Project – Correlation between Self-control and academic performance of students of Junior Secondary schools

Project – Correlation between Self-control and academic performance of students of Junior Secondary schools



1.1 Background Of The Study

Competence knowledge and performance are interrelated concept and they are the key success for individual in their career. Due to the lack of each one can face many challenges their lives. Students with the lack of any of these may face various challenges in achieving intended outcomes which have been set out by their respected institutions or the goals they have for themselves. The lack of Self-control in students may not only create problem for students but for institutions areas of thereof and in effective implementation of curriculum.

Self-control refers to the belief in oneself and his/her abilities. Self-control depicts an inner state framed of what one thinks and feels about himself/herself and his/her abilities. Self-control being an attribute of perceived self refers to an individual’s perceived ability to handle successfully the situations without relying on others and to encourage constructive selfevaluation. Self-control thus is the courage to realize oneself, trust in oneself and abilities and act effectively on the beliefs and abilities. Self-control amalgamates the capacities and the capabilities of the body and mind and directs them towards the goal. How much secure a person is in his/her own decision is described by the level of self esteem. Self-control shows the level of confidence or belief or trust one has on his/her own self and abilities. Self-control is an attitude which permits persons to be positive and realistic towards themselves and circumstances and situations of life.

Welford (2013), “Self-control means being aware of when a person is struggling and having the strength and commitment to do something about it”. Rufus (2014) “Self-control involves self-respect and having the courage to tell the truth about what you are, what you like and what you believe”. Dictionary of Psychology (2018) defines Self-control as an individual’s trust in his/her own abilities, capacities and judgements or belief that he or she can successfully face day to day challenges and demands. According to Neill (2005), self-esteem and self-efficacy in combination constitutes self esteem. Self-control is an individual’s characteristic (a self-construct) which enables a person to have a positive or realistic view of themselves or situations that they are in (Sieler, 1998). It refers to a person’s expectation of his or her ability to achieve a goal in agiven situation and is a very influential factor in ensuring a person’s potential is realised (Stevens, 2005). In other words, a person with a high Self-control has a realistic view of himself and his capabilities which makes him persistent in his endeavours.

Most of the current crisis in the educational system is due to low Self-control that leaded a number of students having lack of enough participation and unsatisfactory progress after much time spends in the class. As Norman & Hyland (2003) state confidence is a factor in learning which can have its effects on students’ participation and progress. Self-control is very necessary for a student to take risks and engage in the learning activities and those who have Self-control they are assured of their abilities and are setting goals for themselves and work hard to achieve their goals without worrying about the outcomes (Kanza, 2016).

Mutluer (2006) & Yavuzer (1998) (as cited in Sara, Avcu & Isiklar 2010) assert that human is born with selfconfidence but it is changeable during the age Students’ Self-control can be lowered due to students’ anxiety, self-insecurity, fear and feeling of being apart from the society (Rubio, 2007). According to Benabou & Tirole (2002), Self-control is very effective in motivating humans and can lead to changing human’s behavior. The Self-control should be considered as the quality of a student in which the student feels him/herself assured of successfully performing of different activities in the class and out of the class for the purpose of learning. However, the impact of Self-control in learning process the researcher means that how students’ learning varies when students experience either high Self-control or low self esteem. Functionally, learning is a set of changes which are brought to the behavior of a person resulting from the experiences done by a human (Houwer, Holmes & Moors, 2013). Taylor & Mackenney (2008, p.263) defines learning as a permanent change in the behavior of an individual. They further define learning as the act of engaging students in activities and letting them get knowledge through their sharing experiences or getting information from the teacher. Self-control is defined as the believe or trust that a student has in performing something successfully (Kanza, 2016). According to Perkins (2018) Self-control is related to success, achievements in education, conciliation, and a persons’ well-being, among other things and self-efficacy, self-esteem, and self-compassion are the three factors which can affect the level of Self-control of any individual.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Although Self-control enhances a student’s motivation in learning process and its impact is explained thereof. There are various challenges exists for students with lower self esteem. For instance, Benabou & Tirole (2002) point out that there is still one big challenge that students are having as their vulnerability in learning is the lack of Self-control which can adversely affect the learning of any students. According to Rubio (2007) due to low Self-control many psychological barriers such as feeling of in secureness, fearfulness, having anxiety, and feeling yourself apart from the society are possible barriers that may arise for a student during the class which can adversely affects the performance of individual. They can consequently be leading an individual being distracted from the learning process. Based on personal experiences of the researchers, it has been observed that most of students at secodary schools having poor participation in classes. Since the participation is closely related to self esteem, this is the major concern that students’ poor performance maybe due to the lack of Self-control which can consequently affect their vulnerability in learning process.

