Project – Carcass performance and organ weight characteristics of f1 progenies of fulani ecotype and frizzled feather crossbred with Arbor Acre chickens

Project – Carcass performance and organ weight characteristics of f1 progenies of fulani ecotype and frizzled feather crossbred with Arbor Acre chickens



Poultry plays important roles in human economy through provision of food, wealth and jobs for our teaming population (Alders et al., 2019). Poultry production is one of the best available domestic animals reared for the purpose of animal protein (meat or egg). Poultry production plays an important role in livestock industries. It is considered as a way of livelihood and achieving a certain level of economic developments by providing income, manure and also helps in keeping the environment clean by scavenging on insect, weeds and waste (Vaisanenet al., 2005). Poultry production is considered the fastest way to reduce the incidence of protein deficiency in Nigeria (Obasoyaet al., 2005).Considering superiority in the health aspect of meat, poultry production are generally known for their great potentials in improving animal protein status because of their comparably low contents of fat, cholesterol, and iron which are of great importance in human’s diet (Adeniji, 2005).

According to Amao et al. (2019), Nigerian indigenous chickens exhibit higher fertility and hatchability under natural incubation, and adapt better to the prevailing diseases, physical conditions and indigenous management practices than exotic chickens. It is however, less productive (meat and eggs) than its exotic counterparts (Amao,2017).Many consumers relatively prefer the indigenous chicken compared to their exotic counterparts because of its leanness, lower purchasing price and the lack of religious restriction against its consumption (Jaturasithaet al., 2004). Indigenous chicken meats are capable of addressing food insecurity in rural households, creating opportunity for smallholder farmers to rely on it for nutritional requirements in order to meet the increasing world population requirement of 35g of animal protein source per caput per day recommended by (FAO, 2006).

The significance of broiler production in Nigeria cannot be over emphasized, as it plays a very important role in supply of protein for human’s consumption. The broiler industry has undergone tremendous development over the years in terms of genetics, breeding and evolution of different breeds for commercial purposes, where they grow within short time to give quality meat (Ikusikaet al., 2020; Abdollahiet al., 2017; Donohue 2015). There has been intense genetic selection for economically important traits such as body weight, growth rate, feed efficiency, and ultimately traits associated with carcass-processing characteristics, which have contributed to the increases in productivity and efficiency obtained in the broiler industry (Uhlíováet al., 2018; Puchalaet al., 2015).

Researchers have reported that the indigenous chicken possesses great potentials for genetic improvement through breeding programmes such as selection and/or crossbreeding (Adedeji et a.,2006). Adebambo, et al. (2010) Stated that crossbreeding of native stock with exotic commercial birds will take advantage of artificial selection of productivity in the exotic birds and natural selection for hardiness in the indigenous birds. It is also expected that the optimal crossbred chicken would have higher growth rate, feed conversion efficiency, reproductive and carcass performance without sacrificing adaption to the local environment (Adebambo et al 2010). Genetic progress in poultry is rated in measures of body growth (body weight and linear body traits) and carcass conformation.

Among the various aspects in poultry science, improvement in genetic makeup by various breeding methods, such as crossbreeding to improve the carcass characteristics and meat quality is an important aspect.

Crossbreeding has been a major tool for the development of present-day commercial breeds of chickens (Devankaret al., 2018) and could likewise be used to improve the rural chicken. Comparatively, little research and development work has been done to show that crossbred poultry have higher feed efficiency and lower mortality as compared to purebreds and these two factors play a very important role in increasing profits in poultry production (Arora et al., 2011). Poultry meat is of good quality if it fully meets consumer expectations and modern consumers seek meat that is low in fat, tender and juicy with good flavour and aroma.

Poultry meat is considered as healthy, nutritious, safe and affordable choice among the available meat sources regardless of economic status of the consumer (Padhi and Chatterjee, 2013).The information on some of the carcass quality factors like eviscerated yield, abdominal fat, giblet and proportion of various cuts is important from consumer’s point of view as well as for benefits to producers by predicting the yields and to assess the economic return (Ahmed et al.,2006; Mondal et al., 2007). Intensive poultry meat industry relies on commercial animals (hybrids) obtained from few selected lines; this results in a loss of biodiversity and limits the preservation of several local populations to hobby or fancy farmers (Cassandroet al., 2015). Local chicken breeds may, however, represent a source of genes for future breeding strategies and research (De Marchiet al., 2006), and their conservation has become an important issue for the international scientific community (FAO, 2007).

The indigenous chicken possesses great potentials for genetics improvement through breeding programme such as selection and crossbreeding (Adedeji et al., 2018). An indigenous chicken is a supply of heterogeneous genetic material which differs in adult body size, plumage and weight which are often found in an extensive.

However, pacify studies are currently available in the literature investigating the carcass characteristics of meat features of crossbred chickens originated from the mating of Nigerian indigenous local breeds with commercial broiler lines. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the Carcass Performance and Organ Weight Characteristic of F1 Progenies of Frizzled feather chicken and Fulani ecotype crossbred with Arbor Acre.


As the demand for chicken products continues to grow, it is important to improve the quality of poultry production. One way to do this is by understanding how the carcass performance and organ weight characteristics of chickens are affected by crossbreeding. This will help us to develop better breeding programs that will increase the efficiency and sustainability of poultry production. Despite that, many consumers relatively prefer the indigenous chicken compared to their exotic counterparts because of its leanness, lower purchasing price and the lack of religious restriction against its consumption. Proportions of major carcass tissues and distribution of these tissues throughout the carcass is important to carcass value. By understanding how different breeds of chickens affect the physical and biological characteristics of their offspring, results in healthier and more productive chickens. This will ultimately benefit the poultry industry and the consumer of chicken products.



The objective of this study is to evaluate the carcass performance and organ weight characteristic of F1 progenies of Fulani ecotype chicken and Frizzled feather chicken crossbred with Arbor Acre Chicken.


To access carcass (shank, thigh, chest, wings, drumstick) performance and organs weight (liver, lungs, kidney, spleen, proventriculus, gizzard, pancreas, intestinal tract) characteristics of F1 progenies of Frizzled feather chicken and Fulani Ecotype crossbred with Arbor acre.

To evaluate the effect of breed on carcass (shank, thigh, chest, wings, drumstick) performance and organ weight (liver, lungs, kidney, spleen, proventriculus, gizzard, pancreas, intestinal tract) characteristics of F1 progenies of Frizzled feather chicken and Fulani Ecotype crossbred with Arbor acre.

To evaluate the interaction effect of breed and sex on the carcass (shank, thigh, chest, wings, drumstick) performance and organ weight ((liver, lungs, kidney, spleen, proventriculus, gizzard, pancreas, intestinal tract) characteristics of F1 progenies of Frizzled feather chicken and Fulani Ecotype crossbred with Arbor acre.

Project – Carcass performance and organ weight characteristics of f1 progenies of fulani ecotype and frizzled feather crossbred with Arbor Acre chickens