Project – Challenge and prospect of the availability and utilisation of information communication technology in process information resources

Project – Challenge and prospect of the availability and utilisation of information communication technology in process information resources



  • Background to the Study

The integration of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in processing information resources has been a transformative force across various sectors. However, the journey towards seamless ICT adoption is fraught with challenges. One significant challenge is the digital divide, which refers to the gap between those who have easy access to digital technologies and those who do not. This divide is often influenced by factors such as socioeconomic status, geographic location, and educational background. For instance, rural areas and developing countries frequently face infrastructural deficits that hinder ICT deployment (Norris, 2001). Consequently, the disparity in ICT access can exacerbate existing inequalities, limiting the potential benefits of ICT in information processing.

Another challenge is the issue of cybersecurity. As organizations increasingly rely on ICT to manage and process information, they become more vulnerable to cyber threats. Cybersecurity breaches can lead to significant data loss, financial damage, and erosion of trust among stakeholders (Anderson & Moore, 2006). The complexity of modern cyber threats necessitates robust security measures, which can be costly and require specialized expertise. This creates a barrier for smaller organizations or those with limited resources, impeding their ability to fully leverage ICT.

Despite these challenges, the prospects for ICT in processing information resources are promising. Advances in technology continue to enhance the capabilities and efficiency of ICT tools. For example, cloud computing offers scalable and flexible solutions for data storage and processing, making it easier for organizations to manage large volumes of information (Armbrust et al., 2010). Additionally, the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms has the potential to revolutionize information processing by automating complex tasks and providing deeper insights from data (Russell & Norvig, 2016).

Moreover, the increasing affordability and accessibility of ICT devices and services are gradually bridging the digital divide. Initiatives aimed at improving digital literacy and providing affordable internet access are crucial in this regard. For instance, programs like Google’s Project Loon and Facebook’s aim to provide internet connectivity to underserved regions, thereby expanding the reach of ICT (West, 2015). These efforts are essential for ensuring that the benefits of ICT are more equitably distributed.

The role of policy and regulation is also critical in shaping the landscape of ICT utilization. Governments and regulatory bodies need to create conducive environments for ICT adoption by implementing supportive policies and frameworks. This includes investing in ICT infrastructure, promoting digital literacy, and ensuring data privacy and security (Bertot, Jaeger, & Grimes, 2010). Effective regulation can help mitigate some of the challenges associated with ICT, such as cybersecurity risks and the digital divide, thereby fostering a more inclusive and secure digital ecosystem.

Furthermore, while the availability and utilization of ICT in processing information resources present several challenges, the prospects remain optimistic. Technological advancements, coupled with strategic initiatives to improve accessibility and robust policy frameworks, can significantly enhance the potential of ICT. By addressing the digital divide and cybersecurity concerns, and by fostering an environment conducive to ICT adoption, we can unlock the transformative power of ICT in processing information resources, driving innovation and efficiency across various sectors.

  • Statement of the Problem

The rapid advancement of Information Communication Technology (ICT) has revolutionized the way information is processed, stored, and disseminated across various sectors. However, the availability and utilization of ICT in processing information resources present a myriad of challenges and prospects that need to be thoroughly examined. One of the primary issues is the digital divide, which refers to the gap between those who have access to modern ICT tools and those who do not. This divide can be attributed to factors such as economic disparities, geographical limitations, and educational inequalities. Consequently, organizations and individuals in underprivileged areas may struggle to leverage ICT effectively, thereby hindering their ability to process information resources efficiently.

Another significant challenge is the rapid pace of technological change, which can render existing ICT infrastructure obsolete within a short period. Organizations often face difficulties in keeping up with the latest advancements due to the high costs associated with upgrading hardware and software. Additionally, the constant evolution of technology necessitates continuous training and skill development for employees, which can be both time-consuming and resource-intensive. This dynamic environment can create a sense of uncertainty and reluctance among organizations to invest heavily in ICT, thereby limiting their ability to fully utilize these tools for processing information resources.

Data security and privacy concerns also pose substantial challenges in the utilization of ICT for processing information resources. With the increasing volume of data being generated and shared, the risk of cyber-attacks and data breaches has escalated. Organizations must implement robust security measures to protect sensitive information, which can be a complex and costly endeavor. Moreover, stringent data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), require organizations to adhere to strict compliance standards, further complicating the process of managing and utilizing ICT effectively.

Despite these challenges, the prospects of ICT in processing information resources are promising. The integration of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and big data analytics has the potential to transform the way information is processed and utilized. These technologies can enhance the accuracy, efficiency, and speed of data processing, enabling organizations to make more informed decisions and gain a competitive edge. Furthermore, the proliferation of cloud computing offers scalable and cost-effective solutions for storing and managing large volumes of data, making ICT more accessible to organizations of all sizes.

The increasing emphasis on digital literacy and education also bodes well for the future of ICT utilization in processing information resources. Governments, educational institutions, and private organizations are investing in initiatives to bridge the digital divide and equip individuals with the necessary skills to navigate the digital landscape. By fostering a digitally literate workforce, organizations can better harness the potential of ICT to process and manage information resources effectively.

Furthermore, while the availability and utilization of ICT in processing information resources present several challenges, the prospects are equally compelling. Addressing issues such as the digital divide, technological obsolescence, and data security concerns is crucial for maximizing the benefits of ICT. With continued advancements in technology and a focus on digital literacy, organizations can overcome these challenges and unlock the full potential of ICT in transforming information processing and management.

