Project – Causes of decline in attending prayer meeting– A case study of Housing Church

Project – Causes of decline in attending prayer meeting– A case study of Housing Church



  • Background to the Study

The decline in attendance at prayer meetings has been a subject of concern for many Christian congregations worldwide. Various scholars have attributed this trend to both internal and external factors influencing church members’ commitment to communal prayer. According to Cobb (2015), a general decline in religious participation in Western societies has been linked to cultural shifts, such as the increasing emphasis on individualism and secularization. People are now more likely to prioritize personal time over communal religious activities, a trend that can be observed in the Housing Church. The tension between modern lifestyles and traditional religious obligations has led to a decrease in attendance at regular prayer meetings, particularly those held during weekdays or late hours.

One significant factor contributing to the decline is the shifting socio-cultural environment in urban settings. Housing Church, like many congregations in urban areas, faces the challenge of members balancing busy work schedules, family obligations, and other social commitments. This is consistent with the findings of Milligan and Bracke (2019), who argue that work demands, particularly in cities with high living costs, make it difficult for individuals to commit to communal religious events. Furthermore, the rise of digital technology and virtual meetings has created a paradox where some church members may prefer engaging in personal, private worship from home rather than attending communal prayer meetings (Smith & Lee, 2020).

Another critical factor influencing attendance at prayer meetings is the perceived relevance and spiritual benefit of such gatherings. Research by Vanderstoepe and Smith (2017) suggests that congregants’ engagement with church activities, including prayer meetings, declines when they perceive the spiritual content or format to be unengaging or outdated. In the case of Housing Church, traditional forms of prayer meetings might not resonate with younger, more tech-savvy members who prefer more dynamic or contemporary forms of worship (Johnson, 2018). This generational divide is significant, as younger church members may also seek a more individualistic approach to spirituality, using apps or online resources rather than attending in person.

Further complicating this issue is the decline in spiritual commitment among certain demographics. A study by Boda and Kowalski (2020) highlights that spiritual disengagement among younger adults in urban environments has contributed to a steady decline in traditional forms of religious participation, such as prayer meetings. They note that for many millennials and Gen Z, there is a growing preference for personalized worship experiences, with many opting for online devotions or smaller, informal prayer groups rather than structured meetings at church. This shift may be exacerbated by perceptions that the church is not addressing contemporary societal issues in a way that feels authentic or relevant to younger generations.

Moreover, the internal dynamics of the Housing Church itself may contribute to the decline in prayer meeting attendance. Leadership style and church culture play a crucial role in fostering or inhibiting participation in church activities. Research by Wong and Johnson (2017) suggests that churches with authoritarian or overly rigid leadership structures tend to see lower participation rates in prayer meetings, as members may feel disengaged or unwelcome. On the other hand, churches that encourage open discussion, active participation, and a sense of community tend to foster more consistent engagement in prayer and other religious activities. Housing Church’s leadership style and efforts to adapt to modern worship trends could, therefore, significantly influence the turnout for prayer meetings.

Lastly, the global pandemic has had a significant impact on the dynamics of religious participation, further exacerbating the decline in attendance at prayer meetings. While many churches transitioned to online services during the pandemic, the post-pandemic period has seen a continuation of this trend, with people opting for virtual worship rather than returning to physical attendance (Smith & Lee, 2020). The Housing Church, like many others, may be facing a challenge in re-engaging members who became accustomed to attending virtual prayer meetings. According to Hall (2021), this shift is partly due to convenience, as virtual meetings allow individuals to participate without the constraints of time and location. This may be particularly true for members with young families or those in demanding professions who find it difficult to attend in person.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

The decline in attendance at prayer meetings within the Housing Church is a growing concern that warrants deeper reflection and intervention. Prayer is a fundamental aspect of Christian worship and fellowship, as underscored in scripture. However, despite its importance, many church members have become disengaged from regular prayer meetings. This phenomenon has led to a weakening of communal prayer life, which is crucial for nurturing spiritual growth, building unity, and experiencing God’s presence. According to Acts 2:42, the early church “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” This passage illustrates the importance of communal prayer as a central element of the Christian faith. The decline in attendance at prayer meetings can be seen as a departure from this early model of worship, signaling potential spiritual consequences for individuals and the broader church community.

The issue at hand is multi-faceted, with a variety of factors influencing the decreasing participation in prayer meetings. One of the primary causes is the increasing individualism within modern society, particularly in urban areas like where Housing Church is located. Many members seem to prioritize personal schedules, work obligations, and recreational activities over communal worship. As Paul writes in Philippians 2:4, “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” The lack of commitment to collective spiritual practices such as prayer meetings could be seen as a neglect of this biblical admonition to prioritize the needs and well-being of the faith community. The busy, fragmented lifestyles of members may contribute to the challenge of maintaining regular participation in prayer meetings, undermining the church’s ability to gather as one body in prayer.