According to Benabou & Tirole (2002) Self-control has its effect on motivation and can change humans’ behavior and is considered as a factor for students’ problem-solving skill. In addition to that Palavan (2017) states that students’ lack of Self-control can cause for students’ lack of motivation which in result can cause education become compulsory and make student show negative attitude toward learning. These are the key causes and inspirations for conducting the research.

1.3 Objectives Of The Study

The major of this study is to critically examine the relationship between Self-control and academic performance in secondary schools. By extension, this study will specifically;

  1. Ascertain whether Self-control is a significant determinant of students academic performance.
  2. Ascertain the factors which influences student’s self esteem.
  3. Determine whether there is a significant relationship between Self-control and the learning motivation of students.
  4. Determine whether there is a significant relationship between Self-control and students’ participation in the learning process.



1.4 Research Questions

The study will be guided by the following questions

  1. Is Self-control a significant determinant of students academic performance?
  2. What are the factors which influences student’s self esteem?
  3. Is there a significant relationship between Self-control and the learning motivation of students?
  4. Is there a significant relationship between Self-control and students’ participation in the learning process?

1.5 Research Hypothesis

Ho: There is no significant relationship between Self-control and students’ academic performance.

Ha: There is a significant relationship between Self-control and students’ academic performance.

1.6 Significance Of The Study

A large body of current literature related to students’ Self-control shows that in many counties many researchers, specially: Sar, Avcu & Isiklar (2010) in Turkey, Verma & Kumari (2016) in Ludhiana (Punjab), Fatma (2015) in India, Karimi & Saadatmand (2014) in Asfahan, Al-Hebaish (2012) in Saudi and Gardner, Dukes & Discenza (1993) in San Francisco has considered Self-control as an important factor for enhancing students’ learning and many efforts has been taken for developing students’ Self-control in learning while less attention is paid to this issue in Nigeria context especially, secondary schools. There is need for measuring students’ Self-control and its impact on their academic performance to fill somehow the existed gap. This study will add to the existing literature of students’ Self-control through conducting a study related to students’ Self-control with a different population in different research cite. In addition to that, this study will benefit the ministry of higher education, curriculum designers, policy makers, teachers, and students in identifying the causes of their lower performance and possible solutions to exist in effective curriculum implementation. Moreover, this study will also help school teachers and students and other related organizations who deal and care with students’ self esteem. This study will give a clear picture of the  students’ Self-control level and its effects in learning process to the thereof sectors.

1.7  Scope Of The Study

This study is to critically examine the relationship between Self-control and academic performance in secondary schools. The study will also unveil the factors which affects students confidence. Geographically, this study will be delimited to some selected secondary schools in Lekki, Lagos State.

1.8. Limitation Of The Study

Like in every human endeavour, the researcher encountered slight constraints while carrying out the study. Insufficient funds tend to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature, or information and in the process of data collection, which is why the researcher resorted to a limited choice of sample size. More so, the researcher simultaneously engaged in this study with other academic work. As a result, the amount of time spent on research will be reduced.

1.9 Definition Of Terms

Self esteem

Self-control refers to an individual’s perceived ability to act effectively in a situation to overcome and to get things go all right.

Academic Participation

This is the degree to which students engage in educational learning tasks (such as school-related assignments and learning activities) in the process of formal education.

1.10 Organization of the Study

The study is categorized into five chapters. The first chapter presents the background of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study, research questions and hypothesis, the significance of the study, scope/limitations of the study, and definition of terms. The chapter two covers the review of literature with emphasis on conceptual framework, theoretical framework, and empirical review. Likewise, the chapter three which is the research methodology, specifically covers the research design, population of the study, sample size determination, sample size, and selection technique and procedure, research instrument and administration, method of data collection, method of data analysis, validity and reliability of the study, and ethical consideration. The second to last chapter being the chapter four presents the data presentation and analysis, while the last chapter(chapter five) contains the summary, conclusion and recommendation.

Project – Correlation between Self-control and academic performance of students of Junior Secondary schools