1.3. Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine the Challenge and prospect of the availability and utilisation of information communication technology in process information resources. The specific objectives are:

  1. To identify the current challenges faced in accessing and utilizing ICT in processing information resources.
  2. To assess the benefits and opportunities that ICT can provide in improving the efficiency of processing information resources.
  3. To analyze the impact of technological advancements on the availability and utilization of ICT in processing information resources.
  4. To explore the strategies and best practices for overcoming barriers to the effective use of ICT in processing information resources.
  • Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

  1. What are the current challenges faced in accessing and utilizing ICT in processing information resources?
  2. What benefits and opportunities can ICT provide in improving the efficiency of processing information resources?
  3. How do technological advancements impact the availability and utilization of ICT in processing information resources?
  4. What strategies and best practices can be explored for overcoming barriers to the effective use of ICT in processing information resources?

1.5. Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho:  Technological advancements has no impact on the availability and utilization of ICT in processing information resources

H1:  Technological advancements has impact on the availability and utilization of ICT in processing information resources

1.6. Significance of the Study

The significance of studying the challenges and prospects of the availability and utilization of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in processing information resources cannot be overstated. In today’s digital age, ICT plays a pivotal role in the efficient management and dissemination of information. Understanding the barriers and opportunities in this domain is crucial for organizations, educational institutions, and governments aiming to leverage technology for enhanced productivity and decision-making. By identifying the challenges, stakeholders can develop targeted strategies to overcome them, ensuring that ICT resources are effectively utilized to meet organizational goals.

One of the primary challenges in the availability of ICT resources is the digital divide, which refers to the gap between those who have access to modern information and communication technology and those who do not. This divide can be due to various factors, including economic disparities, geographical limitations, and lack of infrastructure. Studying this aspect is significant as it highlights the need for policies and initiatives that promote equitable access to ICT, ensuring that all individuals and organizations can benefit from technological advancements. Addressing the digital divide is essential for fostering inclusive growth and development in the information age.

Another critical challenge is the rapid pace of technological change, which can make it difficult for organizations to keep up with the latest advancements. This constant evolution requires continuous investment in new technologies and training for employees to effectively utilize these tools. The study of this challenge is significant as it underscores the importance of adaptability and lifelong learning in the modern workforce. Organizations that can successfully navigate this challenge are better positioned to remain competitive and innovative in their respective fields.

On the prospect side, the utilization of ICT in processing information resources offers numerous benefits, including improved efficiency, accuracy, and accessibility of information. For instance, advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence can help organizations make more informed decisions by providing insights derived from large volumes of data. The significance of this prospect lies in its potential to transform various sectors, from healthcare and education to finance and manufacturing, by enabling data-driven decision-making and optimizing operational processes.

Furthermore, the integration of ICT in information resource management can enhance collaboration and communication within and between organizations. Tools such as cloud computing, video conferencing, and collaborative software platforms facilitate real-time information sharing and teamwork, regardless of geographical boundaries. Studying this prospect is significant as it highlights the potential for ICT to create more connected and efficient work environments, fostering innovation and improving overall productivity.

Lastly, the study of the challenges and prospects of ICT availability and utilization is significant for policy-making and strategic planning. By understanding the current landscape and future trends, policymakers and organizational leaders can make informed decisions that promote the effective use of ICT. This includes investing in infrastructure, providing training and support, and developing regulations that encourage innovation while ensuring data security and privacy. Ultimately, this study contributes to the broader goal of harnessing the power of technology to drive sustainable development and improve the quality of life for individuals and communities worldwide.

1.7.  Scope of the Study

The study examines the Challenge and prospect of the availability and utilisation of information communication technology in process information resources. The study is limited to the staff of Waziri Umaru Federal Polytechnic, Birnin Kebbi (WUFPBK).


1.8.  Operational Definition of Terms

Challenge: A challenge refers to a task or situation that tests someone’s abilities. In the context of information communication technology (ICT), a challenge might involve overcoming technical, financial, or logistical obstacles to effectively implement and use ICT systems.

Prospect: A prospect is the possibility or likelihood of some future event occurring. When discussing ICT, prospects might refer to the potential benefits and advancements that could be achieved through the effective use of technology in processing information resources.

Availability: Availability refers to the state of being able to be used or obtained. In the context of ICT, it means the extent to which ICT tools and resources are accessible to users when needed.

Utilisation: Utilisation is the action of making practical and effective use of something. In terms of ICT, it involves how effectively the available technology is being used to process and manage information resources.

Information Communication Technology (ICT): ICT encompasses all technologies used to handle telecommunications, broadcast media, audio-visual processing and transmission systems, intelligent building management systems, and network-based control and monitoring functions. Essentially, it includes any technology that facilitates the communication and processing of information.

Process: To process means to perform a series of mechanical or chemical operations on something in order to change or preserve it. In the context of information resources, processing involves the collection, manipulation, storage, and dissemination of data.

Information Resources: Information resources refer to the data and information that organizations collect, store, manage, and use. These resources can include databases, documents, records, and any other forms of data that are valuable for decision-making and operations.

Project – Challenge and prospect of the availability and utilisation of information communication technology in process information resources