Another issue contributing to the decline is the perception that prayer meetings are no longer relevant or meaningful in the lives of some congregants. This challenge echoes Jesus’ own criticism in Matthew 15:8: “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.” Despite the outward observance of religious activities, if prayer meetings are perceived as mundane or spiritually unfulfilling, members may disengage from them. This disconnect between external participation and internal engagement can lead to a decline in attendance. Furthermore, the lack of spiritual depth and vitality in prayer meetings can foster feelings of apathy among churchgoers, making them less inclined to attend regularly. The apostle Paul, in Ephesians 6:18, exhorts believers to “pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.” A lack of spiritual fervor and diverse prayer experiences in prayer meetings may diminish the desire to gather and pray as a body.

The generational divide within Housing Church also exacerbates the decline in prayer meeting attendance. Younger church members, particularly Millennials and Generation Z, tend to prefer more informal, personal expressions of spirituality, including online resources and smaller, casual prayer groups. This demographic shift is reminiscent of the warning in 2 Timothy 4:3-4: “For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.” In this context, younger members may be less inclined to engage with traditional prayer meetings, which they perceive as outdated or irrelevant, and may instead seek more flexible, individualized forms of worship. The challenge for Housing Church is how to bridge this generational gap and make prayer meetings meaningful for all age groups, fostering a sense of shared purpose and unity in prayer.

Moreover, the decline in prayer meeting attendance can be seen as a failure to fulfill the biblical call for believers to “bear one another’s burdens” (Galatians 6:2). Prayer meetings offer an essential opportunity for the church community to come together, intercede for one another, and support each other spiritually. When prayer meetings are neglected, the church fails to function as the body of Christ in the way God intended. The lack of prayerful intercession can lead to spiritual isolation and a weakening of the bonds between members. The absence of a consistent, collective prayer life can make it harder for the church to discern God’s will and direction, leading to a lack of spiritual vitality within the congregation.

Finally, the impact of the global pandemic cannot be overlooked in understanding the decline in prayer meeting attendance. Many churches, including Housing Church, shifted to virtual services and prayer meetings during lockdowns, and some members have become accustomed to the convenience of online participation. Hebrews 10:25 warns against forsaking the assembling of believers: “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” While virtual prayer meetings provided a temporary solution during the pandemic, they cannot replace the richness and depth of in-person fellowship. The challenge for Housing Church is to reinvigorate the desire for in-person prayer meetings, where members can experience the power of gathering together in God’s presence. As the church looks to the future, it must find ways to restore the value of communal prayer while addressing the unique challenges posed by modernity and changing societal conditions.

1.3. Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the causes of decline in attending prayer meeting’– A case study of Housing Church. The specific objectives are:

  1. To identify the main reasons why members of Housing Church are attending prayer meetings less frequently.
  2. To analyze the impact of changes in the church’s schedule or format on attendance at prayer meetings.
  3. To explore the role of personal beliefs and attitudes towards prayer in influencing attendance at Housing Church.
  4. To investigate the effectiveness of current communication strategies in promoting prayer meetings to church members.


1.4. Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What are the main reasons why members of Housing Church are attending prayer meetings less frequently?
  2. How do changes in the church’s schedule or format impact attendance at prayer meetings?
  3. What is the role of personal beliefs and attitudes towards prayer in influencing attendance at Housing Church?
  4. How effective are current communication strategies in promoting prayer meetings to church members at Housing Church?

1.5. Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Personal beliefs and attitudes towards prayer will not influence attendance at Housing Church

H1: Personal beliefs and attitudes towards prayer will influence attendance at Housing Church

1.6. Significance of the Study

The significance of this study lies in its potential to address a critical issue that many churches, including Housing Church, face today: the decline in attendance at prayer meetings. Prayer is foundational to the spiritual health of the Christian community, and understanding the causes behind this decline can offer insights into how to revitalize congregational life. By investigating the factors that contribute to lower participation in prayer meetings, this study provides a framework for church leaders to develop targeted strategies that can re-engage members, especially in a rapidly changing cultural and social landscape. The findings can also contribute to broader discussions on church vitality and the role of communal worship in the 21st century.

