Project – Assessment of material waste management in building constructions sites in Imo state

Project – Assessment of material waste management in building constructions sites in Imo state


1.0                                             INTRODUCTION

  • Background of the study

Generally, a very high level waste is known to exist in construction sites. Although, it is difficult to systematically measure all the waste construction sites practical studies from the various countries have confirms that waste represent a relatively percentage of production cost. However, many assumptions still exist on the reasons of  waste in construction on site and how  it can be managed.

In construction management the 4ms (material, man power, money and machine) play crucial role, attempt has also been made to find reasons of material wastages in construction sites and how it can be minimized. More also, considering the type of housing project, building materials account for 60% to 70% of the total project cost through material wastage management function, we can reduce the overall cost by wastage minimization or maximum utilization of resources (materials).

A wide range of measure have been used for monitoring waste such as excessive consumption of material (skyoyless 1990, bassiuk and brouwer, 1995) quality failure costs (Gandle, 1991) ect waste management in the construction site is important not only from perspective of efficiency but also from the perspective of the concerns has been growing in recent years about the adverse effect of the waste of building materials on construction and quality delivery.

Inadequately material waste management is easily identified by material degage or excessive wastage on site excessive reward for materials, poor  handling and distribution practice, productivity problems apparent in high loss and low profitability very often, there is a close relationship between site performance and material wastage this is because with effective performance and waste management on figure will be small but as standard falls, the proportion of apparent wastage profitability wherein the project work.

But then what is waste. From my research and study is the different between goods delivered and those placed/utilized or properly fixed into the construction process.

It is also goods of the work so that they are not a total less. Inefficiently should be considered when explaining waste for examples, delay and determination of work when damaged or when unsling materials are replaced.

Finally, material that mostly generates waste on site are those incorporated into building of sand gravel, cement, tuber, steel, block, glass and rebar  etc.. while materials like scaffold, machines and other building construction equipment (mixture, batching, plants) which are formally removed from site after construction cannot generate what accepted globally as material waste in construction sites, rather these ones, are regarded as losses to the owner if damaged.

  • Statement of the Problem

Effective minimization of waste contribution to profit maximization which is the reason for existence of most construction companies. Despite the serious threat that the waste poses to be profit objective of most construction firms, no serious attention is paid to identify factors that contributes project significantly include the cost of waste. Unfortunately, most constructors have failed to initiate increase to reduce wastage of material on site.

This study was therefore undertaken in order to assess the impact of material waste management in building construction sites in Imo State.

  • Aim and Objectives of the Study

The specific aim of this study is to asses material waste, management in construction sites in view of reducing waste and maximizing profit and to obtain complete optimization of the construction process of first attempt the general objectives of the study are as follows.

  1. To identify the factors that contributes to waste generation in construction sites.
  2. To suggest measures used to manage materials on site in order to reduce waste and improve quality project delivery.
  3. To identify the main barriers to material waste reduction in building construction site.
    • Significance of the Study

This thesis is meant to draw attention to those in the construction industry to know the factors that shoots up cost of construction so that they can reduce the waste level and as such improve productivity.

They study also intends to make some contribution to the understanding of construction waste management through the application of some important but neglected principles. Also development of policies and rules in the management of construction waste.

  • Research Questions

The following questions were put in order to help in the achievement of the objective used above

  1. What factor contributes to waste generation in construction sites?
  2. What are the measures that should be used to manage materials on site in order to reduce waste and improve quality project delivery.
  3. What are the main barriers to waste reduction in building construction site?
    • Scope of Delimitation of the Study

The scope of this study covers the assignment of the impact of material waste management in construction sites in Imo state.

  • Limitation of the Study

In the course of carrying out this research work, the researcher had some limitations. The major constraints were:

Financial Limitation: Due to limited finances, the researcher was not able to gather all the information necessary for the research work. Also, lack of sufficient money for transportation and extensive exploration of other institutions of higher learning made this work deficient in rich literature.

Insufficient Time: The specific time for the completion and subsequent submission of a research work as essential and vital as this made it difficult to be through as it should be.

  • Definition of Terms

Handling: The action of organizing and controlling something i.e. a way of dealing with something or a situation.

Management: According to George R. Terry, management is a distinct process consisting of planning, organizing, controlling and actuating, performed to determine and accomplish stated objectives by the use of human beings and other resources.

Construction: The oxford advanced learners dictionary defined this as a process/method of building or making something.

Site: A piece of land where a proposed building will be located.

Storage: The act of keeping goods safe and protected so as to maintain its effectiveness.

Optimization: The design and operation of a system or process, to make it as good as possible in some defined sense.

Project – Assessment of material waste management in building constructions sites in Imo state