were shared consequently, Owerri divisional library which was under completion was hurriedly finished and sued as the headquarter.

The new library was opened to the public on the 12th of November, 1976 by the military governor commander Godwin Ndubuisis Kanu. The building is also designed to house on the ground floor the children’s library, the acquisition and cataloguing departments, the information consultancy unit, the staff reading room and the reprographic unit as well as the auditoria housing. There is also the handicap section which was opened by the military governor of Imo state commander Amadi Ibekweghe on 1st November, 1989 and the exhibition which was taken over by the NTA.

The first floor contains one references, circulation and adult lending section. The library began its operation with a financial provision of N564,837-66 for the financial year 1976/1977.

The sum was made up of N246,832 66 being financial inheritance from the east central state library board and N360,000 as financial addition, a sum of 500,000 was to cover its capital expenditure for the year 1877.

The library started its operation with a total of 150 staffs and a stock of 1,350 volumes. At present the total staff is 108 December 2006 and June 2007, the staff strength is 112.

The history will be incomplete without mentioning the carving out of Abia state from Imo state in September 1991. The resultant effect of this emergence of Abia state library board. This led to the sharing of assets and liabilities between the new Imo state library board and Abia state library board. This sharing was completed in November 1991. It is worthy of note that most of the divisional libraries and branch libraries want Abia state out of 17 divisional and branch libraries, Imo state library board inherited only 7.


1.8 Definition Of Terms  

The following are defined to make the indepth understanding of the study:

ICT: Information Communication Technology

Awareness: Knowledge gained through one’s own perceptions or by means of information, enlightenment.

Utilization: The act of using

Learning: The act, process or experience of gaining knowledge or skill

Research: Scholarly or scientific investigation or inquiry

Motivation: is concerned with what energizes human behavior is maintained or sustained to achieve organizational goals improved staff production and low turnover (Onwubiko, 2004)

Personnel: is a staff or employees of an organization (Nwachukwu, 2005)

Relics: The materials of the evidence of something which has caused to exist or surviving from a paragraph.

Artifacts: There are man-made objects that provide evidence of an ancient culture, a work of art, it stressing, its character as a product or making a structure.

Preservation: the process of keeping something in it original state or in a good condition.

Conservation: The prevention of loss, waste, damage, or the case and management of materials for effective use and to last long.

Archives: Public records or historical document kept in a recognized repository of document which formed part of official references; these include document specially made for and those included in an official transaction.

Archival Document: A document which is expected to be kept permanent as near as possible in its original form, for the evidence which might attend both itself and in its context.

Archivist: A person whose job is to develop and manage an archive.

Records – Centre: A record also called limbo is an intermediate record depository which receives, stores services, process and provides security for records that are sufficiently active to be retained in office space but are not fresh to be returned.