From a biblical perspective, prayer is integral to both personal and corporate spirituality. Jesus himself modeled and emphasized the importance of prayer (Matthew 6:5-6; Luke 11:1-4), and the early church is depicted as fervently devoted to prayer (Acts 2:42). The decline in prayer meeting attendance signals a potential breakdown in this vital aspect of church life. By exploring the causes, this study will help the Housing Church reconnect its members to this scriptural mandate, ensuring that prayer remains a central, transformative part of their collective worship. Understanding these causes also provides the church with an opportunity to realign its ministry with the biblical priority of prayer, fostering a deeper spiritual life among its members.

In addition, the study holds significance for church leadership, offering valuable data on how to lead more effectively in times of change. Church leaders often struggle to understand why members disengage from key spiritual activities, and this study seeks to uncover the underlying issues. Whether the causes are socio-cultural, generational, or related to church culture, the insights gained will enable Housing Church leaders to adopt more contextualized approaches to prayer ministry. As Paul exhorted Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:2, church leaders are called to “preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.” This research will empower leaders to guide their congregation with greater understanding and wisdom, addressing the challenges that prevent engagement in prayer meetings.

This study is also significant for the broader church community as it offers lessons that can be applied beyond Housing Church. Many churches, particularly in urban settings, are grappling with similar issues related to prayer meeting attendance and overall congregational engagement. By examining the Housing Church context, this study can provide a model for other congregations experiencing similar challenges. Furthermore, the findings can inform the development of resources and strategies for churches worldwide, fostering a more global conversation on how to enhance prayer meetings and encourage deeper spiritual engagement within the body of Christ.

The decline in prayer meeting attendance has far-reaching implications for the spiritual health and unity of a congregation. Prayer meetings are not only about individual growth but also about communal strengthening, as believers come together to intercede for one another, share burdens, and seek God’s guidance. This study is significant because it aims to restore the sense of community and mutual care that prayer meetings can offer. By identifying the root causes of attendance decline, the church can take steps to address any disconnect within the community and foster a more vibrant, supportive environment. In doing so, the church will be better positioned to fulfill its biblical calling to “pray for one another” (James 5:16) and build a spiritually mature congregation.

Finally, this research holds spiritual significance in its potential to reignite a passion for prayer within Housing Church and other communities. Prayer is not merely a ritual or a tradition, but a means by which believers communicate with God, align themselves with His will, and receive strength for life’s challenges. As the Apostle Paul reminds the church in Thessalonica, “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Prayer meetings, when revitalized, can be powerful spaces for encountering God’s presence and experiencing transformation. By investigating why members have become disengaged, this study will contribute to a deeper understanding of how to cultivate an atmosphere of prayer that is spiritually enriching, participatory, and relevant to contemporary believers.

1.7. Scope of the Study

The study examines causes of decline in attending prayer meeting– A case study of Housing Church. The study is limited to selected five selected Housing Churches in Lagos Nigeria.

1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

  1. Causes: In the context of this study, “causes” refer to the underlying factors or reasons that contribute to a particular phenomenon or issue—in this case, the decline in attendance at prayer meetings. These causes can be multifaceted, including social, cultural, spiritual, and personal factors that influence the behavior and choices of church members. Understanding the causes helps identify the root problems that need to be addressed to reverse the decline.
  2. Decline: “Decline” refers to a gradual or significant decrease in something over time. In this study, it specifically pertains to the diminishing attendance at prayer meetings within the Housing Church. This term implies that there has been a noticeable reduction in the number of participants, which could be due to various reasons, including changing social trends, shifts in spiritual priorities, or external pressures on church members.
  3. Attending: “Attending” means the act of being present at an event or gathering. In this context, it refers to the act of church members physically (or virtually, in some cases) being present at prayer meetings. This term emphasizes participation and engagement in a communal activity, which is central to the church’s practices of worship and spiritual growth.
  4. Prayer Meeting: A “prayer meeting” is a scheduled gathering of believers for the purpose of praying together. These meetings are often held regularly and are a space where individuals unite to pray for various needs—whether personal, communal, or global. Prayer meetings can take place in a variety of settings, from church sanctuaries to small groups in homes. They serve as a form of corporate worship, where believers come together to seek God’s guidance, intercede for one another, and deepen their faith through prayer.
  5. Housing Church: “Housing Church” refers to a specific Christian congregation that is the focus of this study. The name “Housing Church” could imply a church that serves a particular residential community, such as a congregation in a housing complex, urban area, or a church that is involved with housing-related social ministry (e.g., providing services or support to people in residential settings). The term here signifies a particular local church community whose members are experiencing a decline in attendance at prayer meetings, which is being explored in the context of this research.

Project – Causes of decline in attending prayer meeting– A case study of Housing Church